"Well! Although it is very good of you to say so!"

"But the Dragon Leaf Grass, which is used as a stable blood divinity, is completely gone, so I came out this time to ask if there is any stock!"

William spread his hands and said helplessly, he also discovered early on that the dragon leaf grass has the effect of stabilizing the divinity, so this herb is the most consumed among his many materials.

"Dragon Leaf Grass?"

"If you lack this, you may have to wait a little longer!"

Loki remembered what Line said when he met Linee on the street two days ago, and said to William with some regret.

"what happened?"

"Line complained to me that she had already bought out all the dragon leaf grasses, and was worrying about where to get you experimental materials if you didn't have enough!"

Loki recalled what Lyne had said to her and repeated it to William.

Hearing what Loki said, William immediately understood.

Since one wants to make new potions, one must memorize the known pharmacology and growth environment of medicinal herbs.

Dragon leaf grass is a plant that grows in one of the three great secret realms, "Big Tree Sea".

And this kind of herb is not in the existing medicinal formula.

The distance between the sea of ​​trees and Olali is also very far away, so no one purposely went to the sea of ​​trees to pick this kind of medicinal herb that has no effect.

The dragon leaf grass that Olali currently has on the market happened to go to the "big tree sea" to do the mission, and then brought it back.

This is the reason why the "Rocky Familia" has only been purchased once, and it can no longer be found on the market.

"Forget it, you don't have to worry!"

"Just go to the guild later and post a task to pick dragon leaf grass. Give a little more money, and some low-level adventurers will pick it up."

Loki waved his hands, and his whole body returned to the previous lying posture. From her point of view, the matter was over, and it was time for her to drink again.

"Forget it! I'll go by myself!"

"It's just a matter of taking a break!"

William made a decision talking to himself, directly denying Rocky's previous suggestion that he was going to find someone to work.

Of course, he also has his own considerations for saying this.

To be honest, with the research of the updated potion, he no longer has any reason to stay in this world.

And as his level increases, the monsters he needs to challenge to level up in this world will also become stronger.

When lv2 was upgraded to lv3 alone, he was already going to single out the 37th floor master "Udaios".

Then when lv3 is upgraded to lv4, he will challenge the 49th floor floor master "Bakar".

Then it's time to upgrade to lv5!

It's time to upgrade to lv6 and lv7!

To put it simply, the strength of the Loki family is almost not enough to protect him from going to deeper floors without injury.

So simply speaking, this world is no longer so attractive to him.

Then before leaving, it's not bad to go out and have a look at the scenery outside of Olalie.

William thought so!

"Well! If you go by yourself, you can get back the Dragon Leaf Grass faster, anyway, the family doesn't have much to worry about right now."

Loki, who was lying on the sofa, had no doubts about William's proposal after taking a sip of wine.

"Then don't forget to report when you go later. If you just sneak out like this, it will be very troublesome to deal with it when you come back."

While hiccupping, Loki instructed William.

Don't look at her drinking every day and looking like a pervert who can't wake up. In fact, she knows a lot of things. Some time ago, William and Aisi sneaked out of the city to train every morning. She already knew about it.

But that's just going out for a while, so no one cares about him.

But it takes much more time to go to the "Big Tree Sea". High-level adventurers who have been out of Orari for so long without any reason will be fined by the guild.


"So, Mr. William, are you going to register for the secret realm of "Big Tree Sea"?"

The one who spoke was the half-elf lady of the guild who hadn't been seen for a long time, Aegina!

At this moment, she was also very happy to chat with William, because she hadn't talked to two people like William for quite a long time.

When she was at work, William was mostly in a team state when he went to the dungeon.

When William went to the dungeon alone, she was almost always on rotation.

"Well, I want to pick up a kind of medicinal material, and then I'll go shopping by the way!"

William sat in front of the counter, and also took out the documents he had signed in the family.

"That's it! It's good to go out and relax!"

"Mr. William, your strings are too tight."

Eina also quite agrees with William's decision, because in her opinion, William's ability to improve so quickly must have been tense at ordinary times, and he has been working hard to improve his strength.

"Well! That's it!"

"Then please trouble Miss Aegina!"

Although William felt that the direction Aegina was thinking was wrong, he didn't say much, after all, it would be troublesome to explain.

"Since that's the case, why don't Mr. William also try to accept a more smooth commission?"

She had already taken out her pen and was about to make a registration. Aegina seemed to have suddenly remembered something, put down the pen in her hand, raised her head and said to William.


William subconsciously wanted to reject this matter. After all, he just wanted to relax, and besides, he was not short of the reward for entrusting the release.

Not to mention that he is about to leave this world soon, even if he comes back next time, the update potion in his hand will be a gold mine for him to keep getting money.

Besides, how much money can you give for a commission to go to the "Big Tree Sea", that is the place where lv1 adventurers go to take risks, and 10 mana is not too much!

He can earn much more than this by going around the dungeon, and he really doesn't like this little money.

"Because the monsters near the "Big Tree Sea" suddenly had abnormal riots and forest mutations."

"In addition, the distance between Olalie and the "Big Tree Sea" is too far away, so no adventurer has accepted this quest until now."

"Well, Aegina, I just want to be pure..."

Seeing that Aegina spoke more and more vigorously, William wanted to interrupt Aegina's words.

"Or I'm still worrying! It would be great if you would accept it, Mr. William."

〖It's so hard to refuse! 〗

William secretly sighed, Aegina's eyes that finally found a savior made him unable to refuse directly.

"Then what about the reward!"

Although this kind of remuneration is dispensable to him, he can't just work for nothing.

"No limit! Depends on the completion of the task!"

These few words that came out of Aegina's cherry lips immediately aroused William's interest.

What aroused William's interest was the point of unlimited rewards.

Because from the normal procedures, the adventurer commission issued by the guild itself will indicate the danger of this mission and the reward of this mission at the back.

This is because the guild has fully assessed the risk level of the task, and then based on the due reward.

Likewise, the fact that there is no upper limit to compensation also shows one thing.

That is, the guild is not very clear about the intelligence level of this mission, so there is no way to define how much reward it will pay!

According to William's analysis, this task can actually be divided into two parts.

One: Investigate clearly the degree of danger and the main goal of this mission. If only such a direction is completed, the reward will probably not be too much.

Two: If you directly solve the source of the problem, then the compensation should be quite considerable!

After all, if it was solved well, the guild would not have investigated the source of the incident until now.

"Then Miss Aegina, do you have any more detailed information?"

"I seem to be a little interested in this matter!"

"That's great!"

Seeing that William had agreed to the matter, Aegina immediately found the document that recorded the detailed information of this mission.

"I don't have that much specific information. I just know that on a certain day, many scorpion-shaped monsters suddenly appeared in the secret realm of 'Big Tree Sea'."

"The exact level of this monster is unknown, but the only thing that is clear now is that several villages near the secret realm of the "Big Tree Sea" have all been swallowed up."

"It is indeed a strange phenomenon!"

William nodded.

The monsters that are still active on the mainland are all monsters that ran out of the dungeon during the turbulent era thousands of years ago.

However, it is impossible for the mainland to continuously produce monsters like in the dungeon, so after the exit of the dungeon is suppressed by the fortress Olali, the monsters can no longer run up.

After the adventurers cleaned the monsters on the mainland a hundred years ago, there are basically no monsters on the ground now.

The only monsters that can be called monsters are the hybrids of the monsters that came up and the native animals on the mainland.

But although this kind of creature can be called a monster, the unified characteristic is that they can only reach the level of lv1 at most.

This level is no longer a threat to humans, and the number is too much, so the adventurers all gave up and continued to clean the continent.

The same is true for the secret realm of "Big Tree Sea". Although it can be called a secret realm, there are only a little more LV1 monsters in it.

Moreover, most of the monsters inside are of different races, all have their own territory divisions, and they will fight each other because of the competition for the territory.

The most important thing is that they usually don't leave the "big tree sea" secret realm.

This is the reason why the villagers can safely settle down near the secret place of "Big Tree Sea".

If it is really what Aegina said, then there are quite a lot of doubts.

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