Ya Sifei sighed tiredly again, and then said.

"I don't know what your plan is, but at least in this mission, I implore you not to make random moves, okay?"

"The combat power of "Rail Thunder" is necessary for us!"

"I know it, Yasifei!"


In the early morning, the sky is hazy, and the breeze gently blows the leaves.

The dense leaves rustled when blown by the wind, and the bonfire that had been burning in the evening was now only a mass of black wood ash.

The whole camp was very quiet, almost no sound could be heard, and only the patrolling posts could be seen shuttling back and forth among the trees.

"It's time to go!"

William packed up his personal belongings, and at the same time untied the white cloth wrapped around the spear.

There was a faint light shining on the blood-red gun body, and the chill emanating from the gun head caused the temperature in the tent to drop instantly.

This gun was the latest weapon he had just obtained before setting off.

It was completely built by God Guberniu himself, and many precious materials were used in it, and because these materials can be said to be gorgeous, William became a negative man.

This is his first-level adventurer weapon "Marduk".

A spear that can completely withstand his "atomic rays".

"Good morning!"

William just opened the zipper of the tent and poked his head out. Ranti greeted William as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Good morning! Randy!"

William also waved his hand to greet Ranti.

But at this moment, Randy's sight had completely shifted to the spear William was holding in his hand.

"Very valuable weapon!"

Randy's eyes were fixed, as if staring at a moving vault.

Although she doesn't know much about weapons, she can still see the extraordinary aura at a glance.

This weapon is definitely not cheap—

The question marks on William's head were already piled up at the moment. He didn't expect that the goddess' first reaction after seeing his "Marduk" was that it was so valuable!

According to the normal theory, it should be something amazing!

Well, there must be something wrong with this girl's head!

This is the situation that William has vaguely discovered since yesterday.

After a while, everyone got up one after another and started to prepare.

Maintenance of weapons maintains weapons, and breakfast is responsible for making breakfast!

Even the tent that has been propped up here for a long time has been retracted.

After the discussion last night, it is now the maximum combat power that can be assembled. If this lineup is not good, then it is useless to continue trying.

If this fails again, they have no choice but to go back honestly and let the guild send new family members to solve the problem.

"Okay, let's go then!"

The fully armed members stood behind Artemis, following the goddess to the depths of the forest.

"I said Letesa, has Master Artemis always been like this?"

William looked at Artemis who was still leading the team even though the team had started to move forward.

"What's wrong with me?"

It wasn't Letesa who answered him, but Artemis, who was a stature ahead of William.

The shape of their team now is that Artemis is at the forefront, and behind her are William and Letesa, two high-level melee adventurers who are responsible for opening the way.

Then Asfi, the strongest of the "Hermes Familia", was in charge of the last of the team to prevent sneak attacks.

"The problem is big! As the main god, you should be the same as Hermes!"

While speaking, William pointed to Hermes who was tightly protected by the regiment members.

"Oh oh oh!"

Artemis understood William's meaning, responded twice, and then said in a disdainful voice.

"Although my divine power is sealed at this moment, don't think that I'm the same as that protected waste material."

"I am strong!"

"That's right! Master Artemis is no less than an adventurer of level 2."

"Our martial arts are all taught by Lord Artemis."

Letesa spoke proudly.

"That's right! Although I'm not a member of your family, I shouldn't talk too much!"

"But I want to say one more sentence. Of course, it's up to you to listen or not."

After a little thought, William decided to speak out.

After all, this matter is not only their business, if something goes wrong, it will also affect their overall combat power.

"Well! But it doesn't matter!"

Artemis smiled heartily!

"Then I'll just say it straight, I hope you can return to the center of the team and be well protected."

William's tone was very serious, but Artemis continued without paying attention.

"Although I am very grateful for your relationship, I also said it!"

"I'm strong, so it doesn't matter!"

"I don't mean this, I know you may be really strong, but have you ever thought about it!"

"If something happens to you when you are charging, what will your regiment members do!"

"If the main god is sacrificed, do you want your team members to fight monsters with their abilities blocked?"

Artemis' pupils suddenly dilated, and her speed also slowed down unconsciously, because William's words hit her heart directly like a heavy hammer.

ps: Thanks to @BSG75 for being so old and expensive. God is pure and seeks magic. He is willing to be a ghost. I want to be a reward from the original sun of the European Emperor

Hey, the current number of subscriptions is hard to describe, and writing books is always reviewed, which is annoying

Chapter 130 One slap of both hands can do anything [2 in 1]

"Master Artemis, what's wrong with you?"

"Why do you look so absent-minded!"

The little human girl accompanied by her Patriarch God asked worriedly.

Because it was the first time for her to see her Lord God so worried.


Artemis' throat rolled up and down, and slowly spit out these words from his mouth.

Even though she said so, her slightly distracted gaze was enough to prove the unrest in her heart.

〖It turns out that I have always led the way, bringing danger to Letesa and the others! 〗

The goddess thought about what William had said to her just now, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She has always been proud of being able to match the martial arts of an lv2 adventurer with an ordinary body with sealed divine power.

She had also always thought that she was fighting alongside Letesa and the others to relieve the pressure on the manpower for Letesa and the others.

And when she saw that she followed William's advice and honestly withdrew to the team, Letesa inadvertently breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that her behavior had been causing trouble to Letesa.

It's just that Letesa didn't know how to speak directly to dissuade herself.


Violent sunlight casts dappled light and shadows on the ground through the lush branches and leaves.

At some point, William and Letesa, who were at the forefront of the team, had already stopped their progress.

The two also took out their exclusive military uniforms at the same time. Letesa's water-blue eyes were also extremely dignified at this moment, watching the forest ahead vigilantly.

Except for some unknown members of the "Hermes Familia", all the members of the "Artemis Familia" are also ready for battle.

But Ya Sifei is not a novice, in the case of insufficient information.

When he saw the actions of the "Artemis Familia" in front of him, he immediately ordered his members to follow suit.

Hermes, who was in the middle of the team, walked behind William.

After seeing Hermes' movements, Artemis also reproduced her movements, but was only one step behind Hermes.

"Ah! Mr. William, are there groups of monsters ahead?"

The conclusion Hermes made was reasonable. After all, if there were only a few sporadic ones, there was no need for the team to stop, as long as the two people in front could handle them easily.

"You are right, because in front of you is the ruins of "Ersos" surrounded by monsters."

Artemis, who was just a step behind, explained to Hermes instead of William.

"Hey, hey! You're not kidding me!"

The corner of Hermes' mouth twitched violently, which made people not only wonder if this male god had epilepsy.

"I've been looking at the map all the time!"

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