But in front of people from other countries, it would be a completely dark dish.

He suffered a lot from it yesterday!

Of course, it was not a time when Artemis was shy when William held hands all the time!

When is she shy!

That, of course, is when she meets her acquaintances from the upper world!

After all, the people of the lower world dare not discuss it in front of her, but those gods don't care at all!

You know this is Artemis!

It is the one who is known as the three iron maidens of the gods together with Athena and Hestia, the virgin goddess of ten thousand years!

That's the master who hit the wall with countless male gods!

But what did they see today!

This ten-thousand-year iron maiden is actually holding hands with Olali's most popular "Thunder", which is big news enough to shock all the gods!

Of course, they were also afraid that Artemis would get angry and shoot an arrow directly at their butts, so they never dared to ask.

But there is a goddess who is not afraid of Artemis' threat of force at all. Artemis still remembers the narrow smile that Demeter looked at her.

She wanted to quickly cover her face so that no one could see her.

There is no way, she dares to threaten others with bows and arrows!

But this one alone, she has nothing to do!

Because Demeter was a colleague of the Twelve Greek Gods with her when she was in the God Realm, and they are also very good friends in private!

The degree of intimacy is only comparable to that of her friend who is also a virgin goddess!

"Really! You couldn't let go of my hand just now!"

"I was laughed at by Demeter!"

Thinking of this, Artemis vented to William beside him in a depressed mood.

"is it?"

"I don't think it's a mockery! It's a gratifying smile instead!"

"Then how do you feel!"

"It's kind of like an old mother who finally married off her daughter?"

William also recalled Demeter's meaningful smile before leaving. Although it was clear that she definitely didn't mean it, this did not prevent him from interpreting it maliciously, teasing the goddess beside him!


Artemis nudged her little nose, and then kicked William's calf directly.

William also immediately pretended to grin his teeth, as if he had been attacked so much.

Artemis immediately responded with a big white eye.

"I didn't use any strength at all! Stop pretending!"

William, who was exposed, was not embarrassed, and quickly restrained the exaggerated expressions on his face.

"Oh! It's useless to let go!"

"Anyway, it has been seen by so many people a long time ago, and it will definitely reach the ears of Goddess Demeter in the future."

"After she finds out, she will definitely go to you for verification."

Artemis was speechless because she also knew Demeter's temperament very well.

Demeter has been particularly interested in all kinds of gossip and gossip since before. If she doesn’t come to ask about her after learning about her, then she’s not Demeter.

"Okay! Fortunately, Hestia and Athena have no lower bounds!"

Artemis sighed softly, then muttered softly!

Although Artemis murmured softly, William's hearing was outstanding at such a short distance!

Although he didn't understand why Artemis had to wake up Hestia and Athena had no lower bounds!

But some time ago, he just had a face-to-face meeting with the childlike and big-breasted loli god, just when he was about to tell Artemis that Hestia had already descended!

"Isn't this Artemis? You finally returned to Orari!"

This very familiar voice made the person who is leading the subject at this moment and the god present two completely different states.

One is calm and ready to turn around and say hello.

The other is that his whole body is completely stiff, and even the little hand wrapped in William's palm has started to sweat!

That white and tender little hand began to struggle violently, trying to get out of William's big hand!

William didn't make it difficult for her, but the moment he let go, it seemed that it was too late.

"I miss you so much!"


Artemis' whole body was stiff like a machine that hadn't been maintained for a long time, and William seemed to be able to hear the crisp sound of the cervical spine rubbing against the sternum.

"Hestia, long time no see!"

Artemis raised his arm in embarrassment, and greeted his good friend.

However, Hestia, who was standing on the other side, was already rubbing his eyes vigorously!

"Strange! Did I read it wrong just now?"

Hestia's eyes kept scanning William and Artemis.

〖No, I seem to have seen Artemis and Sphengel holding hands just now! 〗

〖No, how could that Artemis hold the man's hand! 〗

In Hestia's head, there is a battle between heaven and man. ,

One is to believe that your eyes are not mistaken.

The second is to be sure of your own ideas.

To tell you the truth, when they were in God Realm, they were the three virgin goddesses of Greece and they were very good friends.

They also often get together to drink tea and chat. At that time, Artemis was very disgusted with the love between men and women.

At that time, she thought that even if it was possible for herself and Athena to break the vow of the virgin goddess, it was absolutely impossible for Artemis.

This is the reason why she doesn't believe in her own eyesight as a god.

At this time, William quietly slapped Artemis.

Artemis, who was stiff all over, immediately understood what William meant.

Try to keep yourself relaxed!

"Hestia, what are you doing here with your apron on!"

ps: Thanks @Titi? for sending me a soap

Thank you for the spicy strips sent by the original sun

I'm wondering if I should push Luna tomorrow

The main reason is that it feels a bit abrupt to push like this all of a sudden.

Chapter 140 The Embarrassing Virgin Goddess 【2 in 1 Subscription】

"People are working here now!"

Hestia pointed to the potato ball stall that had been taken over by the boss, and explained to Artemis.

Then she put her hands on her slender willow waist again, her little back straightened, and she looked very proud.

"After all, my child works hard every day, so I have to work hard!"

Seeing that Hestia didn't ask questions for the time being, Artemis also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she couldn't help but chuckled as soon as she saw Hestia chattering around.

"It seems, Hestia, you really like your child!"

"En! Belle is the best!"

Goddess Loli nodded very calmly, her tone full of pride for her own children.

"Yeah, that's great!"

"If you have time, bring your children to my residence to play!"

"I'll be staying in Olalie for a while now!"

Artemis took out his notebook while talking, and wrote down the specific location of his family's resident "Artemis Court" on it.

"I will definitely go!"

Hestia happily accepted the note, and she will definitely go when her best friend invites her.

Moreover, this friend has not chatted with her for a long time since Artemis went down to the realm decades ago.

"That's it! I won't bother Hestia with your work!"

After handing over the note, Artemis quickly waved goodbye, dragging William into the crowded crowd.


Hestia even kept waving goodbye and said with a dazed expression.

What's the situation, she still wants to say a few more words to her friend whom she hasn't seen for a long time!

Besides, she didn't say that she is very busy at work now!

When she came to say hello, she had already taken leave with her boss and had a short period of free time.

In the end, my friend ran away with a man.

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