He didn't believe that the monster in front of him could easily give up the revenge of the broken arm. If he didn't kill her today, she would definitely find a chance to get revenge on him later!

Although he is not afraid of the tricks played by this defeated general, but it is also annoying to have a fly flying around in front of your eyes all the time!

But what William is hesitating about now is how to explain to Loki when he goes back, even if there is a grievance, he will directly shoot the head of the other family's family.

It is estimated that there is only a very small possibility that the Lord Ishtar will swallow the bitter fruit by herself, and it is more likely that she will directly provoke a struggle between the two families!

"It's all 'Sword Princess'' fault! It's all that woman's fault!"

"It's all that ugly monster's fault! How can she be so ugly and still be able to seduce a man to work so hard for her!"

Under the fear, the toad's spirit began to slowly collapse, and it also started talking nonsense.

Obviously it was William who cut off her arm, but she put all the blame on Ai Si!

In fact, all the grievances between "Sword Princess" Aiz and "Man Killer" Phryne were all caused by her own jealousy.

The first time she felt resentment towards someone she had never met was when Ai Si had just been promoted to lv2.

At that time, Aisi was famous throughout Olalie for her beauty beyond the gods and the fastest upgrade speed!

So she bullied a newcomer adventurer who was still at level 4 at the level of lv2 when encountering in the dungeon.

This battle naturally ended in Phryni's victory. If Riveria hadn't come forward to stop it in time, Ais would have confessed on the spot.

At the second time, Aisi had initially got rid of the period of a newcomer adventurer and reached the level of lv3.

This time, she started fighting with Phryni, who had already been promoted to lv5, but this time without anyone's help, Ace and Phryni fought to a draw.

For the third time, both of them stood at this stage of lv5, and the result this time also ended with Ais' victory as a matter of course.

"I'm going to kill you, 'Sword Fairy'"

Phryni's big eyeballs were already covered with bloodshot eyes, and now she has self-hypnotized and transferred all her hatred to Aisi!

The murderous intent and anger on his face unreservedly vented to the surroundings!

William's eyes also changed from meaningless at the beginning to a cold killing intent, and his position was not far from the position of the giant toad.

In addition, the voice of this toad talking to himself is not low at all, so he really heard it!

If the target is only himself, he doesn't have any big concerns, but the target of this toad has clearly included Ai Si, a woman who has been classified as his own family.

Then this situation is enough for him to kill the toad directly regardless of the consequences!


Ai Si stood in front of the sedan chair and opened the door curtain of the sedan chair!

A girl with shiny blond hair and emerald green pupils was looking at Ais timidly.

The same golden animal ears and the fluffy tail hidden behind her declared the girl's identity as a fox!

A black collar on the girl's white neck was particularly eye-catching, and a bright red floral kimono wrapped her slim and delicate body.

A black belt was tied on top of her slender waist, highlighting her already plump upper body.

This kind of pitiful look in my eyes, coupled with the delicate temperament of the girl herself, almost made Ai Si, who is the same sex, almost give up the idea of ​​getting a blog.

"Is this lord here to kill Chun Ji?"

"Then please do it!"

The girl's voice like a clear spring was revealed from her red lips, she closed her eyes slightly, and her body was also trembling slightly!

"Aren't you resisting?"

Although she had no intention of killing the girl in front of her, for some reason, Ai Si followed Chun Ji's words in a strange way.

Chun Ji, who had already closed her eyes, did not open them, but shook her head gently.

"Although the little girl did not do it herself, many people were injured and died because of the little girl's magic!"

"These crimes, the little girl will naturally have to bear it!"

Immediately afterwards, Chun Ji smiled as if relieved!

"Besides, being a prostitute is already a crime in itself, and it's only appropriate for the hero to kill me!"

Ai Si opened her mouth in astonishment. Although she didn't know how to refute her thoughts, she felt that the young girl's thoughts were wrong.

"It's you!"

Ai Si Muran turned her head, and the tip of the long knife in her hand rested on the throat of the brown-skinned woman.

"Don't be like this, I don't mean to do it anymore!"

Every time Aisha spoke, she coughed strongly, and her body was constantly shaking, as if she would fall down at any moment!

"Sister Aisha, how are you doing!"

The girl who was about to face death calmly just now became panicked, opened her closed eyes, and quickly ran to the door of the sedan chair to support the crumbling Aisha.

"It's nothing! Can you listen to me now, what I want to say!"

Aisha first comforted the worried Chun Ji, and then turned her attention to Ais.

Aisa didn't speak, but silently withdrew the long knife and turned slightly sideways, letting Chun Ji help Aisha into the sedan chair and sit down.


Ayesha who sat down let out a gasp, and after sitting down, she felt that her abdomen, which had been aching all the time, felt a little more relaxed.

"Then 'Sword Fairy', there is something I want to discuss with you."


Aisi stood upright and said with a blank expression.

Aisha also seemed quite surprised by Aisi's character, but then she smiled indifferently.

"I have two things."

"One is to kill Phryne outside."

"The second is to bring Chun Ji to your family."

Aisha's words set off a turmoil in the hearts of the two people present at the same time. Ai Si, who has always been known as the girl with three nos, even rubbed her ears to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her ears just now.

"Sister Aisha, what are you talking about!"

Chun Ji also covered her little mouth with both hands, the expression on her face was also unbelievable like Aisi's!

"Why, such an excellent opportunity, do you really want to miss it?"

"Are you really willing to be sacrificed to become the power of the killing stone!"

Ayesha yelled at Chun Ji with hatred, although it was the girl's weak personality that made her unable to control her desire to take care of her, but it didn't mean she didn't dislike people with this personality.

As for Aisi, her brain has already started to shut down because of too much information poured into her.

"Of course I don't want you to take responsibility for nothing!"

"Correspondingly, Phryni's ability has been greatly increased just now, and it is Chun Ji's masterpiece!"

"As long as after her magic bonus, no matter what level of adventurer is, it can be upgraded to a level for 15 minutes!"

"As for changing the family, it depends on how your main god operates!"

The speed of Aisha's speech has also changed from intermittent at the beginning to become fluent, and her tone is full of confidence.

No matter what level of adventurer is able to upgrade the level of magic, there is absolutely no one in Olalie who will not be fascinated by this ability.

As for whether it is possible to change the affiliation of the family, it is a trivial matter. The favor behind Chun Ji is not locked, and she can use her magic no matter where she is, at most, she cannot be upgraded.

Of course, she chose to confess to the "Loki Familia" because of her usual understanding of the "Loki Familia".

One is that the "Loki Familia" is powerful, and they are one of the few groups in Orari who are not afraid of the "Ishtar Familia".

The second and most important point is that the "Loki Familia" can treat their members as a family.

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Chapter 120 Do you want to post [2 in 1 for subscription]

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With such a family, Ayisha can safely let Chun Ji stay inside, so that she won't go into the wolf's den just after leaving the tiger's den.

After hearing Aisha's words, Ai Si immediately fell into silence, and the whole sedan chair was also shrouded in silence, only the faint sound of magic bursting from outside.

Although she, as a cadre in the family, has never been involved in the internal affairs of the "Loki family", that doesn't mean she is a fool who doesn't understand anything!

If this fox girl is really what the Amazon in front of her said, then she believes that even if Loki and Finn are standing here, they will definitely make a decision.

"Okay, but I have another question, why did you have to kill Phryne!"

Because it was the first time to deal with things that had nothing to do with the battle, Aisi still carefully asked about all the details.

"Because she is an obstacle, if she does not die, it will be difficult for you "Loki Familia" to negotiate!"

Aisha's words, Ai Si nodded immediately, if Phryni, the family with the highest combat power, is still alive.

Lord Ishtar must still think that he has the confidence to fight back, and will not easily hand over Chun Ji's ownership.

"That's the last request, show your magical power!"

After Ais finished saying this, she opened the curtain again and went outside.

"A show of magic?"

Chun Ji's small head directly hung up a question mark, but Aisha immediately understood what Ai Si meant.

"Haruhime, go out and use the "Wanbao Claystick" for the "Thunderbolt" of the "Loki Familia" outside."


After a brief surprise, Chun Ji adjusted Aisha to a more comfortable position.

Lifting the somewhat heavy kimono, he trotted outside with small steps.

The dark cave was lit up with dots of phosphorescent light. Although it was not an amazing sight, Chun Ji's green eyes still greedily harvested the surrounding scenery.

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