He was using his power of the law of heavenly saints to contend with the power of the gods in the sky, but Daji was a fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years.

He also felt through the aura of the power of the gods that there is also a powerful saint aura, how could it be possible to crush the aura of these two saints to compete against Chaoge City here.

Now Daji was secretly surprised, not knowing what to do.

But Daji knew that the power of the law of such a powerful saint could not be manipulated in Chaoge City, otherwise the entire Chaoge City would be destroyed once it came.

I have just been favored by King Zhou in Chaoge City, and I haven't completed what the sage Nuwa told me, so this situation will appear in Chaoge City.

Then how can it work, Chaoge City must be kept first, "Wuxin Saint, I know that you are now crushing each other with the power of the law of the body of a saint.

Thinking that my Daji came here at this time, I don’t care about saints, and you definitely don’t have time to pay attention to me, Daji. How can I blame you?

In this way, I, Daji, the person below, will help you deal with it and solve the current illness, so that you can fight against that saint's body with your hands.

I don't know who the saint right now is, why can't I, Daji, see his figure? " Daji casually expressed his inner thoughts.

Because he has already sensed this powerful, powerful crushing of the saint's law, he, a little fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years, also feels very uncomfortable.

He definitely couldn't bear this potential power of law, but he saw Lin Buer under him.

The fact that John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, still competed against the powerful body of a saint must have something to do with the current player from the beautiful country, John Xungang.

Daji saw all this in his eyes, and he must be able to know that he can only help Wuxin sage right now.

Enough to win the heart of the Wuxin sage, thinking of this, he immediately expressed his thoughts to the Wuxin sage in front of him, of course, if he said that now.

The power of a saint who can pour out his hands and create all the power of his laws so high in the sky may not really be the opponent of the saint without heart.

Now Daji can only gamble there, and he must help Lin Buer first, "Also, Madam Daji, I will leave this person to you.

I don't think that He De and He Neng, a sage, can get the help of Empress Daji.

Chapter 540 Seven Days and Days

I really feel a little ashamed and dare not be ashamed. I must be extremely grateful that Empress Daji can do this for me, the unintentional saint.

I can use my hands to deal with the power crushed by this powerful saint's body. "

As soon as Lin Buer heard it in mid-air, the vixen Daji came under him.

And the contestant John Xun Ganglin Buer, who reported that he was brave enough to help him kill this beautiful country, was of course happy.

Lin Buer knew that the vixen Daji in front of him was a veritable vixen who had practiced for thousands of years.

The reason is that if he deals with what this spiritual power brings.

This restraint can definitely be broken, so as long as Daji in front of him makes a move, it is much better than Jin Xiaoserei Wujie and the others.

Lin Bu'er was so happy that he must have Daji's help now, and the matter would definitely be resolved. Thinking about it, I feel happy, but I didn't expect that the vixen in front of me was okay.

Knowing that he can help at critical moments, Lin Buer still feels quite proud in his heart.

"Look, Bai Yuekui, isn't that the vixen empress Daji next to King Chaoge Cheng Zhou?

How did he come to Chaoge City?It's really strange, he must have seen our Lin Buer come back from the outside, when our Lin Buer disappeared before.

We encountered so many dangers, and that vixen refused to help. Now that Lin Buer came back, he came all the way from Chaoge City.

It must be where I saw Lin Buer thinking about Bai Yuekui day and night, you have met your opponent. ". "

"Isn't it? Teacher's Wife Bai Yuekui.

Look at the eyes of this vixen, since he came to Lin Buer, he has never left. Now this vixen is really hateful.

His fox-charming technique is indeed quite frightening and frightening. He didn't even look at Lin Buer who was hooking there. Lin Buer didn't even blink his eyes.

I don't even look at him, he's still pretending to be affectionate, no one is as beautiful as our teacher's wife Bai Yuekui, thinking about it, Lin Buer definitely has discernment.

He can fall in love with our teacher's wife, how could Bai Yuekui be seduced by a vixen? "

Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie had already seen the vixen in front of them, Daji, falling slowly in mid-air far away outside the city of Chaoge City.

Then he came in front of Lin Buer, smiling all over his face there. He didn't know what he was talking to Lin Buer, but Jin Xiaose could guess it at a glance.

That vixen's eyes and mind are full of Lin Buer.

He must have used his specialty fox charm again to confuse Lin Buer, that's why he discovered that vixen.

Immediately said it to Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie.

Bai Yuekui also foolishly saw the vixen Da Jimu in front of him.

As expected, he has already come to his master Lin Buer.

And as Jin Xiaose said, the look is not bad (dead Zhao), and there is an additional kind of foxy technique between the brows that people can't figure out.

It made people feel a little unacceptable, especially Lei Wujie was a little overwhelmed when he saw such supernatural behavior.

If he met someone like Daji, he would definitely be disgusted.

"` ‖You two guys have a bit of conscience, think about it, he is just a little fox spirit who has practiced for thousands of years.

Chapter 540 The Fairy Who Takes Off the Fox Skin

Lin Buer is now a sage of heaven and earth, no matter how poor his vision is, how can he still fall in love with a vixen, can't he, I don't believe it.

So even if this vixen comes to Lin Buer now, what can he do?I don't feel that much, I don't feel any pressure at all.

You two don't have to say this here and I'm not angry at all. "Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said.

Of course he knew that he meant something, Bai Yuekui could see the meaning of Daji's gaze on Lin Buer.

In fact, Bai Yuekui knew it well in his heart, even if it was Lin Buerqian who had a thousand choices.

He also wouldn't take a liking to that vixen Daji, but only because of her status as a Chaoge city empress.

It can let him find what he wants in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

What's more, it can only get some bonus points for Xia Guomin, this is Lin Buer's strategy, how could Bai Yuekui not know?

So even if this vixen, Daji, came in front of him, came, came in front of Lin Buer, he didn't feel any pressure at all.

As long as it can help the people of Xia Kingdom to help Lin Buer, it is better than anything else. Anyway, this is all the wishful thinking of this vixen, and no one has any intention of coercion.

Everything is his original intention, so who can blame it?

"Well, Bai Yuekui, I think you will definitely not be angry, if you put it on the two of us, the two of us will definitely not be angry.

In fact, everyone knows that you, Bai Yuekui, are much stronger than that vixen.

That vixen only has a few thousand years of cultivation, and we Bai Yuekui is such a smart person, how can Master Lin Buer be willing to let go? "

Jin Xiaose looked at Bai Yuekui, and flattered him inappropriately, but Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose said.

He was more or less angry. I don't know why he said these words to please himself, but it always made people feel uncomfortable.

"Shut up, Jin Xiaoser, don't get angry with Mrs. Bai Yuekui here, she is much stronger than that vixen.

It's not just the vixen who is much stronger, he is not comparable to our teacher's wife Bai Yuekui at all, our teacher's wife is much stronger than him.

After all, he is a fox demon, no matter what, even if he is practicing, he has transformed into a human form for thousands of years, and he is still wearing a fox fur.

How can it be compared with our Bai Yuekui?Look at the words you said are irritating words, you can stop talking in the future.

Mistress was even angrier when she said it, she thought you were praising there, why can't I understand that what you said is not a good sentence. "

Lei Wujie heard it. When Jin Xiaoser said this, he looked quickly, looked at Bai Yuekui, saw Bai Yuekui, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Looking at the appearance of Lin Buer and the vixen in the sky all the time, Lei Wujie knew how much Bai Yuekui must mind that Jin Xiaose compared himself with the vixen.

"Master Bai Yuekui, don't be angry, I don't mean what Lei Wujie said.

It's just that my mouth is relatively stupid, and I'm not good at expressing it. In fact, what about that vixen.

Chapter 540 IX The City Is Swaying

"It's impossible to compare with my teacher's wife Bai Yuekui. Now that I think about him appearing in Chaoge City, I think he came to the city to find Lin Buer.

There must be some kind of idea, otherwise there must be something for him to come here because of such a dangerous situation in Chaoge City.

Don't you think so? "

Jin Xiaoser immediately expressed his thoughts to Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie.

It was because Jin Xiaoser knew that there were two supernatural powers in Chaoge City.

The cities around Chaoge City were trembling back and forth there, and the ground of Chaoge City under his feet had some signs of tilting and trembling.

This is the effect of being crushed by the law of the body of a saint. Jin Xiaoser feels that such a situation is happening in Chaoge City. Can a vixen who has practiced for a thousand years not feel it?

Why do you still have to come to Chaoge City to find Lin Buer now?Didn't they just fall in love with their master Lin Buer?Otherwise, it is impossible.

There is such a situation in Chaoge City right now, this little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, he can really come to Chaoge City~ without being afraid of being crushed by the power of the sage's law.

From this point of view, Jin Xiaoser felt that the vixen in front of him must have some thoughts about their master Lin Buer.

However, Jin Xiaoser also inexplicably had another thought in his heart. He always felt that such a situation had appeared in the Chaoge City in front of him.

This vixen Daji was able to come here at the risk of death, there must be other purposes.

Not only did he come for his master Lin Buer, maybe the emperor's seal was given to the vixen in front of Lin Buer and regretted it?

As soon as Jin Xiaose thought of this, he immediately expressed his thoughts to Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie in front of him, after all, he was doubting there now.

I don't know if Lei Wujie and Bai Yuekui can see it.

"Who wouldn't be able to tell Jin Xiaoser, isn't that vixen Daji just looking for our Lin Buer?

I'm guessing that it's useless for him to look at it. After all, our teacher's wife Bai Yuekui is here. Bai Yuekui is much more beautiful than that vixen. Isn't Lin Buer not sure?

He definitely won't take a liking to that vixen, even if he does come, it's just that Lin Buer used him to help the people of our country of Xia kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

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What purpose could the rest serve? "

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