First of all, why the monsters suddenly rioted.

Secondly, even if it is the monster that rioted out of the "big tree sea", there are only monsters in the form of scorpions.

Finally, what is the reason for the sudden increase in the number of monsters in the form of scorpions?

You know, although there were also races of scorpion monsters in the sea of ​​trees before.But the number will never reach that much.

If it multiplies so much little by little, then the traces cannot be hidden, and adventurers who have done missions to the "big tree sea" before will definitely be able to find it.

"Okay, then please Miss Aegina, you opened the file for me!"

"This time I'll just mind my own business and go see what's wrong with the 'Big Tree Sea'."

William said with a relaxed face, don't look at the dangerous analysis in his mind.

But in fact, he didn't feel worried at all.

Because if it was really such a dangerous and urgent task, the guild would not release the task in the lobby so grandiosely.

They have long issued mandatory missions to Orari's big family, and launched a crusade against the "big tree sea".

If such measures have not been taken yet, it can only show that although the incident has a certain degree of danger, it has not yet reached that point.

ps; Thanks for the reward sent by the original sun

Chapter 120: Find a candidate【2 in 1 for subscription】

That night

The moonlight hangs high above the starry sky.

Among the sea of ​​lush trees that can't be seen at a glance, the atmosphere of fireworks exuding popularity permeates upwards from an open space.

The dancing flames reflected every face that was surrounding it at the moment.

It was a group of young and beautiful girls. At this moment, they were holding their own dinner in their hands, waiting for the blue long-haired woman in the main seat to speak.

"Okay, let's eat quickly!"

"Everyone has worked hard these days!"

The blue long-haired woman smiled gently, her expression at this moment was in stark contrast to her attire.

Because she was wearing a battle suit woven from purple and white, and a pair of brown hunter boots on her feet.

The most important thing is that there is a silver longbow and unsheathed dagger beside the woman.

No matter how you look at it, this should be a heroic huntress. Words like gentle are used to describe her, which is really a bit contrary to harmony.


"Master Artemis, when will reinforcements arrive!"

The half-elf girl was sipping vegetable porridge while talking to the goddess of the moon who was also eating.

Looking at her like this, you can tell that she is already very dissatisfied with the current situation.

"Lanti, you are very rude to question Lord Artemis like this, understand?"

The human girl with short red hair sitting next to her sighed, put down the wooden bowl in her hand, and grabbed the half-elf girl's ear with one hand.

"Pain Pain Pain Pain!"

The pretty face of the half-elf girl was about to twist into a ball because of the pain, and her two little hands kept waving, trying to make the master who was punishing her let go of that evil hand.

"Okay! Letesa let Ranti go!"

"Complaints of this level are justified. After all, you should be resting in Olalie's long-lost rest."

Unlike Letesa, who was a little angry, Artemis was not angry at Lanti's unintentional words, but felt a little guilty towards them.

Because the investigation of the "big tree sea" secret realm has nothing to do with them, and this place is not even on their original return route.

It was she who had heard the details described by the fugitives and decided to pull her team here on the spur of the moment.

The children of my own family did not complain, and followed me here without complaint.

But they had already fought a tough battle before that.

According to normal logic, they should be lying in the safe family resident now, enjoying the rare holiday of the year.

"Where, it's Lanti who is too rude!"

Letesa directly pressed the disapproving little head of Lanti, apologizing on her behalf.

"It's nothing to say! Let go of Randy, Letesa!"

Artemis blinked and repeated what he had just said.

Letesa also hummed softly, and then let go of Lanti who was still complaining.


The goddess' voice again made all the women present temporarily put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, gathered their spirits, and listened carefully to the Lord God's teachings.

It's no wonder they didn't look at the small theater just now.

That's because the same thing happens every day, and as members of the group, they are already tired of watching it.

Ranti, who is the youngest in the grade and has been pampered too much, often says the wrong things because of her outspokenness.

At this time, her own sense of responsibility is super strong, and Letesa, who is also the head of the family, will show up on time and give her instructions.

And the culprit who spoiled Lanti, the goddess Artemis will also come out on time to smooth things over.

"The two summons I sent should have reached Orari a week ago."

"According to the normal marching speed, at least the personnel sent by the guild to provide assistance should be arriving soon."

"Everyone, try harder and persevere!"

The goddess' gentle and pleading tone made the group members who would not refuse any request from the goddess more determined to investigate tomorrow.

No way, Artemis is not just the main god of the family to them.

For most members, Artemis is more like their mother in their hearts.

Because most of them are orphans picked up and brought up by Artemis.

"Master Artemis, this is our duty, you don't have to be so polite."

The orc girl shook her head, and the other girls had the same attitude.

"But you are obviously looking forward to the rest time!"

"Sorry, after this time is over, I will definitely let you have a good rest."

Artemis' tone still contained traces of apology.

"Then, if Lord Artemis is really sorry, would you like to lift our love ban as a reward?"

Lanti's eyeballs were rolling, obviously trying to make trouble when Artemis was not concentrating.

After Randy said this, everyone present looked at Artemis with hope, even Letesa was no exception.

No way, their main god Artemis is the god of chastity in the God Realm.

She is one of the three goddesses in the God Realm.

When they stayed in this family, they naturally had to obey the rules set by the virgin goddess.

nothing else!

That is, members of the group are absolutely not allowed to fall in love with men! ! !

This rule is okay when they are young, because they are not interested in love.

But as they gradually grow up, they are exposed to more and more things outside.

They also naturally desire the opposite sex because of biological instinct.

The so-called more suppressed things will make you want to try more.

With such strict family regulations, their fantasy of sweet love is much larger than that of normal women.

But no matter how they tried to persuade the main god, there was no way to change this prohibition.

"Lanti, no!"

Artemis looked at Lanti who was still thinking carefully just now and said with a smile.

The goddess was obviously smiling when she spoke, but Lanti, who was facing the main god, didn't feel the slightest warmth from Artemis.

Then Artemis sighed, and said to the disappointed family members.

"Although I can't understand what love is, and I don't want to understand love!"

"But I will not deny this feeling, because it is a necessary element for human reproduction."

"So if you really have someone you like, just come to me and apply for transfer!"

"You don't need to give up pursuing your love because of my own persistence."

"And even if we are not in the same family, we are still a family. You just need to visit me often."

Although her voice was flat, the trace of loneliness mixed with it was caught in the ears of the rest of the people.

Artemis understood that the prohibition of dating was just his own boring insistence.

But as a goddess of purity, although she understands that she is wrong logically, she just can't accept it physically.

And her team members all had such expressions as expected.

Their main gods have shown such expressions, how could they abandon the main god just for the sake of love!

And they have heard it a long time ago, they are not the first generation members of Artenis.

Before them, Artemis also had a few members.

When those people first joined, they also promised the Lord God that they would never fall in love.

But soon as time passed, they could no longer accept this kind of regulation.

One by one, they withdrew from the family and turned their backs on Artenis.

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