The expression on Loki's face was also gloomy.

"That's right, anyway, William, you have washed away the memory of their family Aisha about you, right?"

"That's right, I guarantee nothing will go wrong, no matter what gods come over, they won't be able to ask anything!"

William already understood what Finn's plan was, and promised to Finn!

"That's good, then you and Ai Si will pretend to be sick in the family for a few days!"

When Finn said this, he didn't look at William, but stared at Aisi closely.

Because he knew that preventing this girl from going to the dungeon to exercise every day would be worse than killing her.

As a matter of course, Aisi also showed a embarrassed look, but after seeing Finn's firm eyes, she spoke a little discouraged.

"How long will that take!"

"Don't worry, a week at most is enough!"

Finn assured Aisi confidently.

"I see!"

"Very good! In the evening, Loki and the two of us will go to Happy Street and have a good discussion with Lord Ishtar!"

"Why does the "man killer" in her family attack our members for no reason!"

Finn's tone seemed to be that Ace and William had suffered a great loss and were going to ask the parents opposite for an explanation.

"Hahaha! I can't wait to see that woman in Ishtar's life!"

After Loki made up the picture of the night in his mind, he began to laugh.

Before that, she couldn't understand the toad in "Ista's Familia" bullying her precious Ace, so she went to find the woman in Ista to argue with her, and that woman dared not give her face.

Although Ai Si didn't suffer any more losses in the next two confrontations, it didn't mean that she had forgotten the previous enmity.

Who is she?

She is the famous god of trickery in Norse mythology - Loki

She was the most careful in her life, and it would be a joke to expect her to smile magnanimously.

The reason why they didn't do it all the time was because they didn't find a suitable reason to go to war, but if there was a girl like Chun Ji, the reason for doing it was already very sufficient.

It would be fine if Yista honestly let him go tonight!

But if she didn't honestly let him go, she would directly start applying for war games and slap that woman in the face.

ps: Thanks to the original sun for the reward

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Chapter 120 Four, what do other people's lives have to do with me【2 in 1 for subscription】

That night, Loki headed towards the "Ista Familia" aggressively with a lot of combat power in the family.

Of course, the matter could be said to have been perfectly resolved in the end. Even though Ishtar, who had lost the strongest combat power among the family, was dismissive of Loki's threat at the beginning.

But when Loki was ready to get serious with her and start a war game.

The goddess finally couldn't hold back the attitude of pretending to be calm, and gritted her teeth to take the bitter fruit this time.

The final event ended with Loki giving [-] million mana to the "Ista Familia", and then completely relegating Haruhime's ownership to the "Loki Familia".

At the end of the matter, the guild was not alarmed to deal with it, which is gratifying.

During this period of time, Rocky has always been full of joy, drinking heavily all day long.

As for Goddess Ishtar, she was already furious. I heard that she smashed all the precious collections in her room to pieces that night.

At the same time, Phryni's toad was also cursed by Istar to the eighteenth level of hell.

As the goddess in charge of Olali Happy Street, Istar's assets have long been immeasurable. Every night, countless adventurers and gods come to her to spend.

Money is already the least valuable thing to her, but Loki still has Farley, who is worth [-] million yuan, to send her away.

At least from now on, Loki and Freya can stand shoulder to shoulder in the scope of hatred in her heart.


The magic stone lamp hanging from the ceiling illuminated the closed room without a single window, and the blond man was concentrating on shaking the test tube in his hand.

"Add dragon leaf grass, and then add magic rock!"

While whispering in his mouth, William added the materials mentioned in his mouth to the beaker.

This is already the fifth day he has locked himself in the workshop, and he can no longer go to the dungeon for exercise.

He also started to do his own research seriously, and at the same time, he also went to Loki to get a promise to freely take the experimental materials (Loki's blood).

Of course, after the research some time ago and the intensive study during this period, he felt that he was close at hand when he made the finished product.

"In this way, when I go to other worlds, I don't have to worry about God's grace becoming a waste ability."

In this way, William repeated the material ratio he thought was possible again and again.

The sun wheel outside the house also sank below the horizon little by little with the passage of time. As for William, he had already immersed himself in the experiment, and he had completely forgotten about the passage of time.


The knock on the door woke William, who had forgotten himself, stretched a little, and stood up from his chair.

"Come in, Chun Ji!"

"The door is not locked!"

William already knew who the person outside the door was. After all, this person has been in charge of his daily life for the past few days!

"Yes, Lord William!"

After the woman outside the door replied weakly, she turned the handle to open the door and walked in.

The long golden hair like a waterfall was draped behind the girl, and the emerald pupils looked around the room that he had become very familiar with in the past few days.

The slightly loose red kimono revealed the girl's white shoulders, and a wooden tray was held on top of her two tender white hands.

The top of the wooden plate is filled with all kinds of delicacies exuding attractive aroma.

The girl lightly moved the clogs under her feet, put the food in her hands on the only table in the workshop, and then pulled away the chair in front of the table.

"Master William, it's time for you to eat dinner!"

"I see!"

William moved to the front of the dining table, and Chun Ji, who was standing beside her, would not be idle, she went to the corner on her own, picked up the cleaning tools in the corner and began to clean the room.

"Chun Ji, rest for a while!"

"You just came back from the dungeon, you must be very tired!"

William looked at Chun Ji, who was busy with herself, frowned and said, he had said the same thing many times in the past few days, but this little girl had never listened to his advice in this regard.

"Chun Ji is not tired, how can she be tired if she can serve Lord William!"

Although Chun Ji didn't stop what she was doing, she still turned her delicate face to speak to William.


William sighed helplessly, didn't say anything more, and concentrated on dinner.

In fact, Chun Ji was not only responsible for the cleaning of his room, but also the job of delivering meals at night.

Her current schedule can be said to be a little more tiring than when William was at his hardest.

Since regaining the right to belong to Chun Ji, the high-level members of the family have all enjoyed Chun Ji's magic bonus as a matter of course.

After feeling this powerful force, the eyes of Rivilia, the strongest magister of the Familia, immediately lit up.

That night, a strict study plan was made for Chun Ji, as well as the main development route in the future.

At the same time, they also found Li Nie and Chun Ji to form a small team to explore the dungeon, and sent An Qi as a security guard to protect the safety of the team.

In Finn's words, how could our family do such stupid things as the "Ista family".

Just for the sake of keeping secret and controlling Chun Ji, it restricts Chun Ji's development.

These words naturally moved Chun Ji beyond compare, and made her more determined to contribute her own strength to the family.

So she took on the work of taking care of William (this is her own selfishness) and the work of cooking for the family on her own.

"How is Chun Ji studying with Teacher Rivilia today?"

While eating, William asked about Chun Ji's situation. After all, Teacher Rivilia's teachings can be said to be very strict.

He had witnessed how badly Refiya, who was in class with him, was trained.

"Well! Now I take notes hard every day, but it's still a bit difficult to keep up with the progress of my studies!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Chun Ji's tail, which had been shaking to show that she was in a good mood, drooped directly.

Thinking of the senior sister who was trained to shrink her neck today, Chun Ji now feels a little afraid of Rivilia.

"Really! After dinner later, if you don't understand something, let me explain it to you!"

For Chun Ji's current situation, William can be said to be no exception at all.

Although Rivilia's teaching strength is very strong, it is an indisputable fact that she progresses quickly in teaching things.

You must know that the magicians of the entire "Loki Familia" are all from Rivilia, but as far as he knows, he is the only one who can keep up with Rivilia's progress and speed up.

Even Alicia, the main magister of the Second Regiment, was no better than the current Lefia when she was studying.

"Then trouble Lord William!"

Chun Ji's eyes lit up, and the speed of waving the broom in her hand increased a little bit, and the ears and tail that had been drooping had a faint tendency to raise their heads again.


William ate dinner very quickly, and Chunji cleaned the room very quickly.

After all, if you have something in your heart, you will be motivated in everything you do!

"Chun Ji, do you need to get so close!"

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