"It's obviously one kilometer away from the ruins! Do you want to tell me that this kilometer is full of monsters?"

The expression on Hermes' face at this moment seemed to be asking whether Artemis was teasing him.

Because of this amount of monsters, not to mention slaughtering a few villages, even if they want to destroy a weaker country, it is easy.

"Unfortunately, this is the case!"

"Besides, if it weren't for this number, we would have rushed directly into the interior of the ruins."

Artemis gritted her silver teeth lightly when she spoke, and Letesa spread her hands helplessly.

"is it?"

Hermes bit his thumb. At this moment, the male god really understood how troublesome the current situation is.

But soon he beckoned to Ya Sifei who was behind, and Ya Sifei immediately stepped forward clearly.

"Asfi, take out the Hades Helmet!"

Ya Sifei was taken aback by the male god's words, but then she understood the male god's intention and took out a golden helmet.

"Hermes? This is?"

Artemis immediately asked curiously.

Of course, she is very clear that this thing is a magic tool.

After all, magic items made by the "Almighty" in the "Hermes Familia" are very popular in Orario.

What she asked was what special function this magic item had.

Even William also cast a curious look, after all, he is also the owner of "Mystery"!

He is also very curious about what kind of works this "omnipotent" who is famous for Olalie can produce.

"Well! It's better to see it with your own eyes than to dictate it."

Hermes smiled mysteriously, and everyone turned their attention to the sea princess at the same time.

"Then I'll start!"

Of course, Yasifei also noticed William's gaze, and at the same time, she unconsciously developed a trace of resistance to the disease.

Slowly raised the helmet in his hand, and then slowly put it on his petite head.

A miracle happened at this moment.

Originally a living person here, after wearing the helmet tightly.The next one, Yasifei disappeared in front of everyone's eyes like a magic trick.


There were several breaths of gasp at this moment.

"This is stealth! It's amazing!"

Letesa was the first to speak out, and offered her compliments without hesitation.

Because everyone present understands how useful the ability to be invisible can be at this moment.

As long as they bring this magic item, they can pass through this wave of monsters, and there is no need to fight scorpion-type monsters.

"Hermes, how many helmets do you have now?"

Artemis' eyes shone with excitement.

To be honest, this was the first time she felt that the good-for-nothing Hermes was useful.

"Five! After all, I didn't expect this thing to be used before, and I didn't prepare too much."

Hermes opened his palm, revealing five fingers.


Artemis' expression revealed a look of disappointment again, and then he spat out.

"I thought there would be at least thirty of them!"

After all, five is still a little too little. If something unexpected happens, these five people will be in a state of isolation and helplessness.

"How could you bring so many!"

"Sorry, Lord Artemis, making this kind of magic item is very troublesome!"

"So thirty is really unlikely."

Yasifei took off the helmet that was hooped on her head, revealing her heroic figure again.

"excuse me!"

"I remember I said it! I'm responsible for cleaning up these monsters!"

"Why use such a troublesome method of invisibility!"

William looked at the heated discussion in front of him and couldn't help but speak out.

He felt that there should be nothing wrong with his memory, and he remembered that he had said this sentence clearly.

"Mr. Sfengel, I know you are very confident in yourself."

"But after all, there are too many, and we need a more cautious approach."

Artemis said helplessly to William that after the incident just now, she already thought that William was an arrogant person just like last night.

After all, he was able to teach himself so clearly, so he definitely wouldn't be so impulsive. He must be still like this now because he didn't know exactly how many enemies there are.

Hermes lowered the brim of his hat silently, as if he was not prepared to participate in the discussion at all, and was ready to watch the show.

"If I can't do it, then my magic will replace Miss Asfi's magic tool, and help everyone approach invisibly."

As William was talking, he disappeared from everyone's sight just like Asfi just now.

"This is……!"

The sound of surprise this time is definitely far better than the scene when Ya Sifei was invisible just now.

"I also have magic similar to invisibility, and my magic is also different from Miss Asfi's."

William kept his invisibility just like that, and continued to talk about his magic principles with everyone.

If William hadn't been invisible in front of them, the current scene would really look like a ghost talking here.

"Miss Asfi's magic tool is just a pure imitation of the color of the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of invisibility."

"My magic is the same, but there is another point."

"That is, it can eliminate its own smell and all traces, and achieve perfect invisibility."

At this moment, Asfi was completely shocked and speechless, and the girl from the canine race seemed to want to prove what William said.

He came here and sniffed with his sensitive nose, then nodded to everyone.

After the dog-human girl had finished all this, William continued.

"And I can cover everyone with my magic effect!"

"This is really amazing!"

The sound of Hermes clapping his hands broke the brief silence.

"Artemis, let Mr. William try it out!"

"And even if a riot is accidentally caused, we can rely on Lord William's magic to evacuate safely."

Artemis gave William a dull look, and then a fresh and pleasant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, making a final confirmation.

"Mr. Sfengel, there shouldn't be any problem with your magic power!"

"Don't worry about this! I can say that I have the most magic power now."

"Then trouble you!"

William just left the big team and walked forward alone.

Ya Sifei still maintained a shocked posture, and Hermes had already lent Artemis his telescope at this time.

In fact, from their point of view, the group of monsters behind the woods can already be seen here.


In a clockwise direction, the swarm of scorpions tightly surrounded the ruins in the middle made of huge stones.



William just stood on the rock wall slightly higher than the group of monsters below.

At this moment, he was extremely thankful that he didn't have any intensive phobia.

Although it is disgusting to see so many bugs at once, if someone with trypophobia came here, he would probably pass out directly.

"Then, let's get started!"

William stopped looking at the disgusting scene below, and looked up at the cloudless sky.


The hands were joined together heavily, and there was a crisp snap.

At this moment, the amazing magical power in William's body began to surge wildly, and the broken hair on his head was also fluttering wantonly by the gust of magic power.

At this moment, the elements in the air seemed to have found their way home, continuously gathering towards William's body.

The sky gradually darkened.

At some point, black clouds suddenly appeared all over the sky above the secret realm of "Big Tree Sea".

Its range just covered all the monsters lying in the ruins of "Ersos" at the moment.

Thunder is ringing!

The crackling sound came to the ears of Artemis and others, and everyone felt the earth-shattering changes, and they couldn't help opening their mouths.

"is that a lie!"

Asfi's sea-blue pupils began to vibrate violently.

Artemis also covered her small cherry mouth, and her shocked expression was not inferior to anyone present.

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