〖Yes!Pull the man! 〗

Hestia's left hand clenched a small fist and hammered directly on his palm,

She was still a little confused at first, but it seemed that she had finally found her blind spot at this moment, and her thoughts became clear in an instant.

The big watery eyes were also about half closed.

"It's so suspicious!!!"


Artemis, who was dragging William, was rapidly shuttling through the crowd.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the forest she was most familiar with, treating each living human being as a bush in the forest.

And she is an experienced hunter chasing prey, leading a novice hunter through the gaps in the bushes to chase the prey.

"Okay! God Hestia didn't come after him, so don't run away!"

On the other side of the arm, an irresistible force came from the palm.

Artemis, who was quickly stopped, couldn't resist the natural pulling force, and flew backward at a fast speed.

The strong arms quickly embraced the petite figure flying towards him, and the soft touch and sweet aroma that followed made William intoxicated for a while.

Artemis' face was also dyed red in an instant, wrapped in this strong masculine breath, she even felt that she was about to faint.

But she also quickly realized how inappropriate the current state is.

If there were only two of them at this moment, such a hug would still be acceptable to her.

But now in this state of people's voices, if she is held in the arms of a man.

Sorry, her skin has not been tempered to such a thick level.

He waved his small pink fist and hammered on William's hard chest, then quickly broke away from William's embrace, keeping a distance of about half a meter from him.

On William's side, when the Lady Goddess broke free, the disappointment in his eyes flashed in an instant.

Artemis glanced behind William first, confirmed that Hestia had really not caught up, and then refocused on William.

But it was a coincidence that the disappointed eyes happened to be seen by Artemis.

At this moment, there was also a trace of suspicion on her face, and then she frowned and asked tentatively.

"You didn't mean it just now, did you?"

While saying this, she quietly prepared to kick William's calf.

If it was really intentional, she wouldn't be particularly angry, but she would still give a small lesson.

"How could it be! You underestimate me too!"

"Master Artemis!"

William spread his hands innocently.

How could he do this on purpose!Only when Artemis flew towards him.

Originally, he could directly support the shoulder of the goddess, but he made the decision to embrace the body of the goddess.

"I'm so sorry!"

God's strongest ability for mortals - lie detection!

There was no response, proving that what William just said was true.

Now that the result has come out, Artemis apologized simply and neatly.

After all, it was she who wronged others' kindness to her for no reason, so she didn't need to care about the face of being a god at all.

"It doesn't matter anymore!"

He accepted Artemis' apology without any embarrassment, and came to her side again, holding the small hand of the goddess very naturally.

Artemis didn't struggle except to glance at him, and let William hold her little hand.

"Master Artemis, can you tell me why you must hide from God Hestia?"

While taking Artemis to the new destination, William asked the doubts in his heart.

Because if Artemis wanted to hide it from everyone, he would still understand.

But he really didn't understand the meaning of this kind of operation that he wanted to hide from Hestia and redeem him for being stupid.

Artemis was taken aback by William's question, and then tugged at the corner of his clothes with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"It's okay, if there is any inconvenience, you don't have to tell me."

William, who kept his gaze on the face of the goddess, naturally noticed the strange color on Artemis' face.

"There's nothing you can't say!"

Artemis shook his head, and his tone paused slightly.

"Actually, the real source of our title of virgin goddess is when we were in the upper realm. The male gods have been chasing us and caused us to be bored."

"That's why I made a vow that I would never fall in love, to repel those guys who are nothing but dog skin plasters."

Her voice also lowered by about three degrees at this moment. If you don't listen carefully, you will never hear what she is saying.

"The three of us have also become very good friends because of our empathy in this matter!"

"And I'm always bashing love at parties for being useless!"

Artemis has already understood the current psychological state of the goddess.

You clearly agreed to go to the old age together, but you secretly baked the oil!

This sentence is now applied to her.

You clearly promised to be single for the rest of your life, but you secretly...

"stop laughing!"

The chief culprit who caused her to be so bad, not only failed to comfort her well, but also secretly made fun of her there.

Seeing this, Artemis was so angry that he didn't get angry. The little foot that had already been put down, kicked off and kicked William's calf.

"Sorry! Sorry!"

"However, this is something that will be known sooner or later!"

"It's useless for you to hide now!"

"But it's embarrassing! I still looked like that at that time!"

Artemis' toes lightly touched the ground, her little face flushed red!

"I know, I know!"

"Then let's do it first!"

William lightly hooked Artemis' palm, then dragged Artemis into a shop ahead.

"where is this place?"

Artemis didn't even see the sign clearly, so she was dragged directly into the shop.

There are all scenes of young people going out in pairs. There is a couple of a man and a woman, and there are also a few girls together.


The young orc who was in charge of welcoming the guests also came up immediately.

"Well, I want to take a photo, please!"

"I see! Please come with me."

The orc youth bowed slightly, and then led William and Artemis in front.

"So this is a photo studio!"

Artemis looked around curiously, the number of times she came to the photo studio was also very few.

The last time she remembered coming to the photo studio was three years ago when Randy officially became an adventurer.

It's time for all the family members to take pictures together.

"But why do you suddenly want to come to the photo studio?"

Artemis asked suddenly as she stepped up the stairs.

"Don't Master Artemis think that the first date is something worth celebrating?"

"So I think we should come to the photo studio and take pictures as souvenirs!"

"That's it!"

Artemis' pretty face was slightly hot, and she couldn't help admiring William's carefulness.

As a complete novice in love, although she didn't know if the first day of dating should be so memorable.

But she still felt that William's idea was very deep in her heart.

William held Artemis' little hand tightly, and at the same time he followed the staff's guidance and sat on the chair side by side with Artemis.

"Okay, may I trouble the lady goddess to lean on Mr.'s shoulder!"

"Yes, yes, sir, your movement of embracing the goddess' waist is very good!"

"Master Goddess, please smile, don't be so stiff, let it fit naturally on Mr.'s body!"

Artemis was repeatedly asked by the young orcs to relax because of her excessive stiffness.

But this is really a bit difficult for her!

I just got used to going shopping hand in hand with boys, but now I'm about to hug and take pictures together.

If she hadn't really had an unusual affection for William, she would have gone berserk now.

"Okay, let's just take a picture directly!"

William interrupted the orc youth to continue speaking, and then quietly blew on Artemis's white neck.

Artemis, who was suddenly attacked, went limp before he was born, and leaned against William very naturally.

The young orc's eyes lit up, and he secretly gave William a thumbs up!

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