In order to protect this devastated land, the ancient elves went to the battlefield with what kind of mood.

When they sealed "Andaris", what kind of sacrifice did they make for it?

"Thank you for your hard work!"

The goddess closed her eyes slightly, thanking these noble and selfless elves from the bottom of her heart.

A short time passed!

At this moment, the divine power that belongs exclusively to the goddess exploded.

The water-blue arrogance swept across the surroundings. At this moment, the goddess, who had only a slight sense of majesty, exuded an aura of gods and men not to enter.

If it is said that this goddess still has the urge to make people want to play.

Now, if anyone still has this kind of thinking, then they have to weigh whether their head is too tired with their necks on their necks, and they want to change their homes.

The divine power flowed into the seal of the ruins along with the green onion fingers of the goddess.

At this moment, the light shines!

The age-old seal and the divine power of the goddess resonated at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the vibration started!

The sealed stone door made a rattling sound as if it had been installed with an automatic clockwork.

"Master Artemis, are you alright?"

When the goddess withdrew her divine power, a group of girls immediately surrounded her and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that the divine power has been released a little too much!"

The goddess caressed her chest, she also did not expect to output so much divine power to touch the seal.

If it wasn't enough just now, she almost touched the seal and was sent back to heaven directly.

While Artemis was comforting her children, she also secretly glanced at William who was looking inside.

"alright, alright!"

"Let's go in quickly! Otherwise, the monsters will surround us again later."

Hermes pressed the brim of his hat and suggested to everyone.

While he was speaking, the sound of the scorpion-shaped monster rubbing its mouthparts reached everyone's ears again.

"You can't go in directly, Keduoli, bring a few people to guard the door."

"Responsible for beheading the monsters that have regrouped."

Artemis immediately understood the situation and made an accurate judgment.

It takes time for the monsters to regroup. There are only a few sporadic monsters coming. With Cordoli and the others' abilities, they don't have to worry about getting hurt.

"Lu Luni, I'm also in trouble for you."

Hermes also instructed a dog-human girl in his family.


The combination of two lv3 adventurers and ten lv2 adventurers just wanted to block a narrow hole, it was a piece of cake.

Everyone is very concerned about their safety.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the scene that followed made everyone unconsciously swallow a mouthful of saliva, and some girls even turned pale.

This can't be blamed on them, it's because the scene in front of them is too disgusting or infiltrating.

Look around!

The walls that were supposed to be stones were covered with soft flesh-like substances, and above them were bulges like insect eggs.

Bang bang bang!

As if the sound of the beating heart came to the ears, the egg-like bulge opened like an open flower stamen under the eyes of everyone.

Something very familiar to everyone fell from the heart of the flower, and it was still wrapped in the mucus of the newborn cub.

"That's how it was created!"

Unlike everyone who had nauseated to the limit, William observed all this with eyes as if a scholar had discovered a new species of creature.

On the ceiling, on the side walls, and under the floor, black scorpions continuously gathered.


The black scorpions rubbed their hard pincers on the ground to create bursts of sparks, and dark purple venom dripped from the tail needles from time to time, pouring out thick corrosive smoke on the ground.

"This is really troublesome!"

"Protect the two main gods!"

After all, it was Asfi, who had a lot of experience in commanding operations.

The current situation is different from just now. Just now they were facing the attack of the black scorpion head-on, and they only needed to protect the two main gods at the rear.

But now they have been surrounded by black scorpions, they can only protect the main god in the middle of the attack from all directions.

"Mr. William, can you use the magic you just used again?"

Ya Sifei waved the dagger in her hand, the urgency of the battle made her subconsciously turn to the man who made her feel like a god just now.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with using it again!"

William's fingertips continued to emit pure white light, and the black scorpions that rushed forward were constantly pierced.

"But I have a better magic, can you ask Yasifei to help me guard my left and right sides?"

Even in the face of this situation, the man was still in a calm state, which made this heroic Princess of the Sea Clan blush.

"I see!"

Asfi left her post and came to William's side, posing to meet the enemy.

The dense black scorpions are still approaching, they are like brave warriors who are not afraid of death.

Even if the companions continue to die, they can't arouse their fear at all.

"Hey, it's so much easier to have such a wide passage!"

William was talking to himself like this, and it could be said that he took off Marduk from his back for the first time.

Both hands tightly held the gun body shining with blood jade luster.

The majestic magic power in the body is like a rushing river, directly bursting out from the body.

That is like the magic power of substance, and even the color can be clearly seen outside the body.

at the same time!

Anyone with clairvoyance ability can see the detailed overshoot of William's current magic release.

The electric current released from the palm of the hand continuously gathered on the blood-red gun head through the gun body.

The dust surrounding William was constantly being lifted up, and his clothes rattled in the strong wind.


The pure white beam of light illuminated the dark cave, and countless black arcs danced on the beam of light.

The space seemed to be distorted, and the hot heat of the electromagnetic gun melted everything it touched.

Black scorpion?


Meat wall?

There is no exception for anything, as the beam of light continues to expand, it is constantly being melted.

The rocks that were originally covered with fleshy walls gradually exposed the original stone-soil walls.

Then came the stones, and then the soil below.

The light is gone!

The left hand holding Marduk lowered slowly, pointing the spear point at the scorched ground.

〖Sure enough, my current magic power is about to form a perfect self-circulation. 〗

William thought silently in his heart.

Normally speaking, he released such a big big move just now, and now he released this obviously expensive magic.

According to the normal theory, no matter how amazing the amount of mana is, it shouldn't be like William is now, nothing is the same as normal people.

In fact, after he released the thunderstorm just now, the magic power in his body started to spin crazily.

By the time he released the "Electromagnetic Cannon" just now, his magic power had already recovered to about [-]% of its peak state.

This is already a terrifying speed of operation. You must know that he has never taken any mental potion.

ps: Thank you for liking Harem Animation Mirror No. [-] Unit Original Sun Zero Mo for the reward

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Chapter 130 The Blooming Chrysanthemum 【2 and 1 for subscription】

He had already recognized this situation when he was promoted to lv3. As his magic power gradually increased, the rotation speed of the magic power circulation in his body also increased.

With his current recovery speed, even if he used up all the magic power in his body, he would be able to recover to its full power within two hours.

And as his magic power continues to rise, his recovery speed will naturally become faster and faster. It is estimated that when he reaches lv8, his magic power will be infinite in another situation.

"No matter how many times, I want to say, it's too exaggerated."

Even if "Andaris" can continuously absorb the essence from the earth, and then transform it into energy, it can split its own clone from the eggs.

But rebuilding the breeding tank is still quite troublesome.

Thanks to this, they are now walking in the empty dirt corridor, and only need to face the black scorpion behind them.

William's attack can be said to have penetrated the passage leading directly to "Andaris".

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