The fox-eared girl blinked her eyes, and then her tail fluttered behind her.

Chun Ji sips the fish soup in the bowl, and at the same time, her own little thoughts are glowing in her heart.

"Hey? I said, did something happen between the two of you?"

Alicia raised her beautiful eyebrows and asked in a low voice in William's ear.

The reason she asked this was still due to William's attitude towards Chun Ji.

After all, Chun Ji's attitude has been like this since she came to the family a few days ago, and she has always looked like a young girl in Huai Chun when facing William.

But the changes in William are much greater, because although he would not refuse Chun Ji's care in some small aspects before.

But at least he won't be so calm and composed. He would have refused such overly meticulous care before.

"Well, because after I made it clear to Chunji last night, I accepted her wish."

Regarding Alicia's question, William said without hesitation what he and Chun Ji had confirmed their mutual agreement last night.

If he had wanted to conceal what had happened, he wouldn't have walked into the cafeteria arm in arm with Chun Ji.

Because in his opinion, if he wanted to maintain the relationship with other girls, and then conceal the fact with Chun Ji.

That will only make the girl who has given her all for herself sad.

Anyway, I am already such a playful person, and I will naturally bear all the mistakes, although this may be a kind of harm to those girls who I have a crush on.

But before they get deeper and deeper, it is also a good thing to see clearly what kind of person they are in advance.

Otherwise, when the love is deeply rooted, it will make these girls suffer unceasingly.

William's direct statement of what happened between himself and Chun Ji last night also made this vixen girl who is cautious in her relationship jump for joy.

ps: Thanks for the reward from the original sun

Chun Ji's episode is starting to be produced slowly, and when it is finished, I will notify everyone

The modification is complete, I want to see the original version in the group, it’s so tiring

Chapter 120 Six I want to celebrate for adults 【2 in 1 for subscription】

A trace of disappointment flashed through Alicia's brown-red pupils, and at the same time she sighed heavily.


After uttering these two words, Alicia stopped talking, and just silently ate the meals at the table.


"Young people are really interesting!"

Of course, Finn and Grace, who were sitting at another table, were also paying attention to William's affairs the whole time.

"Well! Isn't that what youth is like!"

Grace shook a piece of boned meat foreleg and said.

"Yes! But this is also a very good thing."

There was also a hint of a smile in Finn's blue pupils. As the head of the family, he certainly knew that several outstanding girls in his family were interested in William.

However, he can be said to be quite happy with this kind of thing.

Of course, he and Grace are not the only ones who are happy to see the success in this regard. Apart from Rivilia's minor opinions, only Rocky strongly opposes it.

If you want a foreigner to quickly have a strong sense of belonging to the family, what is the fastest way!

That is of course forming a deep and inseparable bond within the family.

However, among the many fetters, only the family relationship is the most stable and reliable.

So of course they hope that William can find the girl he likes in the family and form a family.

The direction of development of things has indeed developed in the direction they expected.

It's just that what they expected was that there seemed to be a lot of girls who had emotional entanglements with William.

But in their eyes, this is not a bad thing, it might be better to say that they are even a little happy to hear it.

After all, with the combination of highly qualified adventurers, most of the children born will even exceed the level of their parents.

Let's take a look at who are the girls who have emotional entanglements with William!

Aiz, Alicia, and Haruhime who just arrived.

Among them, only Alicia's aptitude is slightly inferior, but that is only when comparing Alicia with these monsters of the "Loki Familia".

Compared with the adventurers outside, Alicia's aptitude can even be regarded as top-notch.

Such a woman and William gave birth to a child, even they dare not imagine what kind of monster will appear.

"It's okay for others to say that it's not so easy for Alicia to let her accept it so honestly."

Grace put on a look of watching the show.

Although the elf king in this world also has three princesses at the same time, which is why Rivilia, the princess, only has a slight opinion, but the rest of the elves are basically monogamous.

Therefore, it is also difficult for Alicia, who was born in an elf forest similar to the countryside, to accept this concept calmly at once.

"It's up to them to make their own choices. We old guys don't want to interfere."

While shaking his head, Finn cut off a piece of fish that fit the size of his mouth from the big fish in front of him that was almost as tall as him, and put it in his mouth.

(This fish was cooked by Tione himself, specially for Finn to supplement nutrition. By the way, every meal of Finn is prepared by Tione himself. It is the amount of each time that makes people quite critical .)

"makes sense!"


Grace laughed loudly a few times, breaking the silence in the cafeteria, and then he clapped his hands again.

"Hurry up and eat, what are you doing stupidly! After eating, go to training, go to rest, go to work, go to work."


The cafeteria has resumed its original noise, but the situation on William's side has not improved significantly.

Chun Ji next to her seemed to be blaming herself for causing trouble to William. At this moment, she blamed herself a little and was also happy because William did not hide the relationship between him and herself.

So that golden tail is sometimes high and sometimes drooping.

William felt a little bit on pins and needles, because from just now, he had been shrouded in the low pressure exuded by Alicia.

Quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice in the bowl, and at the same time accelerated the speed of eating.

"Sorry, I'm done eating, so I'll go back to the workshop and continue working."

After William quickly finished his meal, he said in Alicia's direction, then got up and left.

No way, he felt that if he kept carrying it here, he would be blown out of arthritis by the cold.

And he didn't think he could argue with Alicia now, but it would be better to let time decide the future direction.

"I'm done eating too, Lord William, wait for me!"

Seeing that William got up, Chun Ji quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, and chased after him.

"Wait for me! Lord William."

Chun Ji trotted all the way after William who had reached the corner of the corridor, shouting softly.

"Isn't this waiting for you!"

Chun Ji panted slightly, and caught up with William who had stopped and waited in place.

"Sorry! Lord William!"

"It's because Haruhime is too complacent that the relationship between you and Lord Alicia has deteriorated."

After catching up with William, Chun Ji immediately lowered her little head, drooped her tail and ears, and sincerely apologized.

In fact, she really didn't have the mood to show off on purpose, but now she just couldn't control the mood of wanting to be close to William all the time.

Even though she was controlling herself intentionally, she still unconsciously leaned towards William's position.

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"More faults are actually on me."

William hooked Chun Ji's clean chin, and lifted her drooping little head.

"And in the future, you don't need to always apologize to me."

"Well, Chun Ji knows!"

After being comforted by William, Chun Ji regained her previous vitality in an instant.

"Okay, hurry up and go to the master for morning lessons!"

"I'm delaying, be careful when the master punishes you later."


"Then I'll go first, Lord William!"

"I'll deliver it to you again at lunchtime."

Chun Ji remembered that she was going to learn magic with Rivilia at this time of day, she said goodbye in a hurry, and ran in the opposite direction.

She didn't want to be scolded by Master Rivilia like Miss Refia.


William shook his head, and then walked towards his magic workshop.

The experiment has now entered the final stage, and he is going to make the finished product in one go.



The chestnut-haired elf sighed loudly, the cafeteria that was crowded with people has long been deserted.

Even the plates and tables had been cleared long ago, so Alicia was the only one left sighing in the cafeteria.

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