His own strength and durability are not much stronger than other adventurers.

And he didn't quite know what the internal structure of this scorpion was!

He could only poke the gun head in, and when he wanted to continue pushing the gun shaft through his entire body, he couldn't push it no matter what.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!"

The body suffered multiple injuries, causing "Andaris" to let out a sharp roar again.

The giant pliers and tail pins were constantly waving like a storm, and William was also constantly dodging to the limit by virtue of his own speed and "cosmetic ranks".

"However, I don't eat dry food these days!"

The fighting spirit on William's body also became more and more high. It had been a long time since he met an opponent worthy of fighting with all his strength, and now he felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.

There is no way, ever since he learned this "Gallery Chasing Tooth" with the ability to disintegrate everything.

Be it monsters, human beings, or humanoid races, in front of his "Gallery Chasing Fangs", they are all like a thin piece of white paper, which can be broken with just a slight poke.

His figure was like a ghost without substance, and within just a moment of breathing, he withdrew from the center of the battlefield where "Andaris" was madly attacking.

Only the phantom of his magic stuck in place remained to deceive it.

"[Thunderstorm! (Thunderstorm)!]"

Turning the point of Marduk's spear, the blood-red spear pointed at the tyrannical one eye of "Andaris".

As William read out the magic words that belonged to him.

The magic power erupted in his body like boiling water that had reached the boiling point.

The bones and muscles of the whole body also seemed to be creaked by the full force of this moment, and let out a deep mourning.

this moment!

All of William's strength was directed towards the tip of the spear.

The people watching the battle at the back couldn't describe the feeling of the black thunder that condensed on the tip of the spear.




It seems that all words that can describe a negative state can be applied to the scene at this moment.

Sweat dripped from William's face and fell onto the icy ground. The hands holding the gun were trembling slightly as if they were lifting a heavy weight.


The black thunder light made a rumbling sound at the tip of the gun, and then it turned into a jet-black streamer and flashed out.

The pitch-black light beam is so bright in this flickering day, and its straight forward path allows anyone to see its attack curve.

But useless!

His attack this time can be said to have infused all his magic power, and the speed of Lei Guang is naturally different from before.

It has already broken through his previous attack speed, reaching a level close to the speed of light.


This kind of attack similar to the speed of light has already surpassed the limit of the human body's ability to dodge, and it goes without saying for a huge monster like "Andaris".

The degree of damage to objects caused by the black thunder that originally contained the property of collapse is already unimaginable. If "Andaris" uses his hard armor to resist, there may still be a slight possibility of blocking it.

But William was targeting its sole sense of sight, the softest part of any living creature.

and so!

The eyes of "Andaris" were like balloons exploding, and green, red, and white liquids all sprayed on its pitch-black armor.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them. They had thought of ten thousand possibilities, but the only thing they hadn't thought of was that such a one-sided situation would appear.

Even "Andaris" fell into a short stupor, because the attack came too fast, and the sharp pain when its eyeballs burst hadn't even been transmitted to its brain through the nerves.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

The belated pain finally reached its brain, and it couldn't figure out how this little bug, which was helpless before, hurt itself.

But now is not the time to think so much, because it is now completely filled with anger.

Even in ancient times, those powerful elves could only deal with themselves through sealing.

That's because they can't let themselves get hurt at all.

However, now it has its eyeballs smashed by a bug that he completely despises.

As its anger reached its peak, all the energy that had been in the body these days was completely used up by it at this moment.

Broken eyeballs also began to grow from its empty eye sockets at an astonishing speed.

The red lines on the black armor on its body also seemed to represent its mood at the moment.

The red light is in full bloom, and the lines are more profound and penetrating.



It seemed that the sound of insects' feet rubbing against the ground reached the ears of everyone who was watching the battle.

The dark tunnel seemed to be lit up by scarlet lanterns.

"Master Artemis!"

"Master Hermes!"

Several voices flashed in front of everyone following the lighting of the lights.

The people who came were Cordoli, Lulune and others who had just been blocked by the mission issued by the two main gods.

"Sorry, Lord Artemis!"

"Suddenly there are too many monsters coming, and we really can't stand it."

Cordoli looked a little frustrated. Obviously, the failure of the mission made the girl who was already frustrated in her confidence even more uncomfortable.

"Well, although I really want to comfort this little lady."

"But I think we should take action!"

"I don't think the current situation is too good!"

Hermes' frivolous voice echoed in everyone's ears.

The altar located in the center of the ruins can be said to extend in all directions, and there is more than one intersection that can reach this place.

Not only their place, but other intersections are still shining with the same red light as their place.

"Isn't the target us?"

When Artemis saw the course of action of the black scorpions, his expression became more serious.

"It should be "Andaris" who gave them the priority of the task!"

"Looking at the number, it should be that all the monsters it sent outside have been summoned back by it."

The Princess of the Sea Clan analyzed logically. Without William standing in the team, this experienced commander turned her brain again.

"It seems that our two gods are no longer as attractive to it as King William!"

Hermes shrugged, looked at "Andaris" who was yelling at William and said.

"Everyone, please go and block those monsters."

"Since Mr. Sfelder has helped us withstand the most severe test."

"Then we can't let those trivial things disturb his battle at the moment."

Artemis pulled out the hunting knife that was pinned to his waist, and he was very heroic.

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Chapter 130 Five Essence【2 and 1 for subscription】

"we know!"

All the members of the group are eager to fight.

Before letting William face "Andaris" alone, they didn't even have the qualifications to intervene, which made them feel angry already.

Now that there is something that can help William, they are absolutely duty-bound.

"The two gods and lords will stay here, I will send..."

"Don't send anyone to protect us!"

"The current situation is very urgent, there is no need to waste combat power on the two of us."

"I can protect this waste material!"

Artemis directly interrupted Asfi's speech, and squinted at Hermes, who was said to be useless and could only shake his head helplessly.

"But your safety...!"

The rest of the members were still a little hesitant, especially the members of the "Artemis Family", after all, they had just been hit hard by William's words.

The members of the "Hermes Familia" are also the same. The main god of their own family is different from the goddess of the moon who is good at fighting. With his divine power sealed, he is completely a waste material that cannot be resisted by the shoulders and cannot be lifted by the hands.

"Trust me! I won't take the initiative to go forward, but if I just dodge, these scorpions will not be able to catch up with me."

Goddess Ling Ran's confident smile made everyone who saw her see that she was indeed very confident in this matter.

"That's it! I believe Artemis can protect me."

"But to make you feel at ease, the two of us will be active not far from you."

Hermes' last words also completely set the policy for this battle.


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