William, who had no choice but to follow, coaxed the angry big elf sister well.

It wasn't until late in the evening that William coaxed everyone back to his magic workshop!

When his magic workshop was completed, he completely moved out of the family's dormitory.

So now whether he works or not, he lives in the rest room in the magic workshop.

But it was the blond long-haired woman standing in front of the door that surprised him a little, because this woman had never come here to look for him!

The only time they see each other is the morning training and breakfast and dinner that he occasionally attends!

"Yo! Ais, is there something urgent to come here today to find me?"

Aisi, who had heard William's footsteps, turned her head early, and followed William's words.

"There is something!"

〖Is there really something wrong? 〗

William raised his eyebrows, and at the same time, a trace of curiosity also rose.

You must know that Ai Si is not usually a beggar. Generally, she can solve the things that she can solve, and she will definitely do it by herself.

"What's the matter? As long as I can solve it, you don't have to be polite to me!"

At this moment, William can be said to be slapping his chest hard!

"Well, let's visit the Shenyue Festival with me."

The three-no girl was still talking expressionlessly!

But at this moment, the corner of William's mouth has started to twitch crazily~

ps: Thanks to the original sun for sending a reward and asking for a ticket and asking for a subscription

Chapter 140 What are you doing! 【2 in 1 for subscription】

It's another morning!

The blond fox lady is still sleeping soundly on the big bed, but the master who accompanied him for a crazy night last night has already started to put on clothes.

In the end, William, who was fully dressed, returned to the bedside, tapped Chunji's forehead on the bed, and went out.

In fact, Chun Ji is so tired because of her reason and also because of William.

For example, William's age is actually the time when he is interested in this kind of thing, and only Chun Ji has developed such a relationship with him in this world, so naturally he can only keep tossing Chun Ji.

Then Chun Ji never refused to William's request, even because William played with her all day yesterday, she was quite moved and put all her strength to cooperate with William.

Walking on the sunny stone road, the warm sun shines on the back and feels very comfortable.

Vendors who are usually only allowed to set up stalls in shopping streets are now filled with mobile stalls except in front of private land.

Some sell special snacks from various places, some sell purely handmade souvenirs, and there are some small games such as fishing for goldfish and hoops.

Of course, adventurers are not allowed to participate in this small game.

The sun is not yet at the moment, but the streets are already full of voices.

You know, it's not even noon yet!

Ordinary Olali can only see so many people appearing on the street at the same time at night, which is enough to show how popular the Shenyue Festival is.

Even an adventurer who is usually very diligent will give himself a few days off to enjoy life at this time.

Rich businessmen from outside will also come to Olali specially in these few days to enjoy the Shenyue Festival that is different from other places.

As for what is the difference?

Then it has something to do with the goddess who is walking towards him now!

"Good morning, William!"

The goddess stood gracefully in front of William, and greeted William with a sweet smile.

William also came back to his senses after a brief loss of consciousness!

"Good morning! Lord Artemis!"

"You are really beautiful today!"

William expressed his feelings very sincerely, which was the most real feeling he had just now, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his mind just now.


Artemis's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't help stretching out her green jade finger to lightly tap William's chest.

But at the moment, she is just using her mouth to hide her shyness!

"I'm not flattering! Look at the people around you, they are completely attracted by you!"

William shook his head, and at the same time walked to Artemis' side, making the two walk side by side.

Besides, what he said was not an exaggeration.

The people around him, regardless of gender, were all staring at the lady beside him in a daze.

Not to mention that most of the goddesses have a beauty far beyond ordinary people, not to mention that Artemis is still among the top few goddesses.

Otherwise, do you think those male gods are only crazy because of the title of Artemis virgin!

Try replacing Artemis with Loki. It is estimated that no one will try to break Loki's virgin body.

Not to mention, before Artemis went out today, she specially asked Cordoli, who knew how to dress herself best in the family, for advice on how to dress.

No way, although she has always been naturally beautiful, she never cared about it, and she didn't even have a few decent clothes.

In the closet, apart from three or four dresses for attending the God meeting, the rest are all the female hunting clothes she used to wear.

Today's Artemis did not tie her long hair into a braid like in the past.

Instead, he completely opened the hair buttons that usually restrained his hair, and let the long water-blue hair like a waterfall flow down his shoulders.

The hair is very straight, and it can be seen that before she went out, she must have asked someone to use a wooden comb to open the split ends of her hair.

A black butterfly-style neckband is tied around the neck.

She is wearing a princess dress that is mostly black and a few are white. The color matching just complements the neckline on her neck.

The clothes were slightly low-necked clothes. Although the pure white snow was not exposed, the goddess's delicate collarbone was still undoubtedly exposed.

The lace skirt just covered the goddess' knees, and the fat-skinned calves were wrapped in black stockings, outlining the perfect lines that made the blood spurt.

If Artemis's dress today ignores her status as a goddess, then she is now a glamorous queen.

"Okay! Where are we going first today?"

Artemis didn't care what other people looked at. She was already very satisfied when she caught William's gaze just now.

Besides, it's fine if William doesn't say anything, but after William points it out to her.

She felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by these eyes, and wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"Master Artemis, have you had breakfast?"

After all, he and Chun Ji had already gone through the memorial service yesterday, and he knew all the stalls there.

But the time he had been in contact with Artemis was still too short. He hadn't fully understood what this goddess liked most.

So at this time, we can only resort to the most versatile trick, which starts with eating.


Artemis also shook her head quite forcefully!

But this is also true, because she got up early in the morning to arrange her outfit carefully.

When she was fully dressed, she found that it was almost time. In order not to be late, she could only choose to give up the option of eating and come directly to the appointment.

"That's good, I just didn't have breakfast!"

"Let's go to the place that sells snacks first, how about filling our stomachs!"

He snapped his fingers, and Artemis nodded in agreement with his proposal.

It was okay when William didn't talk, but after he did, she really felt a little hungry!


The aroma of food permeates the entire street, and almost every stall is full of diners who are queuing up!

"William, do you have any recommendations?"

Artemis was standing in the aisle, looking at the various stalls that whetted his appetite, and at this moment, he also felt troubled!

After presiding over the opening ceremony yesterday, she returned to the family to celebrate with the children of the family.

Because this is their practice at the beginning of the Shenyue Festival every year.

So it was the first time for her to come to this snack street!

"Is there anything that Master Artemis can't eat?"

William asked bluntly.

"I can eat anything!"

Artemis shook his head and said.

As the goddess of hunting, hunting is an instinct engraved in her divine body.

As a hunter, how could there be meat that he would not eat!

"That's good!"

As soon as William's words fell, his big hand accurately grasped Artemis's catkin.

His sudden and forceful movement also made Artemis's face flush slightly, but she didn't mean to struggle, but followed William's footsteps and let William hold her little hand.

William kept taking Artemis to shuttle between various snack stalls!

The food rich in the characteristics of each country also amazed Artemis who followed behind.

But this is all due to the fact that William has already waded through Lei once yesterday. You must know that some food is undoubtedly delicious in the local area.

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