Is it true that he was swallowed up by the exquisite golden pagoda in the hands of A Sanguo's player Sharmad, is there any point in that?

You must know that Lin Buer must have Lin Buer's idea in order to save this vixen. No matter how important that beautiful country player John Xungang is, he is not as important as Daji's natal family.

You must know that vixen is in control of all the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Maybe our Lin Buer is thinking about the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

If it is really the exquisite pagoda in the hands of Sharmad, a player from the Three Kingdoms, as we have now expected.

If we can really swallow this vixen, then I am afraid that the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace will not have much fate with our Xia Kingdom.

.. 0

So Lin Buer just rescued this vixen for nothing?It's better to just kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

I don't want this vixen to make any mistakes now.

You must know that this vixen is still of great use to keep it. All in all, it is not harmful to our Lin Buer.

Thinking about it, Lin Buer is still wise. He must be thinking about protecting your treasure in Chaoge City's underground palace, so we rescued this Empress Daji. "

"Yeah, if that's the case, it's going to be a bad time now, I didn't see what the player from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad, was talking to Lin Buer.

It seemed that he didn't take Lin Buer seriously at all, because he was a disciple of the Lantern School of Yuxu Palace.

Chapter 580 National Treasure Level Reward

Holding the Linglong Golden Pagoda in his hand, he wanted to use this Linglong Pagoda to subdue the power of demons to compete with Lin Buer, but Lin Buer was fine, he was the body of a sage of heaven.

I'm not afraid of this exquisite golden pagoda, but this vixen will definitely not be able to escape the bad luck this time, if it looks like what we have encountered this time.

So what about the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace?Now Lin Buer has devoured all the exercises in the "Two Thirty Zero" Seal of the Emperor.

That human emperor's seal is meaningless to our Xia country, and those players from other countries are still thinking about it.

But the treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City are different. Some treasures were taken back casually, and they are all priceless in our Xia Kingdom.

Those are all national treasures, which are extremely precious. Lin Buer must have thought of such a thing before going to save this Empress Daji, but now I'm afraid Liao can't do what he wants. "

The onlookers in the Lin Buer live broadcast room were watching the situation brought to them by the Lin Buer live broadcast room.

They are all worried about Lin Buer, and they are also worried about that Empress Daji. Although he is a fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years, he is very important to Lin Buer right now.

That's where the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace is located. If this vixen Daji is really swallowed up by the exquisite golden pagoda in the hands of A Sanguo's player Sharmad.

Not only may this vixen's life be killed, but his practice will also fall short.

Now when the people of Xia Kingdom saw such a picture shown in Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

They couldn't help worrying, because after all, Lin Buer gave up the chance to kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, and went to save this vixen, Empress Daji.

If there is no benefit, Lin Buer will definitely not do it. Obviously, he is now facing a dilemma.

If Lin Buer confronted this player from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad, he would definitely confront Lin Buer with the Linglong Golden Pagoda in his hand.

Lin Buer can actually be the body of a sage of the heavenly way, holding a heavenly talisman in his hand, and can split the exquisite golden pagoda in half, but this vixen can't escape this catastrophe.  …

He is just a little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years. The crowd in Lin Buer's live broadcast room are facing the sudden situation in front of them.

It frightened them so much that they didn't know what to do. Everyone was worried about this vixen.

After all, now that they saw Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie hid aside peacefully, it was obvious that they had observed everything in Chaoge City.

I don't want to cause trouble for Lin Buer, this vixen is really a tricky thing now.

"Fake, I didn't expect that our beautiful country player John Xungang was rescued by that kind of supernatural power. We have already expected that such a situation will appear in 1.8.

So we're thankful to know?Our beautiful country player, John Xungang's luck is always so good, as long as he can live in peace and harmony is more important than anything else.

So now Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, is facing a contestant from Ah Sanguo.

Sharmad and Kohli always have their hearts towards our beautiful country, so Lin Buer you and that vixen.

Chapter 580 Another Time and Space

All of you will die, you will definitely not be able to hide from the players of the Three Kingdoms, this exquisite golden pagoda in Sharmad's hands, as long as you are shocked within this golden pagoda.

I'm afraid that even if you are the body of a saint, you may not be able to escape the devouring power brought to you by these magic weapons. "

"Fake, we can finally let the people of our beautiful country breathe, thank God now, our beautiful country player John Xungang is really safe and sound.

It seems that our luck is pretty good. I didn't expect you, Lin Buer, to be so stupid today. Faced with such a good opportunity, you actually gave up.

This is the luck of our beautiful country. Even the contestants Sharmad and Kohli of the Three Kingdoms are here to help us see the golden and exquisite pagoda in their hands.

It's not a power that you, a saint, can resist. "

"Kimchi Country players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie look timid, it is very likely that the two of them are hiding there.

He didn't dare to help at all, if he was compared with the players Sharmad and Curley of Ah Sanguo.

That's a long way off. You must know that the two of them have obtained such a powerful ancient artifact after worshiping under the lamp of the Yuxu Palace.

As long as Sharmad and Curley from Ah Sanguo use the magic weapon in their hands, they will be able to fight against Xia Guo's player Lin Buer. It seems that we will win this time.

The treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace must belong to our Xia Kingdom and Ah San Kingdom, as long as Sharmad and Koli are the two of them, catch that vixen.

It can be exchanged for the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City. Now thinking about the two contestants from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli are quite smart.

In this way, the players who can kill two birds with one stone and be able to strike instantly are the players from our beautiful country.

John Xungang was able to catch that vixen, just think about how clever Sharmad and Kohli are from the Three Kingdoms. "

The people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room saw their contestants from the beautiful country, and John Xungang was finally rescued by the power of the gods.

As long as their players can live, they will rekindle their confidence in the people of the beautiful country. You must know that their players have not been defeated by Lin Buer.

Then it is obvious that they will have more powerful strength, and they may get some like the two players Sharmad and Curley of Ah Sanguo.

The corresponding reward points may also be possible, and all the good things are dreamed of in the minds of the people of the beautiful country.

The people of the beautiful country witnessed their contestant, John Xungang, outside the city of Chaoge City in broad daylight.

Swept by the powerful spiritual power of the God's power, 230 was dragged into another time and space and disappeared in Chaoge City, although they were more or less worried.

But knowing the contestants in the beautiful country, as long as John Xungang is alive, for the people of these beautiful countries, it will give them a strong self-confidence.

So facing Xia Guo's player Lin Bu'er in front of him, the two players of Ah San Guo, Sharmad and Curley, used their magic weapon.

When the Linglong Golden Pagoda crushed Lin Buer there, they happily expressed their feelings in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, "Xiba, what's so lucky about this, you must know that all good luck is now Players who have returned to Xia Kingdom.

Chapter 580

Lin Buer is now a contestant in the beautiful country, although John Xungang is alive, he doesn't know what kind of situation he will encounter, so he is there to rejoice.

I really don't know what the people of your beautiful country think, do they always think that the two players from the three countries, Sharmad and Kohli, are really there to help you?

They also wanted to take the opportunity to catch the fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years.

I just want to get Chaodi Palace from him to protect your baby, and now your contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, has not appeared in Chaoge City.

Obviously, if he is a vixen who has practiced for thousands of years, Daji, then the treasures in the underground palace in Zhaoge City will belong to them, the Three Kingdoms, and your beauty.

I am still here to say such a thing without shame.

I really don't know what you people in the beautiful country think, do you really pin all your hopes on the hands of the players from the three countries, Sharmad and Kohli?

Your beautiful country player John Xungang encountered such a situation.

Neither of them made a move, and now it is obvious that they are thinking about the rewards and points of their own three countries, and they will also think about you, the people of the beautiful country.

Don't think about it there, you must know that now Lin Buer has swallowed all the luck, and all the good luck belongs to Lin Buer in their Xia Kingdom.

But the players from all the countries are the most powerful. The players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli have the golden pagoda in their hands.

Can it really stand up to the Pangu Mansion in Lin Bushouli, a contestant from Xia Kingdom?Don't be wishful thinking there, just wait and see.

All the good luck should belong to Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, and our kimchi country will always support Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

Rest assured that our players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie will not let us down. ". "

The generals who commanded the Kimchi National Games saw the contestants from the beautiful country, and John Xungang was really rescued by the power of the gods.

However, in the opinion of the generals who were in command of the Kimchi National Games, Lin Buer might be right to do so. After all, the most important thing is to keep the treasures in the underground palace treasure house of Chaoge City first.

Because they knew that John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, didn't have these treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, so it didn't matter.

As long as it is something that Lin Buer can think of, it must be the most important thing. Of course, the generals in the Kimchi Kingdom support Lin Buer's current idea.

But when they heard the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room say such words, it made the generals of the Kimchi country very angry.

Of course, the generals in the command room of the Kimchi National Games knew about the Pangu ax in Lin Bu's second hand.

Surely it can deter this exquisite golden pagoda, but what should this thousand-year-old fox demon do? Can Lin Buer really lead this thousand-year-old fox demon to escape from Chaoge City?

Thinking about it right now, I really don't know what kind of situation will happen outside Chaoge City, but the generals in the command room of the Kimchi National Games heard it.

When the people of the three countries and the beautiful country said such things in the live broadcast room, the generals of the kimchi country couldn't bear it.

Immediately expressed his opinion on the interface of the live broadcast room.

The command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country.

Chief Jerry has been watching what appeared in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Chapter 580

In all the situations, when Chief Jerry saw Lin Buer.

Daji actually gave up their contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, for that vixen who had practiced for thousands of years.

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