"Let's start! Chun Ji!"

She knew that once she used this, she really couldn't let Ace and William go easily today, because this was the biggest secret of their family!

If this news gets out!When they return to the Familia, they will definitely be punished by the Lord Ishtar with the most severe punishment.


The voice of the girl, as if she had accepted her fate, came from inside the sedan chair.

〖——Let’s grow bigger! 〗

〖Its power, its vessel, countless treasures and countless wishes〗

Although the poems sung by the girl are weak and make people feel pity easily, there is still a strong magic power in her voice!

〖Until the moment the bell rings, please enjoy the glory and fantasy! 〗

The sound of weapons' clashing halberds completely covered up the girl's soft singing!

〖——Let’s grow bigger! 〗

The singing voice suddenly raised its pitch, and the faint gold particles slowly gathered towards the roof of the car like flying butterflies!

〖The body that swallows the god, bestows the golden light on the god〗

When the girl was chanting magic, her face was full of pain and depression.

〖Return the land from the top to the bottom of the gavel, may you be blessed〗

The golden light on the roof of the sedan chair was even stronger, and the rudiments of a golden beam of light had begun to appear faintly.

But at this moment, the girl only had endless self-blame in her heart. She knew that the two adventurers would be hurt again because of her.

The cause is all because of my cowardice, because I dare not resist, dare not disobey orders!

〖Grow bigger!Magic mallet〗

With lowered emerald green eyes, the girl released the last spell with a crying voice!

The flickering brilliance turned into strands of golden threads that wrapped around Phryni's fat body, and then catalyzed into a beam of light that penetrated the world!

Killing intent, hatred, and anger were intertwined on Phryni's distorted face. Her calf-sized eyes stared fixedly at William, and she pulled out the huge ax embedded in the ground with one hand, and smashed all of them together. The power is concentrated on the right hand.


In the distance from Phryne to William, a deep crack extended from the tip of the axe!

"What a powerful force! It's already close to Mr. Grace!"

William's figure disappeared into the darkness again, and began to avoid wave after wave of continuous attacks from Phryni.

"Aisi, there is a problem in that sedan chair, break her open!"


Ais turned the blade over. She snatched this sword from the members of the "Ishtar Family" with her bare hands.

However, because the level of armament is too low, she has never used her "Wind Spirit Sprint", because even if the sword is not wrapped, as long as the sword touches her wind, it will turn into dust.

That's why she couldn't attack a group of lv3 and lv2 miscellaneous fish for a long time.

"Oops, everyone is on alert!"

Aisha's eyes immediately showed a strong look of guard, although she had already expected the possibility of the secret being discovered when she decided to use Chun Ji!

But she didn't expect the enemy to attack so decisively!

Every time Ai Si draws out the sword and withdraws the sword.

The members of the "Ishtar Familia" standing guard in the front all fell to the ground in pieces like mowing grass.

She turned her attention to Phryni, who had been strengthened, although Phryni was able to avoid the gunshots from William's dark place after being strengthened.

But she was still like a beast that advertised her strength everywhere, her attack didn't touch William at all!

"This idiot!"

Aisha cursed inwardly, thanks to her risk of exposing the family's secret weapon to strengthen her, the result was still the same.

ps: Thank you @原初阳光笑嘿嘿 for the reward, please subscribe and ask for tickets

Chapter 120 Don't you resist 【2 in 1 for subscription】

Aisa dodged the powerful horizontal slash from Aisha with a super-speed reaction.

Immediately after—

"[Wake up! (Tempest)]"

Turning around slightly, the silver-white leg armor kicked Ayesha's stomach with a light wind flow.

Ayesha who backed backwards with the help of the strong impact only felt that the scenery around her had already broken through the speed limit and rushed backwards.


Aisha, who hit the earth wall, retched non-stop with a strong abdominal convulsion, and red, yellow, and white excrement intertwined on the ground.

"So that's it, ugh, didn't you take it seriously before!"

Ayesha wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and lowered her eyes with a wry smile.

She said that a Lv5 adventurer who is full of Olari, even if he didn't have a weapon in his hand, how could he be restrained by them for so long!

"I don't only know how to use swordsmanship. I have also learned boxing skills from Diona and Dione, but I don't have much chance to use them at ordinary times!"

Aisi didn't intend to step forward to make up the knife, and threw away the double-edged sword that had been shattered by her "Wind Spirit Sprint" just now!

After finishing speaking softly, Aisi walked slowly towards the lonely sedan chair in the center of the battlefield.


Ayesha stood up unsteadily, and shouted at Phryni, who was still entangled with William!

It's a pity that Phryni's reply to Aisha was only an angry roar and the sound of an ax chopping the ground.

"Cut, you have completely fallen into anger, are you irrational!"

He didn't pay attention to Phryni, who was already furious, and looked at the family members who had all passed out on the ground.

Looking at the sword girl who was already approaching the sedan chair step by step, Aisha began to make calculations in her heart.



This yawn, at the moment, Phryni's hearing has surpassed any words of ridicule and insult.

"Come out to my old lady!"

It was another heavy axe, and it felt like before that it didn't cut anything.

"Can you stop repeating this sentence, my ears are already calloused!"

"Why do I have to compete with you in strength! Do you think I'm as stupid as you!"

""Bai Lei""

The white lightning flashed at the fingertips, and it shot out from the fingertips in an instant, and the target direction went straight to Phryni's left knee!


Dodging Phryne's vertical slash, William set his sights on Phryne's unscathed knee!

"I said how thick your fat is! I don't think you need to wear armor at all!"

This is not the first time that William has used thunder magic to attack Phryne, but except for the powerful "Lightning", all the other slightly lower-level magic are just like tickling her!

After all, since his level has increased, even the least powerful "White Thunder" in his hand wants to kill a "Minotaur" with one blow.

Of course, this also has something to do with the extremely thick armor that Phryni wears. This combination of physical strength almost makes William think that he is facing a "Goliath" with a human brain!

"Shut up! Shut up!"


〖The power is declining!Is it because the light on his body has dimmed! 〗

While dodging, William was also observing every attack Phryni landed on the ground.

Compared with the previous attack that caused tens of meters of cracks and cracks every time the giant ax fell, it is getting closer and closer to Phryni's attack strength when it is not strengthened!

The spear in his hand danced in dazzling shadows, and every time the tip of the spear stabbed on Phryni's silver armor, it would spark a burst of bright sparks!

The power of collapse exploded invisibly, and the armor on Phryni's body was like a tortoise that was shedding its skin.

With each gun hole on the armor as the center point, the cracks began to spread and connect continuously.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time a piece of armor falls, it will leave potholes on the ground, stirring up waves of smoke and dust.

"The armor carefully crafted by my mother is actually—!"

Phryni, who was never afraid when her arm was broken, finally couldn't hold back her always strong posture when her armor began to crumble.

When she built this armor, she went to the "Hephaestus" family specially, and spent a lot of money to build a full body armor.

All of this is to protect her delicate body that is so perfect that the gods would be jealous! 〖I think〗

Later, when she wore this armor and used it in the dungeon, this armor indeed proved its powerful defense to her.

Even the bone spurs of the 37th floor master "Udaios" could not leave scratches on her armor!

When William attacked her arm, he also aimed at the connection between her arm armor and breastplate, and then successfully cut her arm open.

So she also took it for granted that the protection of her armor was still perfect, but she needed to protect her own connection points during the battle, and this little mouse running around had nothing to do with herself.

But now, the source of her confidence has been completely shattered. She doesn't know if she can dodge the attack when the gun head wrapped in the ominous black thunder strikes again!

"So, what are we going to do now!"

William has distanced himself from Phryni again, and now he is considering whether to keep Phryne here completely.

Unlike Ais who just knocked out members of the "Ista Familia", she actually cut off one of Phryne's arms!

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