But Lei Wujie looked at Jin Xiaose's eyes and wondered what was going on in this kid's mind, so Lei Wujie didn't hesitate too much.

He just said his own thoughts, after all, now they can all feel that this vixen in Chaoge City is going to Lin Buer, what purpose does he have?

. . . . . . .

Bai Yuekui must have thought the same way, "Yes, Jin Xiaoser, I think Lei Wujie is talking about this truth.

Even Mistress felt that the little fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years was going for Lin Buer, even if he went there, there was nothing he could do. After all, Mistress, I was still in Chaoge City.

Why does that little fox demon really dare to do something with Lin Buer in front of me?If he has that ability, you can see that I can't clean up properly.

Lin Buer, he certainly doesn't have the guts, don't worry, Jin Xiaose, you don't have to worry there.

Furthermore, I told you what kind of person your master Lin Buer is.

Chapter 550

Don't you know yet?How could it be that Lin Buer really didn't know what he looked like based on this vixen who had practiced for thousands of years, and was really bewildered by his vixen's art.

Jin Xiaose, I know you are always worried about this teacher, I am still very grateful to you, rest assured that nothing will happen, even if he comes now.

When you get to Lin Buer, you are just once again used by your master Lin Buer "[-]" to let him kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Doesn't this save us a lot of trouble?You must know that it is a little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, and he still has some cultivation.

With his cultivation base, he can definitely kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Otherwise, you can look at your master Lin Buer and you can't ask him for anything.

He must be able to feel that this little vixen has some effect. Bai Yuekui narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Xiaose, who heard what Jin Xiaose said.

In fact, Bai Yuekui was quite happy in his heart, after all he was able to listen to Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, the two of them said such things because they were there to care about him.

As the teacher's wife, Bai Yuekui thought about Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of him, they are still very cute.

He didn't think too much about it, after all, the vixen Daji in front of him didn't feel any sense of crisis to Bai Yuekui.

When Jin Xiaoser heard what Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie said, he could only frown, and then muttered in his mouth, "Okay.

I hope I'm thinking too much, I'm just talking casually, but I always feel that this vixen in front of me must have some purpose for coming here now.

Because he also saw Lin Buer come back before, why didn't he show up but now?I think he must not only come here for our Lin Buer.

I feel that he is doing it for Lin Bu's Second Hand's Human Emperor's Seal, it's just that you two didn't see it. Anyway, I just said something, and I don't know if it's right. "

Jin Xiaose muttered while talking, and then looked at Lin Buer and the little fox demon Daji who had practiced for thousands of years, wondering if this Daji in front of him could help.

It must be almost the same, after all, that vixen dare not refuse what Lin Buer said now, looking at Lin Buer, that vixen's eyes narrowed 0  …

It's beautiful from the heart, "I can't, Jin Xiaoser, I don't feel like you don't look at that vixen, you look at Lin Buer with different eyes.

There's so much greed out there, can't we see it?In fact, it is impossible for him to think about the seal of the emperor with the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand.

But this vixen handed it to Lin Buer himself, he didn't care about it, he just wanted to use Lin Buer to return to Chaoge City, he came to visit Lin Buer.

How great it is now, Lin Buer can use his hands to help us kill Xiao 1.8, a player from this beautiful country, so we really save a lot of trouble.

Just like what my wife said just now, the vixen in front of us has no hidden dangers at all, so we don't have to worry about it at all. Don't worry, Kim Xiaose.

It seems that the luck of the people of our Xia Kingdom is relatively strong, and the little fox demon Daji who has practiced for thousands of years in front of me can help.

Chapter 550 Exchange for Baby

Lin Buer is much better than the two of us, and the two of us don't have his thousand-year cultivation. "Lei Wujie looked at Jin Xiaoser.

Seeing him muttering, saying these irrelevant words.

Lei Wujie then told his thoughts, after all, they saw it in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City with their own eyes.

When the vixen saw that Lin Buer liked Ren Huang Yin, he didn't say anything, and handed it to Lin Buer casually.

See it or not, it doesn't matter at all. 09 cares that the emperor's seal in front of him is not worth mentioning to those treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City.

So how could it be possible for Kim Xiaose to have such an idea? "Jin Xiaoser, don't you think what Lei Wujie said makes sense?

If he didn't want to see Lin Buer, he didn't have to come. He must be here for Lin Buer right now.

That human emperor's seal has no allure for the vixen in front of him, he just came here for Lin Buer, let alone.

Even if it's that vixen Daji, if she really wants to get back the Emperor's Seal from Lin Bushou, just give it to him.

Now all the skills and luck in the Human Emperor's Seal have been swallowed up by Lin Buer, it's just an airlift display, let him take it if he wants it.

In fact, we all know what Lin Buer thinks, and he just wants to use that Renhuang seal to exchange for a better baby from Daji.

You must know that there are so many treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City and so many rare and exotic beasts in the Shan Hai Jing. If I am Lin Buer.

I will also keep this treasure and exchange it with him for other treasures. Thinking about it, it is a matter of making money without losing money, what is Lin Buer thinking in his heart.

In fact, I'm quiet in my heart, so you two don't have to worry about Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, even if it's for him, it's just an empty seal anyway. "

Bai Yuekui heard the conversation between Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, and Bai Yuekui guessed there that these two stupid guys were still thinking about this thing here.

Didn't he know that Lin Buer had already devoured the empty seal inside, and now analyzing this vixen thinking about these problems is not realistic at all.

It's better to think about whether this beautiful country player, John Xungang, can be killed by Lin Buer, or can he be killed by the hands of this Daji vixen.

At that time, if we don’t make it right, we Xia people will get some rewards and points again, that would be great! Let’s get something practical, okay? An empty seal is still dreaming about it.

"Oh, it's not so bad, what are you thinking, Jin Xiaose? If Bai Yuekui hadn't just said such a thing, I haven't realized it yet.

The Seal of Human Emperor in Lin Buer's possession is no longer useful to us, and the reason why Lin Buer kept it may be as Bai Yuekui guessed.

If you want to exchange some treasures from this Daji, or use this air transport, you can get more benefits, so he didn't throw it away.

Haven't you seen John Xungang from the Beautiful Country and Sharmad and Curley from the Three Kingdoms?They were always afraid of the Emperor's seal in Lin Bu's second hand.

So I didn't dare to do it for a long time. Jin Xiaoser's idea just now is too naive.

What a no-brainer, what am I still chatting with you here? .

Chapter 550 wait and see

If I had known earlier, I should have reacted a long time ago, let's see if it's our teacher's wife.

Everything can be seen so clearly, unlike the useless things we two are still studying here for a long time. "

Lei Wujie also looked at him speechlessly. When Jin Xiaose heard what Bai Yuekui said, it was basically the same as what Bai Yuekui had guessed.

Lin Buer must have kept it. This Human Emperor's seal is useful, if he can really use this Human Emperor's seal to cheat for something better.

Or it would be nice to be able to get some bonus points.

Now don't look at it as an empty seal! The two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, were also afraid of Lin Buer, so they didn't dare to do it for a long time.

Thinking about it now, Lin Buer is more witty.

"Xiba, look at these two contestants from our kimchi country, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie really did not disappoint the people of our kimchi country.

They will never be separated from Xia Guo's players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui. You say they are useless, and we two players will definitely not betray his master.

We have always paid more attention to unity, as you said, you don't even look at your teammates, Sharmad and Kohli are facing the players from the beautiful country.

Such a bad situation has appeared in John Xungang, and they still have the magic ear given to them by the lamp of Yuxu Palace in their hands, which is useless there.

He didn't dare to use the power of the magic weapon to save the players from the beautiful country. John Xungang still said how could our players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie be there?

I knew he would not let us down. ". "

"That's just Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, the two of them didn't dare to do anything at all, it doesn't mean they don't have such ideas.

Those people in our Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room can see clearly that you Kimchi Country just want to earn some rewards and points.

So Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie clearly wanted to make a move just now, but they were still afraid of the beautiful country players.

The powerful spiritual power bound to John Xungang is even more afraid that Lin Buer will be able to turn against them and eliminate the two of them in the future, but we can't see what he is still there to explain. "

"It's hard to say now, look at our three players, Sharmad and Kohli are already waiting to see, and they will make a move sooner or later.

Judging by their appearance, they will never give up John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Unlike Kim Xiaoser and Lei Wujie of Kimchi Kingdom who still think about the rewards and points of their own Kimchi Kingdom when it is critical, this is hopeless.

It doesn't matter if you don't want a teammate like him, just look at Sharmad and Kohli of the Three Kingdoms, they will definitely make a move, we have already seen it. "

The people in Kimchi Country in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast saw Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of them, and finally listened to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's persuasion.

(Great Zhao) Then he put down the knife in his hand and acted as if nothing had happened, which immediately let the people in Kimchi Kingdom breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing them make an unforgivable mistake, fortunately, the two players reacted in time in the last two hours.

Finally, what they were worried about before did not come true, and the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room said such words in the live broadcast room.

Chapter 550 Daji Helps the Battle

The people in the Kimchi Country were really miserable. Looking at Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of them, they finally obeyed Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

After retreating, I dared to be in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.Saying such things, after all, can't make the people of Xia Kingdom misunderstand Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie.

No matter what, it was necessary for these two players to have a good relationship with Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

No matter what, we must persist until the end of this competition to get the treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Just when the people of the Kimchi Country had just said this in the live broadcast room 217, the people of the beautiful country in the entire Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, all the topics were thrown at the people in the kimchi country.

"Okay, don't talk about that here, why don't you watch the surprise that Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room brings us, see if you have time.

Now even the vixen Daji has helped us play the players, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are there trying to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country for us.

Now it must be the worst thing for the people of the beautiful country, so all good luck will go to our Xia country.

What's the use of talking about that now, when Lin Buer makes his move, he will definitely deal with A Sanguo.

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