The gentle voice woke up William, who was about to fall into deep thought.

When William was deep in thought, frowning was a bad habit of his.

But Artemis, who didn't know William, thought that William was frightened by the danger of this mission, so he wanted to comfort William and reassure him.

ps: Put today’s thanks tomorrow!Now it's really getting more and more tired and difficult, and it's getting harder and harder

Chapter 130 Construction completed 【2 in 1 for subscription】

"The current "Andaris" has not completely broken the seal, and even if it breaks the seal, after many years of sealing, there will be none of the energy in its body."

"What's more, we are only responsible for the investigation first, and we can evacuate after we get specific information."

Artemis spoke slowly, trying to relieve the seemingly nervous teenager with his own words.

William could only nod helplessly.

Because after all, the goddess is also kind, and it is troublesome to explain that I am not nervous, so simply admitting it is the best solution.

"Master Artemis, I'm sorry to tell you how far you have gone to investigate now."

William's blunt words also made all the members of the "Artemis" family show wry smiles.

"To be honest, we haven't even gotten close to the ruins now."

Letesa, the official head of the family who answered on behalf of Artemis, had her head down so low that it almost reached her chest.

Apparently being here for a week and going nowhere is quite a shame for her as well.

"There is no way! Who made those bugs densely guard the edge of the ruins, we are exhausted every time before we reach our destination."

Well, this is the only member of the regiment who is not depressed.

Ranti, the youngest, was able to speak without frustration.


Another elf girl, Cordoli, first raised her brows, and then let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, this incident hit her the hardest. Who made her the only one in the family who can attack with wide-area magic!

But she, who was in charge of the bombardment, had no way to open up a way forward for the members.

"That's it!"

William nodded knowingly. After a brief observation, he now has a general understanding of the strength of the "Artemis" family.

Letesa, the most powerful head of the family——lv3

The rest of the team members are probably at level 2, and there are no newcomer adventurers at level 1.

On the surface, the strength of this family can definitely not be considered low.

Two lv3 adventurers, and the rest of the thirteen or fourteen members are all lv2.

It might sound like nothing at first, but that's compared to Orari's top family.

In fact, if it is in Orario, this kind of strength has surpassed 90.00% of the five family members.

This is a real high-level family.

"But with your participation, I think we will definitely be able to visit the ruins tomorrow!"

Letesa touched the back of her head and said with a smile to William.

Well, she is an informal girl!

This is William's evaluation of her!

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to achieve our goal of exploring the ruins tomorrow."

William responded with a smile, although his words would seem a bit exaggerated to others.

But this is the fact, when the strength reaches a certain level.

Ants are ants, no matter how the ants gather in groups, the strong only need to wave their hands, but they are just a piece of fly ash. ·

"Ah! That's really reliable!"

"Otherwise, I am very worried that my lovely child will be injured in this mission!"

"With Mr. Sfengel, I can feel at ease!"

A rather incongruous voice sounded from everyone's ears, and the owner's appearance was exactly the same as William's at that time.

It's just that the treatment is very different from when William played.



"It turned out to be you, Hermes!"

The first two sighs came from Randy and Cordoli respectively.

The one who was full of disappointment in the latter words was Artemis.

"Why such an attitude!"

"I rushed over to help you as soon as I received the news, Artemis!"

Hermes held his chest innocently, as if Artemis' attitude at this time had hurt his fragile heart.

As always, Ya Sifei looked at Hermes with contemptuous eyes, as if asking him, did you forget that you went out on the Happy Street to mess around the day before.

"Tch, it doesn't matter if you are there or not!"

Artemis covered her forehead, although such an action was extremely indecent, her dislike for Hermes was not concealed in her tone.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The male god put on a show and made quite exaggerated movements.


"Yasfi, thank you very much for coming to help!"

Unlike the others, Letesa greeted Asfi happily.

The number of people brought by the "Hermes Familia" this time can be said to be quite impressive.

The "Family of Hermes" is a small elite group like the "Family of Artemis".

This time they brought a full 25 people, which can already be said to be the entire combat power of the "Hermes Familia".

As for strength...!

William's eyes froze, and then he showed a playful smile!

Because according to his eyesight, all members of "Hermes Familia" are above lv2, even their leader Asfi.

If he read correctly, the true level of this "Almighty" is lv4.

As for why he smiled that way, it was because the "Almighty" was registered at level 2 in the guild.

If she is lv3 at the moment, then it is understandable to say that she has just upgraded and has no time to log in.

Because the same is true for William.

But the problem is that she is now lv4, and the claim that she has no time to log in is obviously untenable.

If this is not the problem, then it is the purpose of this family to hide its strength.

When William showed such a smile, Hermes, who was chatting with Artemis, also noticed William's expression, and narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

"Sorry, Artemis!"

After Hermes said something in a low voice, he stepped towards William.

William also noticed the movement of the male god, put away the smile on his face, and returned to calm.

"Yo, Mr. Sfengel!"

"I'm sorry I didn't continue talking to you after I said hello just now!"

Hermes' eyes were completely squinted at this time, making people think that he seemed to be hitting some bad water.

"You are so polite, you are a god and you should not talk to me!"

Although William didn't know what bad news this male god was doing, he had already mastered the skills of talking nonsense when he saw people.

Let's talk about a god whose divine power has been sealed and can only be similar to ordinary people, even if there is any plot, William doesn't think it can be plotted against him.

"There! I have been in love with you for a long time!"

"Mr. Sfengel!"

Hermes stretched out his big hand and put it in front of William, and William held that big hand together after a short pause'.

After the two of them greeted each other without nutrition, the "Hermes Familia" also started to set up tents and build their own camp.

After all, there are too many of them, and it is necessary to rebuild the camp.

At this moment, Yasifei had already walked to Hermes who was leaning on the tree trunk while the group members were busy.

"Master Hermes!"

"It's Yasifei!"

The male god just greeted normally, and then his eyes returned to the person he was paying attention to.

"Sure enough, you seem to be very concerned about "Rail Thunder"!"

The male god still didn't look sideways, but the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"Hey! Asfi!"


"Don't you think his experience is legendary!"

Looking at the side face of the male god, Ya Sifei saw the expression she had seen countless times, it was the expression of her master god staring at the prey she wanted to play with.


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