The fox girl put her hands on her chest, with a faint blushing on her cheeks.

"You don't need to be so polite. From now on, you will be friends of the same family. Just call me William!"

William said softly, with a very kind and warm attitude.

"I know Lord William, the little girl is called Santiao Yechun Ji, and I hope to serve by Lord's side in the future!"

The fox girl suddenly knelt down on the flat ground, both hands were three-fingered, and then buried her head deeply in her chest.

The kimono, which was already a little loose, also appeared more exposed and attractive because of the girl's posture.

William could even see the girl's alluring white pair from his vantage point.

As for William and Aisi, they don't know what to say anymore!

"It seems that Chun Ji's heart has sprouted!"

Aisha seemed to have returned to normal, and walked out of the sedan chair upright.

"Yo! Brother, you are really capable!"

"It's so easy to kill Phryne!"

"How about it! Do you want to take the time to have a fight with me first!"

"I don't mind being here either!"

Aisha's fiery eyes fell on William's body, as if she was about to be eaten alive by William.

But this time William didn't feel disgusted or angry.

Unlike Phryni before, although they are all whores, at least Aisha is beautiful!

Although William would not agree to her request, he would not be offended by a request from a woman who was considered beautiful.

"That's impossible, let me explain why my new companion suddenly behaved like this!"

William looked helplessly at the girl who was still kneeling and couldn't raise her head, and at Aisi whose small mouth was beginning to swell.

"What else could I be? Of course you saved Chun Ji, what does Chun Ji mean by wanting to be your woman!"

"Sister Aisha, you are too direct!"

The fox girl secretly stretched out her little hand and tugged at the corner of Aisha's gauze skirt.

Before William said anything, Aisi's orange pupils were already staring at Santiao Yechunji.

Although she still doesn't quite understand why she suddenly felt unhappy in her heart.

But she always felt that her decision was a bit hasty this time, and she felt as if she had found an enemy for herself!

"It's so straightforward!"

The corners of William's mouth twitched. The vixen girl's gesture made him feel like an Amazon, not an orc.

"It should be this child who recognizes you as her hero!"

Aisha patted Chun Ji's head lovingly, although it might be troublesome for her to deal with it later.

But it is worthwhile for the little girl I have been taking care of to find a warm and comfortable home, and to find someone she really likes.

"Yes, you freed me from the fate of being a sacrifice."

Chun Ji rubbed her head against Aisha's palm, then raised her head, and explained to William with a trembling voice.

"So, even though the little girl is not talented, I hope to be able to serve by the adults' side!"

ps: Thanks to the original sun for the reward

Chapter 120 The second chapter is still a real value C girl [2 in 1 for subscription]


William also began to think seriously. Such a sincere request from a lovely and pitiful fox girl really made it impossible for her to refuse her request directly.

After all, the fox man really poked his point!Especially that fluffy tail, if she becomes his maid, she should just lick it around at will!

But the problem is!

William slowly shifted his gaze to Ais who had begun to faintly emit black energy!

〖Ugh!If only Ace wasn't here! 〗

"What? Do you have any reason why you can't accept it?"

"If you have concerns about our career, don't worry!"

"Chun Ji has only learned the skills of serving until now, and has not really practiced it yet!"

"So she's still a genuine virgin!"

Ayesha looked at William, who had not made a sound for a long time, as if she suddenly thought of something, she spoke heartily and without hesitation.

A beautiful girl should serve a man wholeheartedly, unless he is an impotent man, otherwise no man can withstand this temptation.

Aisha must be thinking very positively, so there is only one reason why he refused to agree for a long time!

Yes, Aisha has seen this kind of man a lot.

I come to their Happy Street every day, never order those experienced whores, only spend a lot of money every day to order newcomers who debuted on the first day.

Doesn't this kind of man have a virgin complex!I don't like having sex with experienced women.

"No! It's too indiscreet!"

Aisa directly interrupted Aisha's words, and looked at the pair of shameless sisters with piercing eyes, like a cub protecting food.

"Well! Put this matter aside for now!"

"Chun Ji, stand up first!"

William squatted down, grabbed Chun Ji's soft and boneless little hand, and pulled her up!

When Chun Ji was held by William, she looked like a young girl in Huaichun. Her skin was as white and flawless as milk, and her pink color spread from her neck to the roots of her ears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Let's hurry up and discuss how to deal with the follow-up matters! Half an hour has passed!"

While William brought the topic back on track, Aisha also corrected her expression, no longer the casual look she had just now.

"There is no way!"

"I can only say that I was knocked out by Miss Sword Fairy, and I don't know what happened after that!"

"Then when I woke up, Phryne was dead, and Chun Ji had disappeared!"

Aisha shook her head and said with a wry smile, of course she didn't think that these few lies of hers would be able to hide the beauty of her family, who is known for her charm ability.

With the suspicious character of the main god in my family, he will definitely use his own charm ability, and then verify the authenticity of each member's words one by one!

Ista's innate charm as a goddess of beauty does not only work on those men. As her innate power as a god, women can't escape her control either.

Of course, she doesn't have the confidence to survive the interrogation of her own master god!

"So that's it, I want to use my last highest combat power as a family member, and then see if the main god of your family can forgive me!"

William immediately heard that Aisha wanted to gamble on her own importance.

If Istar doesn't want to directly reduce her family to second-class, then Aisha, who can be upgraded to lv4 immediately, won't give up easily.

If the same Aisha really wins the bet, then she will be able to achieve an unprecedented status.

"This is really a big gamble! What a success rate!"

William is quite interested in the taste, what Aisha has done can be said to be outrageous to this world!

According to William's analysis, the probability of Aisha's ability to survive is very low.

"Half and half!"


Before William could say anything, Chun Ji had already exclaimed. She never expected that Aisha would bear such a big consequence after doing these things.

"Okay, don't make such an expression!"

Aisha didn't need to look at Chun Ji's face, just listening to her voice, Aisha knew what Chun Ji's expression was like now.

He stretched out his palm and gently rubbed Chun Ji's little head again.

"Anyway, I shouldn't lose my life!"

Aisha lowered her eyes and comforted Chun Ji softly.

Of course, what she said wasn't entirely to comfort Chun Ji, as she estimated that it would be no problem to save her own life.

As long as Lord Ishtar doesn't completely let go of her attachment to Lord Freya, then even if her combat power is severely punished, she will never be easily deprived of her life!

"Is that so! Then as a reward for taking Chun Ji away, I can help you once!"

William said his original purpose, but he felt that the method he said was too harsh, and this woman might not be able to adopt it!

"any solution?"

"Let me give you a strong psychological hint to make you forget what happened today."

"This way you don't have to worry about your Lord God's investigation of you!"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with William's method. Since the incident itself has been completely forgotten by the person himself, it is useless no matter how others torture him.

"But you need to let go of all your guard against me, so that I can perform fine operations on your brain!"

"After all, I'm not very good at this aspect of magic, these conditions are necessary!"

Because what he learned in the world of magic is mass conversion magic, and people from the Yotsuba family are good at magic such as mental manipulation.

He can dabble in something, and barely use it is already very powerful!

"Okay! Yes, how long will it take!"

William's unexpected answer made him a little surprised.

"5 minutes!"

"After all, we only need to delete the memory of the communication between you and us. This time is enough!"

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