William flipped through the notes that Chun Ji handed him, feeling the heavy fruit on the girl beside him.

At the same time, the fragrance from the girl's body kept rushing to his nostrils, and the girl's plump and straight calves were also groping his thigh intentionally or unintentionally.

To be reasonable, he now seriously doubts whether this vulture is interested in listening to his lecture.

"Master William, has Chun Ji troubled you like this!"

Chun Ji raised her little head that was resting on William's shoulder, and her big eyes seemed to be filled with water. With such a gesture, no man could refuse her request.

Sure enough, as expected of a fox man plus a trainee prostitute, this kind of action that stimulates the advantages of women is simply easy to come by.

After William sighed again in his heart, he spoke immediately.

"There will definitely be no troubles, but why not say that no one will feel troubled like this!"

Now that there is no one else around, William will not make a prudish gesture, and of course he will be loyal to his own desires as an answer.

"Then Lord William, why are you so focused on teaching!"

Seeing that William didn't intend to resist or push her away, Chun Ji turned over and sat on William's lap.

At the same time, he buried his entire body into William's broad chest.

Of course, Chun Ji, who was instantly enveloped by this strong masculine breath, also felt that she was about to faint at this moment.

Although she looks quite experienced now, she has always been talking on paper before, and all the knowledge she has learned from books and experienced sisters.

For such an actual operation, she is completely like a flower girl getting on a sedan chair. This is the first time!

But there's no way around it. Originally, she didn't want to be so anxious to take the initiative. She wanted to slowly develop a relationship with William and then make it a matter of course and hand herself over to William.

But as she got to know more people in the family and stayed longer, she became more and more panicked.

There was no way, although she knew very well that a man like William must have a lot of women who liked him.

But she never thought that her competitors could have so many!

Just the girls from the same family she has known in the past few days, she has already discovered several girls who have small thoughts about William.

In addition, Miss Alicia, whom she just met today, with that kind of beautiful, gentle and generous posture, even she is somewhat intoxicated by the breath of the other party's elder sister.

But after a brief conversation, she found that Alicia was also interested in Mr. William.

At this moment, the alarm bells in her heart began to ring crazily.

Of course, she didn't want to monopolize William by herself, she just wanted to leave her own place in William's heart now.

It won't let William meet more and more girls in the future, and finally forget her!


William was silent for a moment, then passed Chun Ji's armpit with his hands, picked her up and put her on the sofa.

William's hug made Chun Ji exclaim in surprise!

Immediately afterwards, her thinking began to diverge!

〖Finally, Lord William is going to do something to me!What should I do first———! 〗

"Chun Ji, I understand what you mean, and it's okay to accept you!"

William moved back a little and sat on the sofa in the back.

"Then let's start! Chun Ji will serve you well!"

His words also directly interrupted Chun Ji's divergent thoughts, making her excited directly, and she wanted to stand up directly and throw herself into William's arms.


"Listen to me first!"

William directly reached out to stop the impulsive Chun Ji!

"I see, Lord William!"

Although William's stop was a bit regrettable to Chunji, she still sat back on the sofa obediently, but her fluffy tail that was hidden behind her and slowly poked towards William's position showed her small size. thought.

Although there was an itchy touch on my hands all the time, it didn't matter anymore!

"Chun Ji, what I want to say is that I should not be the hero in your mind!"

William straightened his expression, and said seriously to the absent-minded little fox girl in front of him.

"How can you say that, of course you are a hero!"

"You saved me, a hopeless whore!"

This should be the first time Chunji refuted William so loudly!At this moment, the flush on her face had completely faded away, and the tail that had been making trouble stopped its small movements.

"No, I'm not wrong!"

"The hero in your heart is the fairy tale, the hero in the biography."

"Those heroes have a noble and noble character. They can risk their lives for their own glory and irrelevant others without hesitation!"

"Even they can be magnanimous and forgive those who have hurt themselves!"

William looked at Chun Ji, who was frowning and was about to bite her lip, and continued.

"But I'm different. I don't have a noble and noble character."

"As long as it is beneficial in the battle, I will use it. As long as I can win, I can use it no matter how despicable it is!"

"As for helping those who have been hurt, I can do it, but that is based on what I can do and will not harm my interests."

"Otherwise, what does the safety of others have to do with me!"

"The only people I can risk my life to save are my family and my companions."

"Now do you understand? I am not the hero of your fantasy at all!"

"I just saved you at the right time, you don't need to treat me like this at all!"

William's voice became more and more flat, because he felt that after he made it clear, Chun Ji should let go of her previous thoughts.

Even if I use a calm attitude first, this little girl can wake up quickly.

Chun Ji didn't speak for a long time, and her originally rosy lips became less and less bloody.

"Then my lord, Chun Ji is your companion now, is she your family member?"

Slowly regaining her spirit, her pupils stared fixedly at William's face, because she hoped to get the answer she wanted to hear.

"Of course!"

ps: Thanks to the original sun for the reward

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Chapter 120 Five Overthrow【2 in [-] for subscription】

"That's good!"

Chun Ji smiled, and the girl's restless heart calmed down.

"Perhaps my lord, you are really as you said, you will only work hard for your own family."

"But you are still in Chun Ji's heart, the hero who saved Chun Ji!"

"As long as this is the case, it is enough for Chun Ji!"

Chun Ji's face was slightly feverish, obviously it was quite embarrassing for her to express her feelings so frankly.

"Really? Then I understand!"

There is no need to continue to ask, William only needs to feel the girl's firm determination from Chun Ji's tone.

"One last thing!"

"You can't be the only woman by my side, so are you willing to do this too!"

William got up from the sofa, walked in front of Chun Ji, and caressed Chun Ji's delicate face with his broad palm.

The sudden touch made Chun Ji narrow her eyes, and at the same time she covered William's big hand with her small hand.

"Yes, my lord!"

"The little girl never expects a hero like an adult to only love the little girl!"

"But Chun Ji hopes that my lord will not forget Chun Ji in the future!"

Pulling away the big hand caressing Chun Ji's face, he flicked her forehead with his fingers. Of course, William didn't restrain his strength deliberately.

'"it hurts!"

Chun Ji's little head couldn't help but tilted back, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

"My lord, did Chun Ji say something wrong!"

Chun Ji looked at William with tears in her eyes. She thought that what she said just now offended William, so she punished her.

"Let you increase your memory, do you think I am the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old!"

William said with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, I understand, my lord!"

Although Chun Ji was covering her head and the corners of her eyes were wet, but at this moment she was smiling more happily than at any other moment in her previous life.

Because she knew that William was not blaming her for speaking inappropriately, but was promising her that she would always have a place by her side.

Gently leaning her little head on William's chest, quietly feeling the warmth of the person she loves and the beating heart in her heart!

William didn't do much, just gently embraced the slender waist of the girl in his arms, feeling the warmth and tranquility of this moment.

"Master William really has feelings for me!"

Although there was no verbal argument, just because she heard the increasingly violent heartbeat, she already understood that her relationship was not just her own moths to the flame.

It is a two-way rush that both sides have a good impression of each other.


After thinking about it, I just let me throw away the setting of fainting when I saw the chest. After all, this setting is only for Belle to remain a virgin when she meets Chun Ji.

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