A body similar to the upper body of a human grew out, and there were six spider-like joints swaying in disorder on the back of the human body.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!"

Seeing the arrival of the crowd, "Andaris" immediately let out a roar that seemed to be excited, and the double pliers that were constantly waving directly smashed into the ground, directly setting off a burst of violent sand.

Soon after, the thick fog cleared!

The scarlet one eye exudes a strong killing intent.

There is also a trace of impatient greed.

"Are you staring at us!"

The well-informed Hermes immediately understood that the current "Andaris" can be said to be weaker than ever before.

Compared with the strength that ravaged the earth in ancient times, he is weak now and can only be compared to monsters around lv 7 in the dungeon.

So now it desperately wants to return to its previous strength, and even wants to become stronger.

Absorbing the essence of the earth is of course useful for it to recover its strength, but the accumulation speed is too long.

So what is the easiest and fastest way!

Of course, it is to devour the two gods with huge divine power in front of them.

The divine power accumulated by the gods through countless years is the best and strongest tonic.

Of course, "Andaris" would not have such a high analytical ability, but its instinct as a beast has already told it to do so.

"Is that so!"

William stared at the black scorpion in the center of the altar for a while, and then laughed outright.

"Everyone, please cut the black pipe connecting "Andaris" and the land."

"Immediately take the two gods back after finishing."

He knew it just by seeing the continuous expansion and contraction of the esophagus as if it was eating.

This is "Andaris" accumulating energy for himself in this battle.

Although letting it build up energy for a few more minutes wouldn't make a difference to him.

After all, its level has just broken through lv7, and it is impossible to reach lv8 in such a short time.

But if you don't find it, it's fine.

But if he found out that he didn't care about anything, wouldn't he look stupid.

"But we retreated, Mr. William, what do you do?"

Yasifei didn't ask why the tube was cut off, because anyone with a brain can see the clue.

What she cares about is why everyone retreats together.

"The first reason is, of course, that Lord Shenming has been targeted, and it is very dangerous now."

"What about the secondary reason?"

Artemis couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and interrupted to ask.

William didn't look back at the speaking goddess, his eyes were still fixed on the berserk scorpion, and a bloodthirsty smile slightly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course I'm going to kill him alone!"

ps: Thanks to Shuke 98390751378 The original sun and black wind blowing and blowing

Please subscribe, I saw that I have written so many words today, it’s hard

Chapter 130 Dozed off and came with a pillow 【2 and 1 ask for subscription】

There is a saying that when you doze off, you just need a pillow.

The situation is probably the current situation!

Originally, he was still thinking that his next chance to upgrade would have to wait until the next expedition.

Then reproduce the situation of playing "Udaios", and go to single out the floor master on the 49th floor!

But doesn't the "Andaris" in front of him just meet his standards!

"Stop messing around, everyone should work together here."

Artemis frowned and said without thinking.

"Although it doesn't sound very nice to talk like this, but I think everyone can't do any harm to that hard shell!"

Following Asfi's order, the three magic swords brought by the "Hermes Familia" were released at the same time.

The torrent of elements formed by the magic power was constructed in the atmosphere, and it blatantly fell on all directions of "Andaris"'s body.

William's toes lightly tapped the ground, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string.

"and many more!"

The scene where the blond-haired boy rushed out alone made the blue-haired goddess almost leave the protection team composed of family members. If Hermes hadn't held Artemis behind, she would have almost followed out.

Under the puzzled eyes of Artemis, Hermes dragged the goddess while following William's suggestion to push back.

"Okay, Artemis, let's trust Lord William here!"

"Look ahead!"

The scene in front of him seemed to be verifying what William had just said.

When the gun tip exuding a scarlet aura collided with the giant tongs that were bigger than William's entire body, a large number of sparks scattered from the junction of the tongs.

William's footsteps turned and shifted, avoiding the lateral swing of another giant pincer.

Artemis stared at the pincer that "Andaris" had just fought with William.

The pitch-black giant tongs were still shining as before, and the stabbing that exuded a gloomy aura did not leave the slightest scratch on them.

"See it! It's just as Mr. William said!"

"Even his first-level adventurer armor can't leave scars on the armor of 'Andaris', so it's the same for other people."

"And the magic sword attack just now also did not cause damage, which also proves that magic bombardment below lv4 is useless."

"Unfortunately, that's the way it is!"

"We don't want to cause trouble for Mr. William, let's cheer for Mr. William!"

Even though he said so, if a careful person watches with confidence, there is no trace of regret on the face of this male god.

Instead, the joy that had been suppressed on Gujing Wubo's face was slowly being released.

"But if that's the case, isn't he also incapable of doing harm?"

Artemis said anxiously, she is not as big-hearted as Hermes, if the people present have nothing to do with "Andaris".

Then they can only choose to retreat strategically in order to save their lives and wait for Olalie's support.

The problem is that even if they wait for Olali's support, it will take three full days for Olali's supporters to travel with such a long distance, even if they all use flying dragons to travel.

With these three extra days, who knows how far "Andaris" will be able to strengthen itself through this period of time.

As long as this monster completely recovers to half of its heyday's strength, there will be no one on the earth who can punish it.


Thinking of the goddess here, she silently pressed her slender hands on her chest, and picked up a thought that had been abandoned by her.

"Don't think so much, look, Mr. William has a way!"

Hermes, who is also a god in Greek mythology, of course he understands the character of this god who has been a neighbor for hundreds of millions of years.

It was nothing more than releasing her own divine power, and while being automatically sent back to the heavens, she cast a thunderous blow, directly destroying "Andaris".

Of course, the divine power will be absorbed by the monster as nutrition like a tonic, but the monster's restraint of the divine power is not absolute.

The appearance of the divine power and magic power stored in the body of monsters, people, and gods is like a glass bottle for drinking.

Even if you can keep storing energy in the container, if you receive too much energy in an instant and cannot release it.

Then the remaining attacks will naturally be able to cause due damage to the main body.

It's not that the gods can't release their divine power in the lower realm, but there is a certain amount of limitation in the release of divine power.

For example, simply releasing divine power, or releasing a small amount of divine power to open the seal as before.

This level will not trigger the protection mechanism in the body.

But if you want to release a blow that can destroy "Andaris", then Artemis will definitely be sent back to the heavens.

"Also, you're not [-]% sure that you can destroy 'Andaris'!"

Hermes' words left Artemis speechless.

She usually loves the people of the lower realm very much. Even in ancient times, she sent down the god with the most divine power for the people of the lower realm.

If her plan is absolutely sure, she will never hesitate to be sent back to the heavens.

The reason why she has never implemented this method is because she is afraid that she will not control her power well, and instead become a tonic for "Andaris".

"Okay, let's take a closer look!"

"Mr. William has succeeded!"

Hermes looked at the figure waving the blood-red spear in the battlefield. The spear coated with black thunder was reversed from its previous state of no progress.

Bowl-sized holes were left on the body of "Andaris", and emerald green blood flowed out of those holes.

Although these injuries were only quickly repaired by "Andaris", this also proved that William did have the ability to cause damage to "Andaris".


"It's really a little harder than I imagined!"

William flicked his already sore wrist, although "Thunder Chasing Fang" brought stronger sharpness to his "Marduk".

But if he wanted to stab the spear into the black shell, he still needed his own strength and strength.

This situation is somewhat of a test for him, who is still only an adventurer at level 3. After all, what he is stronger than most at level 3 is his magic power and flexible body skills.

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