You must know that this vixen, Daji, is a vixen with thousands of years of practice.

His cultivation base is more than a thousand years old. Think about it, John Xungang, who is facing a beautiful country that is bound by spiritual power, will definitely be able to break through this spiritual power constraint.

Then John Xungang, who is in the snow in the beautiful country, will definitely be killed by this Daji. You must know that this vixen is afraid of us.

Isn't he just here for Lin Buer now?

Lin Buer disappeared in Chaoge City for a long time before.

It may be that this vixen Daji misses our Lin Buer very much, so he saw Lin Buer appearing in Chaoge City now.

He couldn't wait to rush out of the city gate to see Lin Buer.

This vixen showed his vixen charm to the fullest, and he never let us Lin Buer go. ".

Chapter 540 Three Pinch Fingers and Meditate

"That's right, Lin Buer's beauty is really not shallow.

Just as Bai Yuekui left Lin Buer's sight here, Daji, a vixen who has practiced for thousands of years, will break out of the city.

When I came to Lin Buer, I obviously came to see Lin Buer. In this way, I can also help Lin Buer, with the help of his thousand-year practice.

Then John Xungang, a contestant from the Beautiful Country, is sure to die. Such a good thing has come so suddenly, God has helped Xia Guo.

God help us Lin Buer, it's really great, now no matter the right time and place, 217, people and harmony are all coming to our Xia Guo player Lin Buer.

It seems that the luck of our Xia Kingdom is really as we expected. "

"I didn't like this vixen before, but now I like this vixen more and more.

It is the best time for this vixen Daji to appear in Chaoge City, if he can really help our player Lin Buer.

It would be best to get rid of John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country. That's great, now this vixen finally comes in handy. "

"Needless to say, this vixen Daji is a vixen with a thousand years of cultivation, if he helps us, Lin Buer.

Wouldn't it be a breeze to kill John Xungang, a contestant from this beautiful country?

Now that the spiritual power is plain, John Xungang may not be able to match the vixen's way of resting every day.I think this thing has really turned around.

It's just the right time for this fox spirit Daki to appear. "

"Yeah, Daji, the vixen in front of me, will definitely help Lin Buer when he arrives in Chaoge City, he just looks at Lin Buer's delicate skin and tender flesh.

That's why I like it terribly. In this way, even if he sacrifices his thousand years of practice, I'm afraid he will not hesitate. For Lin Buer, he will definitely help.

Don't worry (ajbi), now the people of Xia Kingdom don't have to worry about this matter anymore. With the help of the little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, Lin Buer will definitely be able to accomplish this matter. "

"Hey, how about I say, our Lin Buer is lucky, even this vixen can take a fancy to our Lin Buer, it seems as long as he has his help.

He must be able to kill the young contestant from the beautiful country, so that he will be eliminated directly.

Don't all these treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace belong to our Xia Kingdom this time?The other players from various countries don't even think about getting a little bit of it. "

"I haven't seen the two contestants from Ah Sanguo now, Sharmad and Koli are staring at the vixen Daji.

They must also be thinking about whether to make a move or not. The two of them are really hesitant. Fortunately, they still lost to Ran Deng's disciples.

People who all have exquisite gold pagodas and Qiankun rulers and magic weapons, actually waited and watched for a long time, which is really contemptuous.

If I had those instruments, I would definitely make my law have some effect.

How can it be like them? There is no way that no one is as good as our Xia country player Lin Buer. Now our Lin Buer has the body of a sage of heaven.

I don't care about those magic tools at all. Pinch your fingers and read silently to break through the great calamity. What's the use of some magic tools?You must know what we Lin Buer got.

Chapter 540 Sitting Cross-legged

That Pangu ax had the power of law to open up the world, and to save the golden and exquisite pagoda in their hands, Lin Buer chopped it down with the axe.

It must be too late for the Qiankun of his generation to regret, wanting to come to those players from the Three Kingdoms.

Sharmad and Koli must have accepted Lin Buer's law of heaven and must have been afraid of Lin Buer's Pangu axe, so they did not dare to fight Lin Buer for a long time.

That's right, even the two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad Kohli, are still smart, as long as they don't trouble Lin Buer.

They can still live a few more days, maybe they can really get a little treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, and they are lucky. -"

Those onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were the people of Xia Kingdom.

Sure enough, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie did not disappoint the people of Xia Kingdom. They obeyed what Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui said, and left here safely.

Obviously, Lin Buer can't be distracted in this way, but looking at the vixen Daji in front of him, the money must be going to help Lin Buer when he arrives in Chaoge City.

Everyone is very happy, as long as there is this little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, with his thousand years of practice and spiritual power, he will definitely be able to kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country.

In this way, he can fully help Lin Buer, and it will be a relief for Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, the people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

Seeing all the conditions displayed on the Chaoge City Shanhaijing live broadcast interface in front of them, they were very excited at once, after all all the worries and concerns before.

Fear and fear, all the brains will disappear, and now the good luck will always belong to Xia Guo players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

Daji, the vixen in Chaoge City, finally got the approval of Aunt Baiqian, and finally let her go, so Daji has nothing to worry about.

Because he knew that as long as Aunt Baiqian acquiesced, he and Wuxin Shengren would definitely be able to get to know each other right now, the fox spirit Daji.

I saw Lin Bu'er disappearing in Chaoge City before, and I don't know where he went, and I was worried about the saint Wuxin there, and I couldn't let go.

I don't know what to do, but when Daji was worried, he saw the Wuxin saint wearing a white robe, and a powerful saint's breath crushed the entire sky over Chaoge City.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Seeing that Lin Buer was still there, sitting cross-legged with a rosary in his hand, he kept rubbing the inside of his mouth, muttering those rules.

This made the vixen Daji full of joy. It is inevitable that the unintentional saint he has been thinking about has finally returned to Chaoge City and returned to his field of vision. Can you not be happy?

. . . . . . .

It is his aunt Bai Qian who was sent to stop him now, otherwise he would have flown in front of the Wuxin sage, how could the vixen Daji not know?

Right now, Aunt Baiqian put it in Chaoge City to meet Wuxin Saint.

Is it nothing more than wanting to confuse Wuxin Saint with their demon clan's fox charm and get the Emperor Seal in Wuxin's hand?

Daji is actually very clear that Aunt Baiqian also wants to get the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, it must be for the future luck of their Qingqiu Fox Clan.

But how does the vixen Daji, who has practiced for thousands of years, know how useful the Human Emperor Seal in the hands of the Wuxin sage is?Son.

Chapter 540 Greed and Desire

Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't have just casually given that broken thing to the Wuxin sage. Now think about the Emperor Seal in Wuxin's hand.

It seems that there should be some magic power, otherwise, even Empress Nuwa, Primordial Saint and Aunt Bai Qian wanted to get the Human Emperor Seal from Wuxin Saint.

Daji was thinking in her heart, what kind of method can be used to get the Emperor's Fortune from the hands of the unintentional sage, and she must think of a plan when she sees "February [-]".

A foxy trick is the only way to do it, otherwise, how could the Wuxin sage return the things he gave away?Thinking about it, it would also anger the unintentional saint.

It also made him lose all face, since that person had already been sealed by the emperor at that time.

The most insignificant thing in the treasury of the underground palace, which was handed over to the Wuxin sage, was unexpectedly caught by the Wuxin sage.

However, what surprised the vixen Daji the most was that the Nuwa sage, the primitive sage, also fell in love with this thing, alas, forget it, let's try it anyway.

If he doesn't want to come back, he has nothing to do, but if he doesn't want to, it's his fault. Now the vixen Daji doesn't want to think about it at all.

It turns out that there is a chance to meet the Wuxin sage, which will definitely relieve the pain of lovesickness in his heart.

Anyway, even Aunt Bai Qian didn't intend to embarrass or obstruct this matter, so meeting Lin Buer now must be in accordance with Aunt Bai Qian's wishes. Besides, if you can't get it, you can't blame him entirely , but right now the vixen Daji is also clear.

Aunt Baiqian also uttered harsh words in front of her before, if she didn't get the emperor's seal from Saint Wuxin, Aunt Daji would definitely do it herself.

To kill the Wuxin sage, and then seize the Human Emperor Seal in his hand, thinking of this, now Daji is full of worries and doesn't know what to do.

Did he know that Aunt Bai Qian always kept her word, so the entire Qingqiu Fox Clan must be under the leadership of Aunt Bai Qian, with so much practice.

The thousand-year-old fox demon always obeyed Aunt Bai Qian's orders, and if he didn't obey Aunt Bai Qian's orders, he would take the Renhuang Seal from the Wuxin Saint.

With Aunt Baiqian's character, she will definitely summon Qingqiu and all the monster and fox tribes to deal with it.How can an unintentional saint do this?Think about yourself as a thousand-year-old fox demon 0......

It's impossible to be known by the Wuxin sage, and now the Wuxin sage is actually a saint's body.

It is a great honor for him to be with him, the thousand-year-old fox demon, once the Wuxin saint knows that he is a little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years.

Then the unintentional saint will definitely abandon the scene where he went away.

Now Daji, who is flying in mid-air, absolutely does not want to realize it.Now when Daji thinks of everything, everything is on her mind, and she has something to do with Wuxin Saint.

He couldn't be happy now, thinking of Nuwa Empress Yuan Tianzun and Bai Qian, he didn't know what to do with the things that his aunt explained.

Everyone wants this Human Emperor Seal to be for Empress Nuwa or 1.8 for Aunt Baiqian?Now that I think about it, it's kind of embarrassing.

After all, the Seal of the Human Emperor has not yet been obtained, and all the consequences have undoubtedly been revealed. Seeing that he is getting closer and closer to the Wuxin Saint.

Suddenly, the thousand-year-old fox demon Daji saw the figure of the Wuxin saint, and a powerful greedy desire immediately appeared in his eyes.

Watching the unintentional sage wearing a white robe.

Chapter 540 The sixth chapter reveals the breath of a saint

The whole person exudes the aura of a saint, which makes him look pleasing to the eye, so he immediately puts a ray of trouble in his heart behind him.

Don't think about it anymore, everything must be done step by step, thinking so much is helpless, "Sage Wuxin, I, Daji, have come to see Saint Wuxin.

I don't know if Saint Wuxin misses Yu, I think we haven't seen each other for many days since we parted in the underground palace of Chaoge City, I don't know if Saint Wuxin has hung up on me in his heart. "

When Daji told Lin Buer who was suspended in mid-air about this matter, she was still watching there, and Lin Buer looked at Lin Buer.

The eyes were tightly closed, and he didn't even care about it, let alone miss it, but Daji definitely didn't realize Lin 09's thoughts.

Now Daji has sensed the existence of the powerful power of the gods around Daji, Daji frowned and watched Lin Buer pinch his fingers and recite the formula.

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