This kind of thinking and William simply hit it off.

It just so happened that he was still thinking about how to cheat the divine blood from Loki in a reasonable way, and then make it into a potion and take it away by himself!

On Loki's side, it happened to be delivered to the door by himself, where can such a good thing happen.

What's more, Loki didn't know how many drops of divine blood could make a tube of potion.

So now he is in a state where he can seal the next potion by making three potions on average.

After making potions for all the family members, it is almost enough for him to save the potions for upgrading in another world.

Of course, after he returned to the "Twilight Mansion", he immediately reported to Loki and Finn about the successful crusade against "Andaris" in the sea of ​​trees.

After the matter was finished, he naturally got the eyes of the two as if they were looking at monsters.

The subsequent Farley rewards brought by the guild staff also made William the richest man in the "Loki Familia".

These are all good, and the two-year tax and expedition exemption of the "Rocky Familia" also made the two of them shine again and again.

In this matter, the "Loki Familia" has nothing to contribute, after all, the crusade against "Andaris" has nothing to do with them.

However, the guild still gave them the preferential policy of tax exemption. You must know that a family's tax money for a year is definitely not a small amount.

Not to mention the taxation of high-level families like the "Loki Family", the fare they pay in a year is definitely more than [-] million.

Of course, none of this surprised them the most.

What surprised them the most was, of course, the conditions promised by Uranus himself.

At first, William didn't take it seriously. Although he also knew that the guild's favor might be very valuable, he didn't take it too seriously.

But it wasn't until Loki explained it to him that he finally understood how important these ancient monsters were in the eyes of these gods.

"Are you so envious? Do you want me to give you this condition?"

William sat on the sofa nonchalantly, and at the same time picked up the black tea on the table and took a small sip of the tea.

Finn's expression is okay, but Loki's expression is quite weird at the moment, and she is still trying to hold back her smile.

"Are you really going to give me this chance?"

"Ah! Yes!"

William was still a little dazed, because he had no idea where Loki was smiling at the moment.

"I said, do you really not know the value of your crusade against 'Andaris'?"

Finally, Loki couldn't hold back his own smile, and said intermittently while clutching his stomach.

William also eliminated his confusion at this moment, because Loki's attitude at the moment has already shown that what he just said seems to be a very stupid thing.

Loki laughed like this for a long time, and even the corners of her eyes were faintly filled with tears at this moment.

Reaching out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, she stopped her smile and said meaningfully.

"Let me tell you in a more general way, if what you are attacking this time is not 'Andaris' but the black dragon hovering in the depths."

"It's not impossible for you to sit directly under Uranus' butt."

Lokin's expression that didn't seem to be fake at all made William immediately realize how valuable this promise was.

At that time, he was also secretly clicking his tongue in his heart.

After all, he thought that except for a few gods, the other gods probably just regarded the lower realm as their own playground.

Who can care so much about their own playground!

But he never expected that the god who ruled the guild behind him would value the people of the lower realm so much.

But now he doesn't have time to recall the past, because he just met someone he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Hello, William!"

Alicia, who blocked William in the corridor, greeted William cheerfully, and then walked towards William.

"Long time no see! Alicia!"

Of course, William didn't mean to be afraid of the field, after all, he didn't have any psychological burden.

It was Alicia who needed to think, and since Alicia no longer chose to avoid him, it meant that she should have thought it through.

It depends on her attitude whether it is to go further in the relationship, or just to be an ordinary friend.

William, who had cleared his mind for a moment, went straight to meet him.

"Hello! I heard that you defeated that ancient monster. Congratulations!"

The two people who are close to each other are only about half a meter away at the moment, which is the best distance for them now.

"It's okay! Everything is just a coincidence!"

William shrugged and said, he was not surprised that Alicia knew about his crusade against "Andaris" so quickly.

Because with Luo Ji's temperament that loves to show off, she will definitely publicize the fact that her own children are present in this way.

So now even if all of Olali received this information, he would not show the slightest surprise.

Besides, he guessed that Finn was definitely behind this matter.

He is very clear about how persistent his master is in improving his reputation.

After his direct disciple made such great achievements, he will definitely find a way to raise the reputation of himself and his family to a higher level.

"Don't be humble!"

Alicia covered her small mouth with one hand and smiled lightly, and then the smile on her face turned calm.

Seeing Alicia's expression like this, William also transformed into a serious expression, looking like he was waiting to be dealt with.

The two of them just stared at each other like this, as if they were playing a game where whoever blinks first loses.

"alright, alright!"

"Those who don't know, thought there was some conflict between the two of us!"

In the end, Alicia couldn't stand the serious atmosphere anymore, and she waved her hand to break the tranquility just now.

Then she looked at William whose expression remained unchanged, and said with a slightly complicated expression.

"Is it really not what I think it is?"

For Alicia's pleading tone, William shook his head forcefully without any expression of pity for the flowers.

Alicia, who saw William's attitude, had a slight disappointment in her eyes, and after a long while, she sighed heavily.

"Can't you be softer with girls!"

After hearing what Alicia said, William's serious expression softened slightly.

"Sorry, I'm doing this for the good of everyone!"

Because he knew that he couldn't be like Alicia thought after all. Before people thought about it, an overly gentle attitude would only make people think that he was flattering, hypocritical, and would only increase troubles!

"It's my bad luck!"

Alicia's beautiful eyes curved, and she gave William a big white eye!Then he talked to himself.

"Frankly speaking, I haven't figured out what to do until now!"

"Normally speaking, giving up should be the best choice!"

"Because even if you agree to my request, I will only think you are a half-hearted scum!"

Hearing this, William couldn't help touching his nose. Although he had never thought about it this way, if he really did, he would really be a complete scum.

"But if I give up like this, I still feel a little bit unwilling!"

"In addition, you have never concealed your intentions, and you are honest about your agreement!"

"So after all these days of thinking!"

"I've decided, let's follow the previous way of getting along!"

"If I really can't control myself at all, I will take advantage of you!"

"Sorry, I have wronged you!"

"I'll do my best!"

After hearing what Alicia said, William already knew that the girl in front of him was determined to follow him.

The previous words similar to the test are just that the girl is still unable to cross her own hurdle in her heart.

The meaning of the girl is also, let yourself help her to cross these hurdles.

And these are exactly what you should do!


"It's good that you know it!"

Knowing that William had already understood what she meant, Alicia snorted out of her delicate mouth in a very girlish manner.

"Then do you want Shenyue Ji to go out and play together?"

After the conversation between the two of them was over, Alicia also felt a lot more relaxed, and it was as natural as William had proposed an invitation!

"of course can!"

William replied immediately, and Alicia also showed a satisfied expression!

But William's next words immediately disappeared her expression of satisfaction.

"The third day is fine!"

"Have you already dated out before!"

Alicia immediately gritted her teeth and said, her chest began to rise and fall!

In this regard, William could only bite the bullet and nodded.

No way, the girl just agreed to follow you and hasn't completely changed her mentality yet!This kind of incident happened, and everyone would be angry!


William gasped!

The lady's pure leather shoes slammed into William's calf, and the elf elder sister with long flaxen hair turned her head angrily and left immediately.

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