Sharmad and Kohli will never let them do whatever they want. "

"That's right, a player as strong as our Lin Buer Bai Yuekui is a strength that players from other countries can't possibly match.

We, Lin Buer, will definitely conquer this power of the gods, and all the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City will also belong to the people of Xia Kingdom.

Xia Guo's players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui won as for the beautiful country's player John Xungang?

If you don't make it right, you will be eliminated immediately. See if you see Lin Buer, as long as this fox spirit Daji makes a move.

Then the players from the beautiful (ajbi) country will disappear in front of our eyes. Thinking about it is something worth celebrating. "

"Isn't it, all our worries and doubts before.

We finally breathed a sigh of relief. We no longer have to look at John Xungang in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room. What worries us is that John Xungang killed him.

It's still a troublesome thing, but now seeing the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, all the conditions in Chaoge City, all the luck, are still facing our next contestant.

Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui came here, and I think that with the help of the vixen Daji this time, he will definitely be able to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

In this way, if we fail, we will get some rewards and points.

It's a very happy thing to think about. Our players from Xia Kingdom, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, will always be the best, so you don't need to compete with him.

The underground palace of Chaoge City will always belong to our Xia Kingdom to protect your treasure. "The onlookers from various countries in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room saw it.

Seeing the people of the Kimchi Country and the people of the Beautiful Country saying these words there, they immediately angered those people of the Xia Country.

They also picked up the keyboard next to them in the live broadcast room and typed at will.

After all, what they see in the live broadcast room is what the people of Xia Kingdom most want to see, and they were still there just now.

Chapter 550

The contestant John Xungang, who was obsessed with this beautiful country, was lucky enough to be able to be rescued by this kind of divine power.

Should any situation arise, the contestant from the beautiful country in front of him, John Xungang, will definitely be rescued by the power of God.

But think about it in the blink of an eye, that vixen Daji has already appeared in the city of Chaoge City and walked to Lin Buer's place.

Now for the people of the Xia Kingdom to see the situation in front of them, everyone is very happy, because all the people of the Xia Kingdom know that the vixen Daji has taken a fancy to Lin Bu~er.

So as long as there is Lin Buer, he will help Lin Buer a lot when he appears, and now the people of Xia Kingdom certainly know-.

The little vixen in front of him who has cultivated for a thousand years, Daji has a thousand years of cultivation.

If he came forward to help Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Isn't that a breeze?And Lin Buer also made an agreement with him, the little vixen, and Daji also agreed with joy.

It seems that this matter is bound to happen. Right now in the Xia Kingdom, the people heard the people from the Beautiful Country and those from the Kimchi Country arguing endlessly in the live broadcast room.

The people of Xia Kingdom immediately expressed their thoughts. After all, they really want to watch Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui quietly in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

And how this vixen Daji killed John Xungang, a contestant from this beautiful country.

When the people of Xia Kingdom who watched the live broadcast in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room heard the people of Kimchi Country and Beautiful Country say such things for no reason.

They were extremely excited, and they should have watched a good live broadcast, but they were all agitated by the remarks they made in the live broadcast room.

So when the people who have been down have no choice but to bear it, they also expressed their thoughts in the live broadcast room, "I don't know what is going on now.

Don't look at it as a little fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years, so what?A vixen can really defeat Sharmad, isn't the magic weapon in Kohli's hand?

I can see that the players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli, will definitely help us in the beautiful country, so you Xia people speak too early.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The picture you imagined has not yet appeared, and you are guessing out of thin air there, but the people of our beautiful country can see it clearly.

The current Asan Kingdom players Sharmad and Curley can't help us, so Xia Guo people, you can just take a look here.

. . . . . . .

In the end, I think John Xungang, a player from America, will definitely be rescued. ""Isn't it? I don't know what will happen now.

You just said such things in the live broadcast room. Could it be that all good luck comes back, can't you?Now think about our player John Xungang.

His luck is also quite good, to be able to have the power of the gods to help him. Could it be that you, Lin Buer, are the only ones who can achieve the body of a sage of heaven.

And John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, can't do it. Don't worry, all good luck will also belong to John Xungang.

We can all see clearly here, so it is useless for you to say these words out of thin air.

Chapter 550

"It's better to quietly watch our players from the beautiful country, when John Xungang was rescued by this kind of divine power and left your players helpless.

That's the time to be most fortunate, and it's just a little too early for you to say something like this here, don't you think? "

When the people of the beautiful country heard the words "February [-]" from the people of the Xia country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

One by one, they expressed their inner thoughts aggrievedly, and in their eyes, the current situation in the live broadcast room.

There are indeed some worries, and the two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, obviously do have the intention of helping those people in the beautiful country.

When they saw the situation in the live broadcast room before them, they were quite happy, "It's not certain who will go when the deer dies, who can say for sure about luck.

Right now, Lin Buer, our Xia country player, is already.It is the people who control all the luck, and all the luck belongs to the people of our Xia Kingdom.

No matter what kind of situation is happening in Chaoge City, we, Lin Buer, can handle it easily.

So some things are indeed just like what you people in the beautiful country have said, it is really impossible to say it too early. "

"That's right, you don't want to take a look at what's going on in Chaoge City now, that vixen who has practiced for thousands of years.

Even Daji can help our Xia players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, so what else can we say?He has a thousand-year practice, Daji's thousand-year practice.

He must be able to help Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, so this is an undeniable fact, and we can only watch it in the live broadcast room. "

"No matter what, the people of Xia Kingdom know that we have strong players, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui will not disappoint us people of Xia Kingdom.

So no matter what happens in Chaoge City now, for our Xia people, they will always support our players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui. "

Now facing the Shan Haijing live broadcast, those people in the beautiful country said such words in the live broadcast.

It's nothing more than the two players of A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, should be able to help, because they have already seen that Curley has used his magic weapon 0......

Holding the Qiankun Ruler in his hand, he might strike at any time, and that Sharmad also decisively took out the exquisite golden pagoda given to him by the lamp.

Obviously, the two of them were indeed watching Xia Guo's players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui there.

No wonder the people of those beautiful countries dared to say such things so recklessly in the live broadcast room.

This made the people of Xia Kingdom not worry about Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui at all when they watched the situation in front of them in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

After all, right now he knows that Lin Buer is the body of a sage of heaven, with a powerful 1.8 power of law, facing Sharmad and John Xungang in front of him.

The magic weapon of the two of them may not really be able to deter Lin Buer.

And now the fox demon Daji, who has practiced for thousands of years, came to Lin Buer from Chaoge City to help Lin Buer.

Is there anything to say about this?Now whether it is Chaoge City.

Chapter 550 Dangerous Situation

No matter what kind of situation arises, the people of Xia Kingdom firmly believe that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui can solve it easily. After all, Lin Buer has already devoured the skills in the Emperor's Seal, and all the luck has deepened. Coupled with the powerful How could the power of boundless laws be subdued by players from various countries?

It was impossible for this to happen, so Xia Guomin didn't take Lin Buer's current situation at all.

After all, Lin Bu'er will turn bad luck into good fortune when he encounters anything, Wu Nian'an and those colleagues in Xia Guo's command room.

They were all on the interface of the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room, watching all the changes in Chaoge City, Wu Nian'an was really frightened by the situation in the live broadcast room before.

09 After all, the actions of Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser are a little scary.

Wu Nian'an kept praying in his heart, that Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser must not let Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser attack John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, but he did not expect that his prayers would really come true.

Wu Nian'an was still secretly smiling in his heart, after all, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose really seemed to have heard his heart, what Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui said casually.

But the two of them could really obey. Obviously, the crisis in Chaoge City had been resolved now, which made Wu Nian'an even more happy.

I have already seen Daji, a vixen who has practiced for thousands of years in Chaoge City, flying down from the city regardless of everyone in the city.

Wu Nian'an was very surprised when he came to Lin Buer's place. He didn't expect that the vixen Daji, who had practiced for thousands of years, would be quite nice to Lin Buer.

There was such a dangerous situation in Chaoge City, but the little vixen in front of him came to Lin Buer, and he must have helped Lin Buer kill the contestants in the beautiful country.

John Xungang thought of this, Wu Nian'an was very happy.

Certainly now he can think that although this fox demon is a vixen.

However, his spiritual power and cultivation base have been practiced there for thousands of years, and he must be able to avoid the spiritual power that the power of the gods is bound to the beautiful country player John Xungang. It is not a problem at all.

Wu Nian'an pondered in his heart, if it was really according to what he was thinking now, then it was obvious that Lin Buer would definitely let him help him out.

Kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, and now that the good luck is back, how can Wu Nian'an be unhappy?

Seeing this situation in the live broadcast room now, all those colleagues in the command room of Xia Guo Guoyun.

Immediately breathed a sigh of relief, they must have seen Lin Buer now that there must be no problem, and Lin Buer has no problem dealing with the power of the 217 gods alone.

And the vixen right now will definitely be able to help Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

In this way, John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, can be eliminated directly.

"Wu Nian'an, look at those two contestants from Ah Sanguo, they are really hateful, they don't make a move sooner or later, it seems that they only want to make a move now.

It must be to take advantage of Lin Buer to stand upright against that kind of God.

He wanted to catch the vixen in front of him, or he wanted to cause trouble for Lin Buer, let Lin Buer take action, and then let John Xungang escape.

Chapter 550: Under Control

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