Although something unexpected happened to him, this actually made him admire this woman's courage even more. How many people would let a person who had known her for less than a few minutes operate their own brains.

"Okay, let's get started!"

"There's not so much time to waste, is there! What should I do!"

"Ais, please go and take a look at the members of the "Ista Familia", I will concentrate on the operation, and I don't have time to take care of superfluous things!"

Aisi didn't ask why William would mentally operate this abnormal magic again, but just acted like a soldier who obeyed orders.

Walking to the place where the corpse of the "Ista Familia" lay, he picked up a weapon and began to guard against possible adventurers and monsters that might come!

"Chun Ji, don't worry!"

"My technique is very good!"

William tapped Chun Ji's forehead lightly, and then said to Aisha who was ready.

"I see, Lord William!"

The brief physical contact made Chun Ji's pinkness that had faded rise again,

"Close your eyes and just relax!"

While speaking, William took a step forward, stretched out his middle finger and touched Aisha's forehead.

The blue particles of light also began to dance at this moment, covering the circular area where the three of them were.

After cleaning up the memory for Aisha, the three left this place directly.

This was also to prevent Aisha from having any memories that she shouldn't have again. Of course, they also stayed in front, and left only after some of the "Ishtar Familia" started to wake up.

Otherwise, they lifted their butts and left, and if people were slaughtered by monsters that came in by accident, they wouldn't be able to laugh at all.


"Is this the street of Orario! It's so lively!"

The fox girl's tail is like a cattail fan, constantly fanning it!

She herself is just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, she is curious about everything she sees.

"Is it the first time Chun Ji even saw the streets of Orario?"

William looked at the fox girl with some amusement. Her current appearance looked a bit like those children in his family to William.

"Ah! Sorry! Lord William!"

"I'm so excited!"

After Chunji noticed William's gaze, she thought she had done something wrong, and immediately ran back to William's side to apologize.

"After you've said it all, you're a family. A family doesn't need to apologize to each other!"

William flicked Chun Ji's smooth forehead with his fingers!

"But since you like shopping so much, when things are over, let Aisi and the others take you out for a walk more often!"

He didn't realize that his eyes had gradually become doting.

"Really? That's really troublesome Miss Ace!"

Haruhime looked at Ais who was walking beside William with a gleam of hope in her eyes and said.


"Refia and the others will definitely like Haruhime, let's all come out and play together then!"

After thoroughly understanding Chun Ji's life experience along the way, Ai Si couldn't restrain her inner affection for this tragic girl.

I want to take good care of this weak girl!

"That's great!"

Chunji happily rubbed her tail against William's left hand hanging by her side.

"Sure enough, it's still hard to let go at this time!"

Ai Si looked at Chun Ji with black lines all over her face. Although she had a good impression of this girl, she was really unhappy that she would rub against William when she had time.

But the most hateful thing is William's attitude of not avoiding or evading!

A sudden chill rushed from his tailbone straight to the top of his head, and he turned his head stiffly to look at Ai Si who was sulking at himself.

"Oops, I'm a little too smug!"

William felt the cold sweat from his back wet his shirt in an instant, and he was so concerned about comforting himself, the fox girl, that he had completely forgotten that Ais was still by his side!

"Chun Ji, let me go first, it's a little difficult to move like this!"

"Yes, Lord William!"

On this point, Chun Ji can indeed be said to be very obedient!

Along the way, as long as William said, Chun Ji carried out everything without any doubt, except for some small actions that shouldn't be done.

For example, before she loosened William's waist, she purposely rubbed her plump body against William's body twice.

William forcibly controlled his little brother who was about to raise his head, trying not to let himself show embarrassment!

There's no way, even the inadvertent actions of this fox girl are too stimulating to him.

After all, William is just a man who has just started eating meat, and since he arrived at Olalie's side, he has maintained the status of a monk, and has never started eating meat again!

Although there are not a few girls here who have a good relationship with him, but he feels that he has not yet reached that point, so he has always suppressed his desires.

In addition, the vulture girl was a bit too irritating to him today, which made him unable to control his inner impulse.

Of course, he also doesn't believe that anyone can purify the six roots for a girl who wants to dedicate everything to you.

"Sure enough, it's back to normal!"

William looked at Ais who had returned to her usual state, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go back to the family!"

"Ace, you also need to upgrade. We also need to discuss with Loki and Master Finn how to solve Chun Ji's problem."

Shifting the question to this aspect, Aisi was immediately distracted.

After all, Ace is Ace!

Even though there are a lot of things distracting her mind now, after all, power is her main pursuit, and power is what she wants to give everything to pursue.

Now she doesn't think much about other things in her head, and the most important thing is to go back to Loki to update her ability value.

"I see, Lord William!"

Of course, Chun Ji would not question William's words, and of course she was also very interested in the kind of family that William and Ai Si described as a family.

Now she is really looking forward to living in the environment William and Ai Si described to him.

〖Then give Mrs. William two more children! 〗

Thinking of this fox girl, she couldn't restrain her emotions, and her pretty face flushed, making the other two people look at this girl who was covering her little face, twisting her body, not knowing what she was thinking!


The evening sun shines on the spiers of different heights, and the clown-patterned flags on the spiers flutter wantonly in the wind, which looks a little hazy, but also a bit blurred.

"Oh? Isn't this Mr. William and Miss Ais, who is the one behind you?"

The gatekeeper, who was in charge of guarding the gate of the family today, immediately greeted William and Aisi, who are now celebrities of the family.

But out of his duty, he still asked about Chun Ji's background.

The resident of the family is an important base for every family. Normally, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter. Even if there are acquaintances in the family to bring them in, they still need to register.

"I know, you don't have to be so nervous!"

William saw the slightly trembling arms of the gatekeeper. After all, it was still a lot of pressure for him to stop Aisi, a family cadre.

"This is a potential newcomer that Aisi and I accidentally discovered outside! Bring it back to join the family!"

"Three wild princesses!"

ps "Thank you for the reward from the original sun"

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Chapter 120 Three slap that woman's face well 【2 and 1 ask for subscription】

The Twilight Chamber, Loki's chamber

The whole room was shrouded in silence, several people were all looking at each other, especially the scarlet-haired Lord God and the blond-haired Palum both had complicated expressions.

"You mean this Miss Haruhime is a family member of that fellow Istar?"

Loki's voice raised by one degree!

"And in order to bring her back, you also killed the 'man killer'?"

Loki raised his tone twice!

"William, Miss Chunji is really as capable as you said?"

Compared with Loki's gaffe, Finn's attitude is much more normal, and he is now calculating how to operate this matter.

Because if the effect is really as good as William said, then he will definitely not let go of this woman and return it to the "Ista Familia".

"There is no problem, I have personally tried Chun Ji's magic effect!"

"However, I think it's better for you, master, to experience it yourself, so that it can be more accurate!"

William nodded, and then looked at Chun Ji who was restless.

"Chun Ji, I'm sorry for your trouble!"

"I see, Lord William!"

Chun Ji nodded lightly. For her, William's words were a soothing spring of water, which could make her temporarily abandon her timid emotions.

As the girl chanted the magic spell, golden particles of light also gathered on Finn's body, and surging power filled that small body.

Finn felt the earth-shaking changes in his body, felt the power that had surpassed the limit of his body.

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