At this moment, he even felt that even if he met Ota of "Freya Familia", he would have the confidence to fight him alone.

After a while, the light faded.

Finn, who was still like a statuette just now, also changed back to his original posture.

But the surprise in his eyes was even stronger, because he felt that his solid and insurmountable barrier to lv7 had loosened a little at this moment.

You know, he has been upgraded to lv6 since Olalie's turbulent dark moment.

But in the next few years, although the speed of his ability value improvement was not bad, the opportunity to upgrade has always been a problem that plagued the three of them.

Many times of expeditions, how many times of life and death, even the juniors in the family are about to catch up with them.

Even though their ability values ​​have been exercised to their limit at lv6, they have never been able to touch the threshold of upgrading.

"How are you feeling, Finn?"

Loki asked cautiously, now she felt that even if she was in the heavenly world, she was far less nervous than she was at this moment.

"Good feeling! Loki!"

"After Miss Chun Ji gave me a short promotion, I even feel that I can touch the threshold of breaking through lv7!"

Finn closed his eyes lightly, and clenched his two small hands into fists. He wanted to cover up the turmoil in his heart a little bit by doing this.

So as not to lose composure in front of the three juniors of the family.

"real or fake!"

The casual Loki didn't have any problems with Finn at all, his mouth was wide open, and he stood directly on the sofa.

Like an uncivilized monkey, he used his body movements to express the shock in his heart.

"Yes, Loki!"

"Miss Chunji, we must keep her!"

"She can be said to be another cornerstone of the younger generation of our family!"

Finn looked at the three sitting on the opposite sofa with satisfaction. Although 42 years old was not considered an advanced age for Palum, Finn, who had experienced a lot, already had the mentality of an old man.

As for Loki, he was still muttering a sentence repeatedly in his mouth.

"My old lady actually posted it again!"

Loki jumped off the sofa suddenly, and then moved to William's body with one leap, and grabbed William's hands.

This sudden movement made everyone present tremble!Even looking at Loki's expression now, William almost took out the short knife in his arms and slashed directly.

There's no way, Loki's expression with eyes full of stars is too disgusting!

William has only seen her show this expression when Loki kisses a beautiful girl and sees a good wine.

Now that Loki looked at him with this expression, it was really hard for him to hide the chill in his heart.

"Are you the lucky star sent by God to my old lady?"

A sentence without a beginning or an end without a reason made the scene fall into silence.

As for Chun Ji, she has completely thrown away her cowardice and is looking at Loki with wide eyes.

There is no way, although Chunji has only seen the main god Istar, but the majestic image of the god has already penetrated into her heart.

It was the first time she saw such a nonsensical and informal Lord God, of course she had to pay more attention.

"what are you talking about!"

"You see, since you came to the door automatically, I feel that good things are coming to my mother one after another!"

"Now you have brought back such a beautiful girl to my old lady, and she is still such a useful talent!"

Loki said quite excitedly, and Finn, who was sitting opposite, nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, William!"

"About this, you can accept it frankly!"

Finn nodded with a smile!

"I know, I know!"

"Can you let go of my hand first! I feel a little sick!"

William pulled out the big hand that was tightly held by Loki with black lines all over his head. The sudden sticky feeling in his hand reminded him that he seemed to be watching Loki gnaw on something before he came in.

If you look closely, your hands are covered with yellow grease!

Chun Ji, who was sitting next to William, immediately noticed William's helpless look and the dirt on his hands.

Immediately, he took out his own handkerchief, covered himself, gently pulled William's big hand and began to wipe it.

Loki, who was completely stunned, looked at the scene in front of him as if his wife was serving her husband again, and said in disbelief.

"Chun Ji, haven't you just met William?"


She already knew that William was a heartthrob, and she even noticed how many little girls in the family were interested in William.

But she has no choice, after all, she can't really stop people from falling in love!

Moreover, William is a child of her own family, and she has no reason to stop it, and she can only make troubles when she has nothing to do, so as to comfort her broken heart.

But when she saw the girl Chun Ji, she was ready to devote herself to attacking this weak and beautiful girl, and let her fall into her arms, so that she could no longer be seduced by William.

Otherwise, she would not have restrained herself from jumping on Chun Ji, just because she was afraid of frightening Chun Ji, and let this girl treat her the same way other members treat her!

But what is the situation now...!

"Back to Lord Loki, even though Chun Ji and Lord William just met each other!"

"But Chun Ji is ready to serve Lord William wholeheartedly!"

Chun Ji said without raising her head, because in her eyes, her work at the moment is the most important thing, and nothing can interfere with her serving Lord William.


Chun Ji's words were like sharp arrows shot quickly, directly hitting Luo Ji's heart which was already riddled with holes.

She just wants complete silence now!

The girls in the family have already had a lot of opinions on her, and now the new members have their hearts attached to William again!

"Okay, Loki, stop messing around, let's discuss the issue of Chun Ji's transfer to the sect!"

Although Finn is also very interested in William's private life, after all, another matter is more important now.

"We know!"

The speed at which Rocky changed his face was comparable to that of a professional Peking Opera actor.

Rocky, who was still crying in front of William one moment, sat back in his original seat the next moment, putting on a solemn look.

"However, before that, I still have to boast!"

"Ace, you did a great job this time!"

After the audience returned to silence, Finn first spoke to Ais, who had been silent all this time.


Esther nodded dully, maintaining her usual taciturn appearance.

Don't look at Chun Ji's appearance of relying on William, but in fact the decision of the whole thing was made by Ai Si.

So Aisi definitely deserves Finn's compliment to her!

"Then it's time to get down to business!"

"How can I make Lord Ishtar open his mouth to let people go!"

Finn's originally gentle eyes turned into solemnity, and the air dropped several degrees in an instant. This was also because Finn showed the attitude he only had when dealing with major events.

"Indeed, it is not an easy task to get that woman from Ista to let her go obediently!"

"After all, Chun Ji's value is so high!"

Loki continued what Finn said, but although she kept muttering things like trouble and not easy to do.

But if you look closely at her expression, this goddess has an expression of indifference.

"Sorry! It's Chun Ji who made everyone worry!"

Chun Ji, who finally finished her work of serving William, immediately stood up and bowed in Finn's direction to apologize.

She is such a kind girl, even if it is not her fault, she will still feel guilty for it.

"You don't have to be so polite, although Chun Ji, you haven't officially joined the family yet!"

"But we have already recognized you as a companion!"

"The companions of our family members are family members!"

"There is no need for an apology for family members helping each other!"

"You have to get used to this feeling slowly in the future!"

Finn is also worthy of being the leader of the "Loki Familia", and he is well versed in the way of words, but just a few words made the inexperienced Chun Ji start to have a better impression of the "Loki Familia".

"Back to the topic, let's first consider using supplies and Farley to see if Ishtar Lord God can let go."

Finn cleared his throat and continued.

"Let's still say the same thing, Istar is a master who doesn't see a rabbit or a hawk."

"Even if she agrees to give up Chun Ji, she will definitely open her mouth, and the conditions are definitely not something we can bear."

Loki shook his head, denying Finn's suggestion.

Although she and Ishtar were not old acquaintances when they were in the heaven, she was also very clear about the character of this goddess during the endless years.

"Of course I know, it would be great if Lord Ishtar accepts it directly!"

"But if she doesn't accept it, then what awaits her is a family war game."

Finn said in a cold tone.

"So it's like this, it's just an excuse to threaten her to go to war!"

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