This was the first time she saw the whole picture of the dungeon with her own eyes.

Although she had followed the family to the dungeon many times before, she had always been locked in a sedan chair.

The person in charge took him to hide in the corner, and would tell her when she needed to use magic.

"Use it!"

After Ai Si lightly dropped these words, she rushed towards William like a cannonball.

She needed now to give William a brief overview of the matter.


"Hahaha! That's right, that's it, Chun Ji hurry up and use your magic on my old lady!"

Phryne looked at Chun Ji in the direction of the sedan chair, covered in blood.

When William showed his killing intent, the condition of this toad was already quite difficult.

On the brown-black skin, there are scorched black and fist-sized blood holes everywhere, and the blood flows out of the holes.

Her ability to survive until now is entirely due to her monster-like physique. If it were placed on a normal human body, such a large amount of bleeding would have already dried up and died.


"What's the matter! Ace!"

William withstood the thunder spear made with magic in his hand, and projected it forcefully.

"Long story short, William, kill Phryne."

"There is a girl inside who can use upgrade magic, we have to take it back."

Ai Si said concisely, because she felt that she didn't need to say more, and William should be able to understand the meaning of her words.

"I see!"

William didn't ask Ace if she was thoroughly sure of the truth of the matter.

Besides, he was already completely murderous towards Phryne, and Aisi's words only added a bit of murderous intent to him and gave Loki a reply.


"Is this the hero who saved me!"

When the fox girl came out, she saw Phryne, who looked like a demon, was powerless in front of the boy.

For the first time, the girl who admired hero biographical novels felt throbbing in her heart.

〖The body that devours the gods, this golden light bestowed on the gods〗

Why is this!For the first time, Chun Ji felt that singing her own magic would not make her feel pain.

〖Return the land from the top to the bottom of the gavel, may you be blessed〗

Or for the first time, she felt that she was no longer singing magic to hurt others after all.

〖Let’s get bigger, Wan Bao Chui—〗

This time, the girl sincerely hoped that her magic could become the power of a hero.

The golden streamer gathered and formed on the girl's body again, turning into strands of golden threads and attacking the battlefield between the two.

"Hahaha! Well done Chunji!"

"bring it on!"

Toad Girl received William's blow with pain again, took a few steps back, and then hammered the battle ax to the ground.

His eyes widened, he laughed and waited for the violent power to fill his body.

"What's going on! What's going on!"


The blond-haired boy was covered with a layer of golden light that should have belonged to her. For the first time, the toad-like eyes were like real toads, almost falling out of their eye sockets.

"Chun Ji, go back to the family, I will torture you hard!"

Phryne roared unwillingly. She did not usually use her brain very much, but that didn't mean she was a complete idiot.

In this case, Chun Ji betrayed her, so can there be any other conclusions!

"I said, do you still have the idea of ​​returning to the family safely!"

"People say the more stupid you are, the more innocent you are!"

"Could it be that you are the uglier, stupider and more brain-dead in the legend?"

Feeling the explosive power of his limbs, William continued to verbally provoke Phryne.

At the same time, William also secretly looked at Chun Ji who was staring at him after Shi Wanfa.

Although I don't quite understand why the girl's white and tender skin turned pink in an instant after he just took a look at her.

But this does not prevent him from being aware of the importance of this girl!

This girl's magic is by no means a simple upgrade.

He is not the same as a normal adventurer, but he can clearly feel the surging magic power in his body.

The surging magical power in his body has completely surpassed the highest amount he had when he was in the evil world.

This means that the girl's level increase is to increase her magic power to the magic power of the SSS level of lv4.

The same is true for other abilities, strength, durability, dexterity, and agility have also been raised to the limit of his level 3.

"If Loki finds out, he should be so happy from ear to ear!"

William kicked his feet without using any magic, but his speed was already comparable to that of Ais.

All traces disappeared abruptly, and it was the same feeling as before, without any breath.

The alarm bells in Phryni's heart were already booming, and a deadly feeling hit her heart!

The interlacing sounds of spears and axes erupted for the first time in today's battle.

The silver-white spear tip and the sharp ax blade sparked sporadic sparks.

"What, it caught my ax!"

Phryne's pupils shrank suddenly, although she had expected that William would be even more weird and unpredictable after upgrading.

But it never occurred to her that William would be able to catch the blows from her ax that William had been dodging since the beginning of the battle.

"How about it, the only advantage is gone!"

"Are you panicking to death now?"

Under the giant axe, William said to the monster in a cold tone.


Phryne yelled in horror, and at the same time, she was trying hard to withdraw the ax that was stuck by William with the barrel of the gun.

"[Roar! (Thunderstorm)!]"

William's lips moved slightly, and the magic power boiled to the extreme in his body at this moment.

The black thunder exuding an ominous atmosphere, as if wanting to devour and destroy everything around it, formed a fishing net and spread out circle by circle around William as the center point.

The rocks, the land, and the huge ax held by Phryne were all reduced to dust invisible to the naked eye.

The only one left around was Phryne, who was completely in a daze.

There was also William who was slowly aiming the tip of his gun at Phryne's throat.

The cold air emanating from the tip of the gun also woke up the somewhat stupid toad girl.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"By the way, I can completely belong to you!"

"You will be able to enjoy the delicate body of my old lady alone in the future, please let me go!"

The distorted face immediately changed into a flattering smile, and she kept twisting her fat body.

"I don't want to hear a single word coming out of your mouth now!"

Pushing the body of the gun, as if stabbing a piece of white paper, the tip of the gun completely sank into Phryni's throat.


Her vision gradually blurred, her consciousness gradually lost, her hands and feet gradually became cold, and Phryni felt her life passing away bit by bit.

He tried his best to lift his fat palm and placed it on the body of William's gun, trying to pull out the gun with the last struggle.


William didn't continue to torment Phryne, he pushed the spear again, and then pulled out the spear head that was buried in the fat.

If the throat is not completely pierced, it will not die immediately. In this case, the blood will flow out of the aorta and flow back into the esophagus, choking the person alive.

This process will probably last for more than ten seconds, and the talent will die completely, which is a very painful way of death.

If this toad hadn't really angered him, he wouldn't have chosen this tortured way of death.

He usually kills people by blowing his head off, allowing the enemy to die instantly without any pain.

"Go back!"

William shook off the blood on the head of the gun, and at the same time was thankful that the gun body was not directly damaged!

Just now, he suddenly released "Thunder Chasing Fang" at full power on a whim. Fortunately, his magic has low damage to weapons, otherwise he would become as miserable as Aisi!

William and Aisi met first, and then walked towards the sedan chair.

"Ais, how long will it take for them to wake up!"

"It's about half an hour away!"

Ai Si estimated the strength of her attack, and then seriously replied to William.

"That's okay, enough time!"

William nodded, then jumped up and jumped to the side of the sedan chair, and Aisi did the same with him.

"My lord, can you tell me your name!"

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