Now he wanted to try again, releasing the attack that directly shattered the eyeball of "Andaris".

This skill is the magic that he researched after deeply analyzing the power of collapse in his "Thunder Chasing Fang".

He has been thinking about it ever since he discovered that "Thunder Chasing Fang" contained this power.

Can you extract the nature of this collapse separately and use it in your other attacks?

Especially when applied to long-range attacks, the limitation of magic that can only be attached to weapons is too great.

This "collapse" named after his nature is the first product he researched.

For this attack, he believed that as long as "Andaris" couldn't reproduce the energy burst just now.

Then he will definitely be able to leave an irreversible injury on its body.

Is it true that he can't see clearly?

In order to fight against his power of collapse, "Andaris" first discards a part of the meat that has been attached to the power of collapse, and performs rebirth every time.

It's just that this series of actions was too fast, which caused William's "Thunder Chasing Teeth" to only achieve penetration, but not the essence of collapse.

The essence of his collapse is not that Guangguang has the ability to disintegrate magic.

Rather, it completely kills everything it touches, that is its essence.

Of course, it also includes the cells that make up living organisms.

So the wounds caused by his magic will never heal easily.

"I hope this time I can directly crush its magic stone!"

William's heart thumped, even though the uncertainty is still high, but this is his best choice now.

The scene is also like the previous battle re-enactment.

William's body wailed in pain again due to the soaring mana.

From "Thunder Chasing Fangs", William stripped away the power of destruction contained in it.

Then it is continuously solidified and compressed.

Now he can only do this to this extent, because he has not fully understood how the power of collapse is generated in his body.

So he can only release a large amount of "Thunder Chasing Fang", and then get the pure power of collapse from it.

This also means that his release of this magic is an absolute waste of magic power.

If it weren't for the fact that his other magic attacks were not strong enough, he would never use this magic.

"Andaris" is certainly not a stupid existence like a pig, when the feeling that made it palpitate came again.

It directly gave up on continuing to swing the giant tongs and tail needles indiscriminately, and instead curled up its entire body. The whole state was like a giant egg with a black body and red tattoos.

The thunder light condensed to the limit shone from the tip of the spear.

The momentum created was as small as ever, not as powerful as William's other magic.

It's not even as good as the lightning that William threw out casually.

The black thunder snake got into the thick giant pincers and tail needle of "Andaris" at a speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, and finally reached the chest cavity.

But still unable to resist its footsteps, it just paused slightly.

Then with a muffled sound, "Collapse" exploded in its body.

The tail pin of "Andaris" was directly blown to pieces by this explosion.

"Tch, did you stab yourself in the chest with the tail needle when it exploded!"

The attack that should have shattered the human body, but why it shattered the tail, William understood after thinking about it.

However, William has nothing to regret.

Since "Andaris" could stab his own chest with the tail needle without hesitation, it means that the magic stone on it is not in its chest.

That also means that the position he chose to attack at the beginning was naturally wrong.

ps: Thanks to the original Sun House God of War Alt Lu Qi for the reward

It was originally planned to open a new volume in the third grade of junior high school, but it turned out that so many more were produced

But don't worry, it's coming soon.

Andaris has another card to finish, and then I will go back and explain it, and the new volume will open

Chapter 130 Six Orion's Arrow

The divine power was released so quietly, and its momentum was not so grand.

But Hermes, who is also a god, still noticed the strangeness of the goddess beside him.

Arrogance enveloped the entire delicate body of the goddess, and her pale pink lips opened and closed as if she was reciting some spell silently.


"It seems that you don't have that much energy anymore!"

William stared at the severed tail needle and the blasted chest of "Andaris".

Because the chest cavity was only affected by a small amount of the force of collapse, it has begun to recover slowly.

But the tail needle that was directly attacked has no sign of recovery at all.


The huge body of "Andaris" trembled slightly, and let out an angry roar. Apparently, William's attack just now also made him fear of death.

"It seems that we are really going to fall into a tug-of-war!"

William sighed softly, and resumed his fighting posture.

But let's be honest!

"Andaris" did not burst out of energy again, and he was also relieved when the wound on the tail was repaired.

If only to do it again!Seriously, he was already ready to run.

Don't say, it didn't repair its own tail pin to save energy.

I don't know about the other monster William, but it was during the battle with "Andaris".

The one that caused him the most trouble was the scorpion tail needle.

First of all, the sharpness is even higher than the spikes armed by first-level adventurers, plus the venom that oozes from its venom tube from time to time can corrode everything.

In William's view, no matter who is infected with the purple venom, the end will definitely not even leave the bones.

So when this scorpion knew that the combined strength of their side was stronger than his creation.

It will never be stingy with the energy of that episode of praise, repair its strongest tail needle, and directly kill him who has already seen his poor condition from the outside.

That is the best solution.

"Okay, let's continue to look for opportunities!"

"If it doesn't work, just use up its energy, and then look for opportunities next time."

William, who had already made up his mind, tapped his toes on the ground, transformed into a beam of light, and "Andaris" fell into trembling again.

The battlefield once again fell into a state of fierce fighting.

One side wanted to directly and completely crush this little bug that hurt him.

The other party wanted to find the location of the magic stone, and waited for the next opportunity to kill it with one blow.



In the vast and mysterious starry sky, the ten stars located in the zodiac are constantly shining brightly.

Blue nebula lines link them together, forming a mysterious star map.

As Betelgeuse on the main star flickered faster and faster, a black shadow that blurred the concept of speed shot out from it.

The ever-bright star map also fell into darkness again.


"Cough cough!"

"Good smoke!"

The battlefield at this moment is covered with smoke and dust covering the entire battlefield.

The black shadow that fell from the sky happened to land in the middle of the battlefield between William and "Andaris".

The two opponents also felt the danger at the same time, they stopped attacking at the same time, and retreated from the spot one after another.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and a breathtaking scene appeared in front of everyone.

The sealing altar that was originally located in the center of the huge pit has completely collapsed at this moment.

Even the deep pit, which was only about 50 meters in the first place, now has a depth of more than [-] meters.

And the culprit of all this is!

That silver-gray spear deeply embedded in the center of the pit!

The length is about 1.5 meters, and the gun head is not like William's current spear.

The fronts like side knives are also made on both sides.

William's gun head design is the simplest type, but this kind of gun is only suitable for stabbing, picking, and pointing attacks.

The design of this long gun completely makes the attack wider.

The design of the side blades on both sides allows him to use slashing, chopping, and sweeping in addition to stabbing, pointing, and picking during the attack.

If you think about it this way, this gun is actually more like a trident-like weapon than a gun.

There is also a purple gemstone inlaid on the tip of the gun, emitting a faint light.

The body of the silver-gray gun is also engraved with obscure and incomprehensible spells of God.

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