In fact, she had a premonition early on that William might not be a dedicated person, because from her observations, William was not a person who would keep a distance from girls who expressed closeness to him.

This is also the reason why she didn't start a violent offensive afterwards, because she wanted to observe hard and then make a decision later.

But she didn't expect that William would develop a relationship so quickly, and this speed made her a little unexpected for a moment.

So she doesn't know what to do now!

It is directly and completely extinguishing that little flame in my heart!

Or just because of this vague favor, he abandoned the love concept he had always insisted on and went forward.

This really can only be said to leave everything to time to decide.

Time is like passing through the gap, passing quietly between the fingers.

Since the early morning of that day, Alicia and him have temporarily restored the original way of getting along with each other. Of course, Ai Si still has the same attitude as before, without any major changes.

As for Chun Ji, she was completely glued to him, except for the homework that must be done every day, she stayed in William's magic workshop all day long.

Even the occasional invitations from Linie and Tiona to invite her to go shopping were mostly declined by her.

〖In her words, Lord William is working so hard now, how can she go out to play every day by herself! 〗

〖As Lord William’s personal maid, of course she must always be by his side at such moments. 〗

"It's done—"

After a drop of divine blood dripped into the test tube filled with blue liquid.

The change begins at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a burst of dazzling light dissipated, the azure liquid in the test tube had turned into a strange purple red.

William could clearly feel the liquid in the test tube through the glass, and the divinity inherent in Loki's blood was well preserved.

"Okay, what needs to be done now is to test the effect!"

In this regard, William has long been prepared.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for him himself. He has basically never been to the dungeon this month, and his ability value will not change significantly.


William raised the test tube in his hand, turned around and shouted at Chun Ji who was sitting on the sofa.

Chun Ji also immediately understood what William meant, and put her hands on the collar of her kimono.

The red kimono slipped off the girl's clean and tender body, and the white peaks appeared directly in William's field of vision.

Chun Ji also didn't intend to hide her beautiful spring, but instead let the plump couple be exposed to the air.

Chun Ji had shown William countless times the same scene.

After all, the kimono on her body has been taken off by William countless times, and even that blood-thumping delicate body has been played with by William's big hands.

William has also become less impulsive. After all, if you have seen too many beautiful landscapes, it is difficult to maintain the original impulse.

If this had been done a while ago, he would have put the experiment behind him long ago, and would have pushed the woman in front of him into an upsetting battle.

Of course, this also has something to do with Chun Ji now squeezing every drop out of him every day.

"Chun Ji, lie down on the sofa!"

"I'm going to start!"

In this way, William issued instructions to the woman on the sofa, and Chun Ji on the sofa also followed William's instructions.

Press the pair of huge and cute ones into a shape almost like a round cake.

Presumably, if this cute pair had self-awareness, they would definitely cry and complain about the owner's behavior of not caring for them at all.

William walked to the front of the sofa and sat on the gap in the sofa reserved by Chun Ji.

Pulling out the cork plugged on the test tube, William poured a drop of 4-5ML purple liquid from the bottle onto Chun Ji's smooth back.

This is a scene that he has experienced many times, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

The clown pattern, which has been seen countless times, appeared on Chun Ji's back out of thin air like magic.

In the same way, the value that symbolizes the adventurer's ability also appears.

Three Wild Haruki

Level: lv1

Strength: I(100)—I(151)

Durability: I(141)—I(188)

Dexterity: I(150)—I(198)

Agility: I(152)—I(199)

Magic: E (495) - D (555)

Development ability: no

Magic: "Magic Mallet"

Skill: "Demon Fox Art"

"Master William, has your magic tool been produced successfully?"

Chun Ji just lay on the sofa, feeling the same feeling as when she was updated by Loki, and asked William timidly.

She also felt that the experiment seemed to be successful, so she asked.Otherwise, she wouldn't have spoken directly, because she knew exactly how much effort and effort William had put in for this prop.

"Well, it worked!"

William's flat voice also contained a slight trace of suppressed joy.

"Wait for a while, I'll translate it for you and rub it down."

As a erudite and multi-talented person, he has already mastered the language of the mere words of the gods.

From now on, he only needs to follow Loki's method of giving others more detailed ability values, and just follow suit.

In this way, William rubbed the ability value according to the same method, and then patted Chun Ji's perky ass with his hand.

"Okay, get up!"

"Yes, Lord William!"

After Chun Ji responded weakly, she stood up directly, and her unusual movement was that she didn't take the brown paper that William handed over at all.

Instead, he put his little hand on the only tie that could bind the kimono, and gently pulled it.

The beautiful scenery that William has admired countless times is displayed in front of William's eyes in such a majestic way.

"Chun Ji, what are you trying to do!"

William put the brown paper and the corked test tube on the table. At the same time, he stood up and put his arms around Chun Ji's slender waist. His eyes met Chun Ji's glowing pupils. with.

"Because Chun Ji wants to celebrate Lord William, is that okay!"

Chun Ji wrapped her white and tender hands directly around William's neck, her eyes were full of spring.

"of course can!"


While speaking, William passed Chun Ji's armpits and legs with one hand, and picked up the woman in his arms.

ps: Thanks to the original sun for the reward

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Chapter 120 The seventh research is successful 【2 and 1 ask for subscription】


A mist that smelled of alcohol spewed out from Loki's mouth, and his vermilion pupils stared like balls.

"You said you really succeeded in your research?"

Loki rubbed his little hands, looking excitedly at the man who was drinking tea in front of her.

"Well, the experimental results have come out!"

"Chun Ji's ability has been successfully updated under the action of my potion!"

"And it's been two days now, and the remaining half bottle of potion still hasn't lost its effect."

"It can be seen that this experiment should have been a complete success."

While talking, William took out a small glass bottle from his arms, which contained the leftovers of the potion he had used on Chun Ji two days ago.

If the divine blood wants to maintain its divinity after being separated from the body, it can only be left for about half a day at most to maintain its effectiveness.

That's why Loki will release a small jar of divine blood at once when the members update collectively.

If someone hadn't come to poke her finger, her finger would have been smashed.

So after two days of maintenance, he said that the experimental product was considered a success, and there was nothing wrong with it.


At this moment, the symbol of $$ has popped out of Loki's eyes, although the magic item researched by William is definitely not as widely used as the panacea.

But this magic item is definitely a necessity for the team that wants to go on an expedition.

If you bring this kind of magic item during the expedition, as long as you bring enough healing medicines, you can achieve the effect of supporting war with battle.

"Will this production be troublesome?"

At this moment, Loki has already begun to think about her plan to make money, and how to sell well at the next God meeting is the focus of her thinking at the moment.

"It's not troublesome to make, it takes about half an hour to make one!"

William shook his head. The preparation of this potion is quite simple, as long as he adds the blood of the main god according to the prescribed ratio, it can be made directly.

"That would be great, let's see next time God will bring you a big order!"

Loki's left fist directly hammered into the palm of his right hand, with a confident expression.

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