When the two teams were walking towards the location of "Andaris", Olalie was also in an indescribable panic at this moment.

The usually quiet Adventurer's Square at this time is full of noise and wailing.

Many members of the medical family who usually don't show up here are now sweating profusely and carrying stretchers to and fro here.

A bloodstained and seriously injured adventurer came out of the dungeon and lay on a stretcher to receive treatment.

Of course, this is considered good, compared to those companions who have left their lives in the dungeon forever.

They were only seriously injured or lost their arms and legs to save their lives, which is considered a lucky thing.

In the adventurer's guild, the guild that occupies the greatest power of Orario is underground.

An old god who has been offering prayers to the dungeon naturally learned of the dungeon riot early on.

Otherwise, the medical family would not have vacated the ward so quickly and started treating them.

"Sure enough, it is now confirmed that "Andaris" is in a state of recovery soon!"

The old god wrinkled his already wrinkled face like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Yes, the preliminary calculation should be that the recovery of "Andaris" and the dungeon produced unknown noises!"

The man wrapped in a black robe also expressed his opinion.

"Uranus, do you want to continue sending people to support the "Family of Artemis" and the "Family of Hermes?"

"With the strength of their family members, it is impossible to solve this crisis."

Ulanus tapped the handle of the chair with one finger, and supported his head with the other hand.

"No, it's too late."

"And under the current circumstances, suppressing Olalie's monster is obviously more important."

The old god shook his head, "Andaris" is indeed terrifying, but if at this time a powerful family member is sent to support such a long-distance mission.

Then when they face the monster's riot again and want to rush out of the ground, it is easy to shoot the monster because of insufficient combat power.

At that time, Olalie will be miserable. Although there are many adventurers here in Olali, it is also because of Olali's large population.

In fact, there are more ordinary people living in Orario. If these monsters come up, it will be a nightmare for ordinary people.


The headquarters of the Loki family, inside the "Twilight Pavilion".

Finn frowned deeply as he looked at the information sent by the guild in a hurry.

"Suddenly there was a riot in the dungeon? We need to suppress it as soon as possible? This joke is not funny at all!"

Grace had a deep voice, squinted her eyes slightly, and said cold jokes that were not funny at all.

"Unfortunately, this matter should be true!"

"There is no need for the guild to deceive us on this."

Finn put down the documents in his hand, then picked up the bell on the table and shook it lightly.

After only a few seconds of termination, the Amazon girl Dione, the main member of their family, rushed in like a puppy on call.

She looked at Finn excitedly!

"Captain, do you have any orders?"

"Tione, please prepare for war and head to the Adventurer's Square."

"I will explain the specific situation there."

Finn's serious attitude also made Tione realize the seriousness of the matter, she put away the smile on her face, and like a gust of wind, the Amazon girl ran out.

"Then let's go too!"

After Finn got out of his exclusive chair, he took down his "Domination Spear" from a corner of the wall.

Of course, it wasn't just the "Loki Familia" who received the mission to suppress the dungeon.

The "Freyya Family", "Ganesha Family", "Ishtar Family" and other middle and upper families in Orari have all received a single order from the guild.

Although the guild does not have the right to enforce orders on the various families, everyone understands the truth of the cold.

They all depend on the city of Olalie to live. If Olalie is destroyed, they will have nothing to sing about.


Yasifei waved the silver dagger in her hand, and made a buzzing sound in the air. The black scorpion that rushed forward was split in half in an instant.

A blue halo bloomed between William's fingers, and indigo plasma continuously shot out from the fingertips, piercing through the foreheads of black scorpions.

"Mr. William, these monsters seem to be different from before."

Asfi felt the different hand feeling from the handle of the knife, and frowned, seeking answers from William.

William's strong performances time and time again have invisibly won the respect of everyone in the two teams.

Now they have silently placed William as the leader of the team, even the heads of the two families, Asfi and Letesa, are no exception.

"It should be that they are evolving!"

William secretly adjusted the volts of his own voltage, shrugged and said with a smile.

What Ya Sifei found out, he naturally found out a long time ago.

He is the only one in the entire team who can use thunder-attribute magic, and since he stepped into the surroundings of the ruins, he has mostly shot it.

Although the current black scorpions didn't have any significant increase in strength, their own resistance to lightning has even reached the level that can only be achieved by level 3 monsters.

In the past, he could kill monsters with just a random lightning strike, but now he had to take it a little more seriously.

"And the number of monster attacks is getting less and less!"

William lowered his flat fingertips, because there were no monsters behind him.

"Indeed, it is 'Andaris' who realizes that this kind of attack has no effect on us, and is he ready to give up this useless effort!"

Asfi, who also put down her dagger, thought for a while, and then expressed her opinion to William.

After the explanation of the goddess Artemis, they all now know that "Andaris" is not like a monster in the dungeon.

All actions are driven by the intent to kill humans, but "Andaris" has rational thinking, and can rationally analyze the battle situation and make decisions just like humans.

"What you said is indeed a possibility**!"

"But I'm more inclined that 'Andaris' has already collected all the information about our actions, and now it's starting to accumulate strength in its own lair so that we can take a bite and wipe out everyone."

William thought so.

The lowly mobs have been able to increase the resistance to lightning to this level, and he doesn't think that "Andaris", who is the mother, can be unprepared at all.

The current "Andaris" has definitely improved its resistance to lightning, fire resistance, and the hardness of the shell to the greatest extent.

"Isn't this a bad situation?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ranti swallowed a mouthful of saliva and screamed out.

The voices of the two people's conversations were not too low, and the people present were also quietly shrouded in a haze. It was definitely not good news for them that the monster's characteristics were strengthened according to the attacks they were good at.

"Don't worry! I haven't tried my best!"

"And no matter how it is strengthened, I am still sure that it is not in its heyday now."

William rubbed Ranti's little head, and reassured the little girl.

His relaxed and natural attitude also made the worried people relax a little bit. After all, William's previous strength also gave everyone a reason to be convinced.

"What's wrong? Artemis!"

The handsome blond male god couldn't help being concerned when he saw his fellow from the heavens like this.


Artemis shook her head lightly!

Still keeping his eyes on the figure who slapped Fang Qiu, his slender hands gently pressed his slightly swollen chest.

She actually knew that when the most dangerous stop was coming, she shouldn't be thinking about it here.

But since the brief release of divine power just now, she found that William, who was nothing special in her eyes, now has an indescribable attraction when she looks at him again.

"Oh hoo!"

The abnormal appearance of the goddess naturally couldn't escape the eyes of this calculating male god, and the corners of his mouth gradually revealed an expression of interest.

But he can still distinguish the priority of the matter, even though his heart is as uncomfortable as a cat's paw now, he still restrained it temporarily.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!"

It seemed that the sound of a baby crying sharply came from a distance, and everyone present had the urge to cover their ears.

But now everyone is not in that mood, but their hearts are sinking.

Because they are clear from where the sound is coming from!

Now I am getting closer and closer to "Andaris".

Everyone took out their reserve materials, because they wanted to meet the next battle in a complete state.

Use recovery medicine to repair the injuries of the whole body!

Use spiritual potions to restore the already depleted mana!

Take out the whetstone and give it to Moli, the weapon that already has some curling blades.

The people who had made all the preparations followed the lead of Artemis and set foot on the last step to the altar of the temple.

Because when she sealed "Andaris", it was she who provided the blueprints in the heavens to the elves who believed in her in the lower realms, so she knew every plant and tree in this ruins.

Everyone walked through the long stairs and stood at the top of the stairs.

A large round hole is opened on the top, allowing the outside sunlight to shine into the altar.

Looking straight up, there is no living body around, only "Andaris" waving his double claws in the middle of the huge round pit.

Scarlet blood-like lines are engraved on the hard black shell.

Its body size is comparable to that of a floor master like "Goliath", and its basic shape is no different from the black scorpion it creates.

At first glance, it looks like a pair of tongs with terrifying power and a high-raised tail needle. The only difference from those black scorpions is that it should be on the head of the scorpion.

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