Chief Jerry was inexplicably delighted, "Oh, General Tom, come quickly and have a look at our beautiful country players, John Xungang is really fine.

Our player was really rescued by that kind of divine power, as long as he can live in peace.

Well, it is indelible to the players in our beautiful country and the luck of our beautiful country. That's great. You know, General, I am very worried about this matter.

Now it seems that General Tom came according to what I thought in my heart.

We can finally breathe a sigh of relief now that we were able to keep our player John Xungang alive.

It's a good thing that Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, didn't know what he was doing there, but he gave up such a good opportunity for a fox demon who had practiced for a thousand years.

Obviously, that gave our player John Xungang a way out. "When Chief Jerry saw the situation in front of him in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

He was stunned and overjoyed, knowing that he had been praying in his heart that their player, John Xungang, would be safe and sound.

That kind of terrible thought was always filling his brain, because he had seen Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, two contestants from Kimchi Country, before.

For their rewards and points, they almost fought with their own player, John Xungang, and they knew that if they did it.

It is likely that their contestant, John Xungang, was able to escape when Chief Jerry saw the two contestants from Kimchi Country.

After Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie listened to the persuasion of Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, they actually gave up fighting against their beautiful country player John Xungang.

Chief Jerry's eyes showed pessimism and frustration, for fear that Lin Buer would take this opportunity.Just be able to kill their player John Xungang.

But Chief Jerry never imagined that in a sudden state, Daji, a vixen who had practiced for thousands of years, would leap down from the city and face their contestants.

John Xungang seemed to be about to shoot that suffocating scene. Now that Chief Jerry thinks about it, it makes him hard to breathe.

Does Chief Jerry know this vixen Daji who has practiced for thousands of years.

This is something that has thousands of years of spiritual power and cultivation. Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie can't do it. This little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, Daji can do it.

He was afraid that once Daji made a move, their player John Xungang would be killed by Daji.

Unexpectedly, the two contestants of A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, would come to the rescue. Chief Jerry was very surprised when he saw such a situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Chief Jerry always thought that their player, John Xungang, would really be killed by this thousand-year-old vixen this time, but he never expected that at this critical moment.

A Sanguo players Sharmad and Curley rescued them.

I am extremely grateful in my heart, you must know that Chief Jerry was still thinking about it before.

These two contestants from A Sanguo are timid and fearful, although they hold the Linglong Golden Pagoda and the Qiankun Ruler in their hands.

He didn't even dare to confront Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, and now he is finally relieved, Mr. Jerry.

Chapter 580 Four Concentration

Knowing clearly that the little fox demon Daji, who has practiced for thousands of years, wants to confront the Linglong Pagoda in the hands of the contestants of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli, and there is definitely no chance of winning.

Chief Jerry was still watching in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room, thinking that John Xungang, the contestant from the beautiful country, would have the hope of surviving.

No matter what happens, John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, will survive. I hope that no matter whether Lin Buer is going to save the vixen or Lin Buer and resist.

For the time being, John Xungang is not in any danger for his life. Thinking about it, what Chief Jerry was worried about before is finally over~.

But I didn't expect Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Kingdom, to give up fighting against that kind of divine power, but to save him there for a little fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years.

John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was rescued by that kind of supernatural power. Chief Jerry was very happy at this moment, after all, he had already achieved what he wanted.

As long as John Xungang, a player from their beautiful country, is alive, it is better than anything else. As long as they are alive, they are the hope of their beautiful country. Thinking of this.

Commander Jerry happily turned to the side, while the dejected General Tom yelled loudly.

General Tom next to him didn't dare to just see the situation in the live broadcast room.

Because when he saw that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie actually listened to what Bai Yuekui and Lin Buer said, he had already given up their ideas.

Obviously, then Lin Buer would concentrate on dealing with their player John Xungang, and this powerful frustration returned to General Tom's eyes again.

He didn't dare to look directly at anything in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room now, as if all the bad things were directed at John Xungang, their beautiful country player.

It's scary to think about it now, but now when he suddenly heard what Chief Jerry said to him, General Tom immediately forced his spirits.

He glanced back at Chief Jerry, and then took a closer look at the screen in Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

Now General Tom ignited his passion again, after all, he also witnessed all the scenes in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

In Chaoge City, their player John Xungang really escaped, and Xia Guo player Lin Buer was bound by the power of the law of the body of a saint.

John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, got rid of Lin Buer's entanglement in this way, and finally escaped, seeing such a situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

General Tom was very happy. After all, as he said to Chief Jerry, as long as he was their player, John Xungang was better than anything else.

.. 0

Moreover, General Tom also witnessed that the two contestants from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, really took out their magic weapon of Yuxu Gong.

Linglong Golden Pagoda went to confront Lin Buer, and now Lin Buer was still protecting the vixen who had practiced for thousands of years, and General Tom saw it.

When such a situation occurred in the live broadcast room, he was very happy, so he immediately asked Officer Jerry next to him, "Sir Jerry.

Our player John Xungang really got rid of the shackles of that player from Xia Kingdom, Lin Buer. It seems that John Xungang should be alive.

But I don't know where he went to take care of him.

Chapter 580 The fifth is fortunate

As long as he is alive, there should be nothing wrong. Sooner or later, he will come back. We will know what is going on in Chaoge City in a while.

But now we see the situation in the live broadcast room, it seems that it is not good for Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom.

A Sanguo's players Sharmad and Curley are finally going to make a move. As long as they make a move, I think Xia Guo's player will choose "[-]".

Lin Buer may not be the opponent of Sharmad and Koli, they both have the Linglong Golden Pagoda and Qiankun Ruler in their hands, and Lin Buer has to protect that vixen.

I don't know what will happen to Chaoge City next, anyway, as long as our players, John Xungang can survive is the most important thing.

As long as the two players from A Sanguo can kill Lin Buer, they are better than anything else. It seems that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, players from Xia Guo, will be unlucky this time.

You must know that the exquisite golden pagoda in the hands of the two contestants Sharmad and Kohli of the Three Kingdoms is the treasure of their Yuxu Palace, and they must have great power.

I don't know if Xiahou's player Lin Buer and this vixen Daji can hide from this exquisite golden pagoda. Whatever else, as long as our player John Xungang is alive is the most important thing. "

General Tom saw that when such a situation happened in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, he was very happy. After all, their player John Xungang is now safe and sound.

That is more important than anything else, in the eyes of General Tom, no matter in the live broadcast room of Shanghai Jing.

Anyone who has any accidents is for their player John Xungang.

It was all insignificant, and now General Tom was able to see these pictures through the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, which finally dispelled all his anxiety, depression and worries.

Finally, he was able to see their players as he wished, and John Xungang was really saved by that upper body strength.

Thinking about it is something to be happy and fortunate. Now all his beliefs have returned.

After all, if you are alive, you can snatch back the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, not to mention that it is okay, and you have the opportunity to get these treasures in the protection of Chaoge City's underground palace 0......

Thinking about it is a blessing, anyway, I saw a strong hope in General Tom's eyes, "Yes, General Tom, you are indeed right.

I also think so, so I feel that all the situations in Shanghai Jing's live broadcast room have indeed played a reverse role for us Meilidai.

Now I feel that the luck of our beautiful country is starting to rise, and we will win the final victory after all, so General Tom must not be pessimistic anymore.

No matter what, in my eyes, the contestants of our beautiful country or the people of our beautiful country are the most powerful General Tom, and we must be strong in the future.

It must be 1.8 to get the treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace. I'll see if I can contact John Xungang in a while, and if not, send him a message.

Look at where this John Xungang has gone, I think if he was really rescued by the power of God.

Now he should be able to receive our news, I think if nothing unexpected happens, General Tom.

Chapter 580 Lost Confidence

I think my idea should be achievable. "

Chief Jerry witnessed with his own eyes that General Tom went from being depressed to being able to regain his strong belief and confidence now.

Until now, General Tom must have known that their player John Xungang was rescued by the power of God.

Apparently, the two contestants from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley, were there, and they wanted to use the golden exquisite pagoda in their hands to confront Xia Guo's contestant, Lin Buer.

Wouldn't this make John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, take the opportunity to be rescued by that kind of divine power? Think about it, it is thanks to the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Sharmad and Curley made a move, otherwise their player, John Xungang, would have been killed by 09 Xia Guo's player, Lin Buer.

Thinking about such a terrible thing, John Xungang escaped in the end, or their luck in the beautiful country is strong enough, and Chief Jerry is a person with strong beliefs.

So he never allowed General Tom's belief to be shaken, "Oh, look at Chief Jerry, your idea is really good.

Just now, I was still wondering where our contestants would go?I have been thinking about him, whether he will return to Chaoge City in a while.

At that time, it will be like Lin Buer, who was a player from the Xia Kingdom at that time, suddenly disappeared and then suddenly returned. I am still waiting and watching. Mr. Jerry's idea is really good.

Sure enough, among the members in the command room of our beautiful country, General Tom is said to be wiser. It seems that your idea is good.

I should order to let these people under me send this message to John Xungang as soon as possible.

See if he can receive it, I think if he can receive the message from our command room.

I will definitely reply to us. When the time comes, I think good luck will come back. I have strong hopes for our player John Xungang.

Just like what you said, Mr. Jerry, you must not lose confidence. "When General Tom heard what Officer Jerry said.

He felt that the idea that Chief Jerry said was really good, so that John Xungang could be found as soon as possible?They don't have to worry about John Xungang anymore.

No matter how it is sold now, as long as it is alive, it will add some hope to the people of Xia Kingdom, and Xia Kingdom's national fortune will not decline.

Thinking of this, General Tom immediately ordered these personnel under him.

Then I sent a message to John Xungang, asking him to reply to General Tom and Chief Jerry immediately after receiving the message, so that they can keep in touch.

Then you can know where this John Xungang has gone, and you don’t have to worry about him, "Alright General Tom, I will take care of this right away.

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