William stepped forward again, even his figure was blurred.

The spear in his hand is entwined with an ominous thunder light, his dexterous steps, and the phantom that confuses his vision.

Let "Andaris" can only bear William's gunshots alone.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

Prick, sweep, point, pick.

In William's hand, the spear entwined with black thunder is constantly changing the various skills he has learned.

The gunshots were like lightning, and William shot countless times, hitting the increasingly hard shell of "Andaris" many times.

Boom boom boom!

A large number of sparks shot out at the joints of the gun armor. The armor that was like flimsy paper in front of Heilei was now able to vaguely block William's gunshots.

Aww ah ah ah ah!

It swung its pincers and tail even more frantically, attacking its surroundings indiscriminately.

Sometimes it even hits itself with the stab of its tail.

With this kind of indiscriminate quick attack, even William couldn't dance in the center of the battlefield.

He could only push his back foot, and his body retreated about ten meters away.

As William withdrew from the battlefield, "Andaris" also stopped its berserk attack.

As the attack stopped, the blown up smoke and sand gradually became clearer.

The huge one-eyed eyes seemed to have lost the previous tyrannical eyes, but gave William the feeling that he was looking at him with ostentatious eyes again.

That look seemed to tell him, I am not afraid of your black thunder now.

Now your attacks can no longer harm me.

"Did I play off?"

Even William now had to admit that his attack would be difficult to be effective after "Andaris" gave up storing energy and strengthened himself completely.

In fact, it can't be said that the penetrating effect of the black thunder is not good, the effect of penetrating force still exists.

It's just that the recovery speed of "Andaris" has begun to exceed the speed of the damage he caused it.

"I really don't want to turn into a war of attrition!"

William danced a spear flower, sighed softly, and the power of collapse broke out again.

As soon as the words fell, William's figure had completely disappeared.

The next moment, the shining blood jade spear stabbed at the one-eyed man who had fully recovered.

"Is his speed even faster?"

Artemis' eyes almost popped out of surprise.

William's nimble figure in the middle of the battlefield just now had already amazed him enough.

But as far as the speed is concerned, she thinks that William's speed is already faster than the first-level adventurers she knows who are good at speed.

Of course, this also includes the deputy head of the Freya family.

"Chariot of the Goddess" Allen

"Of course!"

"Although I don't know what effect the additional magic on Lord William has."

"However, according to my reliable information, Lord William's agility and magic power are all in a state of breaking through the normal values ​​of adventurers."

Hermes put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking leisurely, without the tension of being on the battlefield at all.

"How do you know? This should only be known to members of the family!"

Artemis nudged her delicate nose, and then she thought of a possibility.

The originally peaceful eyes gradually became disgusted.

"Shouldn't you use your despicable methods in the "Loki Familia" to develop something offline!."

"Why do you miss me so much!"

Hermes made a gesture of surrender with both hands.

"Besides, if I dare to set up an inside line in the family of Luo Ji, that vengeful guy, I don't want to live!"

"That is how the matter!"

Artemis' eyes were still cold, and although there was still a look of doubt in Hermes' eyes, most of it had been dispelled.

"It was that Loki guy who revealed it himself. He probably wanted to create momentum for Mr. William!"

"Okay, this time you can dispel your doubts!"

Hermes explained helplessly that he did not expect that he would have so little trust in Artemis.

"Hmph, I'll check with Loki when I get back."

"If it's fake, then you can ask for more blessings!"

"Hey, I've already said that! Do you want to talk too much!"

"Shut up! Think to yourself about all the pickling things you did in Heaven."

"I don't have the slightest trust in you until there is no factual argument."

"Yes Yes!"

Maybe Hermes is used to Artemis' attitude!

He didn't say much, just answered twice!

Besides, this matter was true in the first place, and he didn't need to feel guilty.

"However, I don't know if Mr. William can hold on!"

The two people who had quieted down discussed the battle situation in the central area again.

There was not a single monster around the two of them now.

One is due to the hard work of these family members.

The second is that these black scorpions have no interest in the two of them now, and all their targets are locked on William.

"do not know!"

The goddess murmured that the current battle situation was like the ups and downs of a god born to her.

From the distrust at the beginning, to the joy of seeing William violently suppressing "Andaris", and then to the worrying when "Andaris" ran wild and the battle situation returned to calm.

"I don't know Mr. William, is there any hidden backhand!"

"Otherwise, if it's pure consumption, I think Mr. William's situation is a bit bad!"

Should it be said that it is a god!

Even if he wasn't a Valkyrie, Hermes, who was usually not in shape, still had a very vicious vision.

That's right, don't look at William's current state of undermining "Andaris".

But don't forget, the energy and stamina stored in the body of "Andaris" are much stronger than that of William

If this consumption continues, even if the magic power in William's body is still sufficient, his physical exhaustion will sooner or later defeat him.

"It would be great if there is a weapon that can kill William with one blow!"

The voice of Hermes talking to himself reached Artemis' ears.

The pupils of the goddess directly vibrated violently, and then fell into deep thought.

After Hermes finished speaking, he stopped talking and focused on watching the battle.


It was another fierce spear thrust, and the sharp tip pierced directly into the gap between the shell of "Andaris" and the joints.

Quickly pull out the barrel of the gun, the hole flowing with green blood seems to be rewinding at double speed, and the wound heals in an instant.

"It's like this again!"

William snorted a little irritably, he and "Andaris" had been engaged in such a battle for as long as an hour.

He has been a little upset by fighting this kind of innocent fight all the time.

And although his magic has been in a very healthy state.

But his arms and thighs were starting to feel a little sore.

On the other hand, "Andaris"!

Although William also held a hint of the idea that after it released all its energy, it should soon be exhausted.

But seeing that its recovery speed still didn't slow down in the slightest, he knew that he was simply thinking too much.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!"

Pure white light beams gathered in the sharp mouthparts of "Andaris"!

William also pointed out his own "Marduk", and the magic circles unfolded one by one on the gun body.

The electromagnetic cannon is slightly inferior to the light beam for a second, and it shoots out from the tip of the gun, and the two violent energies collide violently in the air.

This kind of collision is already a common occurrence in this battle, and everyone has long seen it.

"Andaris" will release energy attacks towards Letesa and the others when William is away from it.

And this time, William will stand in front of it again.

Use the electromagnetic gun to collide with the energy beam of "Andaris" to cancel it.

Although it is a bit ironic to say so!

But William felt that he actually saw irony and joking in the eyes of "Andaris".

"Okay, do you want to think about releasing a "destruction"!"

He was already getting tired of this endless war of attrition.

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