

In the audience, Hermes was the only one who kept chanting these two words, as if he had found a long-awaited treasure.

"Anyway, they are all lv1 level monsters, so let's pay more attention to the number here!"

Even when he was thinking now, he didn't stop communicating with the thunder element in the atmosphere.

The magic power poured out like a dam that opened the gate, and in just 2 minutes, he had already consumed a full two-thirds of the magic power.


There were no extra words, no names of moves, William just slowly lowered his raised palms.

In an instant!

Everything in the world is shrouded in a piece of white light, and the deafening roar resounds through the world.

Lightning is like a downpour of rain, continuously falling from the dark clouds.

The roars of the monsters were intertwined with the roar of thunder and lightning.

The thunder rang for a full minute.

Some people even have symptoms of tinnitus and vertigo.

But they couldn't help being dazzled by the scene in front of them after the hesitant natural disaster.

Looking around, let's not mention the dense crowd of monsters before.

Because no one would think that group of monsters could survive that terrifying lightning strike.

They were surprised and even a little frightened by the destroyed landform scene.

Look around!

Everywhere I looked was the earth that was full of potholes like the surface of the moon, and the woods that were affected by the aftermath of thunder and lightning were also turned into fly ash like monsters, leaving no residue.

"Ah, how intoxicating!"

"How mesmerizing!"

"This is the real thing, a real hero who conquers everything with his own strength!"

At this moment, Hermes finally couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and declared loudly and presumptuously.

Ever since he got to know William, he couldn't help but compare William with Zeus' granddaughter.

Until today, he is clear!

No need to compare, no need to compare.

Belle may really have the power to slay dragons in the future.

But he was convinced that Belle should not be able to grow up.

William will be able to fulfill the ambition of all the people of the lower world, which has lasted for thousands of years.

ps: Thanks to @孤儿E去不未回书客10933528549 Universe Emperor Yuan Sun for the tip

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Because the recovery is too bad, I am going to open a new book to try to recover blood, so I make the following options

1 Start the school battle in the normal order

2 Abandon the learning battle and directly start blood devouring

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Chapter 130 The second is more suitable to be a mage 【2 and 1 ask for subscription】

Dusty, burnt and bloody smells permeate everywhere.

The blond young man slightly closed his eyes, and greedily sucked in the fragrance after the battlefield through his nose.

"It's been a long time since I gave my full strength, and this feeling is quite comfortable."

This is the first time that William has recovered all his magic power after coming to Earth Wrong World, and it is the first time that he wantonly vented the huge magic power in his body.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was convinced that he was absolutely invincible in this world.

Even the "Freya Familia" Ota, the "Fighter" whom he had never met before, was no exception.

"Sure enough, I am more suitable to be a mage!"

William nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time a group of people who had been hiding in the forest came to him.

Except for Hermes, who has a somewhat fanatical expression, the rest of the people all have complex expressions, even the goddess Artemis is no exception.

"Aren't you really a monster?"

Letesa, who has always been bright and generous, is also a little slurred at the moment.

No way, it's not like she hasn't seen Olalie's powerful magister attack with all his strength.

Even Rivilia, Olali's number one magister, was convinced that she would never be able to achieve this terrifying destructive power with all her strength.

To put it in a bad way, as long as the young man in front of him wants to, he can re-enact the magic in Orario, and he can easily destroy this fortress city that has suppressed the dungeon for thousands of years.

"What you said makes me feel a little complicated!"

William shrugged, and looked at the crowd in front of him with a teasing tone.

"I don't think I'm a monster anymore."

"No, no, your strength is indeed like a monster!"

"Did you really not hide your level? In my opinion, this shouldn't be a magic bombardment that an adventurer of level 3 can release!"

Cordoli was also a little absent-minded and said that when the pre-war meeting started last night, William had truthfully told everyone present about his current level.

She is also a level lv3 mage, and she feels that even if she wants to break her head, she can't figure out how to have such magic power at level lv3.

As we all know, the strength of magic released by Earth Wrong World Magisters depends on how much magic power they release into their own magic formulas.

This is also the reason why the attacks released by wizards are generally more powerful than their own level.

After she pours all her magic into it, she can also reach a destructive power of about lv4.

But in the same way, it will also consume almost all of his magic power, and then he will be pale, and his mental power will be greatly damaged and he will faint directly.

On the other hand, William!

He didn't seem to be panting in the slightest, his complexion was as rosy as before, and he didn't seem to be traumatized by forcibly squeezing his magic power.

"alright, alright!"

Hermes clapped his hands, making everyone focus on him.

"What a reassuring thing that Mr. William is so powerful!"

"I think that even if "Andaris" breaks out of the ground at this moment, Mr. William can easily deal with that ancient monster alone!"

After suffering a momentary heavy blow to the abdomen, the blond male god flew backwards at a fast speed.

Then the whole person slammed into a thick tree trunk with a diameter of about 1 meter.

"Shut up, you crow mouth!"

The blue-haired goddess said viciously. From her attitude, it is not difficult to see that the person who gave the male god a hard blow just now did not think of him at all except her.

"It's too much, Artemis, just now I feel like I'm going back to heaven!"

The male god spat out a mouthful of sour water, he held his still aching abdomen, and said in a breathless voice.

"Stop saying a few words, Lord Hermes!"

Yasifei resisted the exhaustion in her heart, walked in front of Hermes and pulled him up from the ground.

But to be honest, she is still a little happy at this time.

After all, she had wanted to beat up this incomprehensible main god of her own family for a long time, and Artemis' brazen attack made her feel a little relieved.

"As expected of a newcomer who has attracted much attention recently, with you joining, Rocky will wake up with a smile in his dreams."

Artemis put away the complexities in her eyes, and ignored Hermes, who looked miserable, and came across from William.

"Master Artemis has praised the prize, let's go straight away!"

"Although it's okay for me to attack again, but I'm very tired."

William pointed to the entrance of the ruins. Although there were not many, a few sporadic monsters had come out to investigate.

"That's right!"

Artemis also understood the truth. With a wave of her small hand, the whole person followed William's pace and jumped off the cliff.

The members of the regiment who followed also showed their outstanding fighting qualities.

Between the flickering of swords and swords, all the scorpion-shaped monsters rushing forward and backward were mercilessly beheaded.

The speed of the crowd was extremely fast, and the distance of more than a kilometer was crossed by them in just a short moment, and all the monsters who came to block them were all dealt with neatly.

As the distance got closer, the whole picture of the ruins became clearer and clearer to everyone.

The overall shape of the ruins is similar to a pyramid, and the stone steps are full of traces of time.

Green weeds poked out between the cracks in the rocks, and even the surface was covered with dark green moss.

Even if you don't go inside directly, you can feel the weight of the years just by looking at the whole picture from the outside.

On the stone gate of the temple, a sign of a bow and arrow shooting into the sky is engraved on it.

"This is my symbol, because the elves who sealed "Andaris" in ancient times are subordinate to my lineage."

"If I don't come in person, or someone who can use my power, I can't open this door."

Artemis stepped forward and answered everyone's doubts.

At the same time, her delicate little hand was placed on the pattern of the bow and arrow logo.

The finger slipped along the groove left by the engraved pattern, just like this, Artemis seemed to be able to feel it.

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