"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Triple flashes of white light!

"Okay, please wait here for a while, the photo will come out soon!"


After the photo came out, Artemis also carefully put the photo in his pocket.

Even after the two walked out of the photo studio, her little hand was still covering her pocket.

There are waves of light flowing in the emerald green eyes, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and the whole person is immersed in the atmosphere of happiness.

The atmosphere between the two seemed to heat up rapidly because of this photo.

Artemis originally had a wandering heart, but it gradually stabilized.

Played from afternoon until nightfall.

Among them, the figures of two people have been following behind them, and they also showed a tired look.

"Hey! Letesa, how long do we have to follow!"

At the corner of the alley, the blue short-haired girl squatted in a very shapeless manner, complaining while hammering her thigh.

"Look again! I have the important task of protecting Lord Artemis' relationship."

Letesa patted her chest, which was not very macroscopic at all, and wailed in pain under her slap.

"But, we have been monitoring for a day!"

"The girls who have a relationship with Mr. William have all returned home now."

"We don't need to continue monitoring now!"

Cordoli clutched her growling stomach and asked about the tempting aroma of the food on the food stand.

"Just in case, let's monitor for another half an hour!"

"To know whether we can fall in love freely, it all depends on whether Lord Artemis can obtain happiness this time."

Letesa silently cheered up Cordoli and herself, then cheered up again and continued to watch the battle.

That's right, in fact, when William was shopping with Chun Ji yesterday.

He would meet Ais and Alicia by chance, but when he was shopping with Artemis today, he didn't meet any women who had a special relationship with him, and they all relied on the "Artemis Familia" credit.

Today's "Artemis Familia" can be said to be mobilized as a whole under the leadership of Letesa.

As long as there is an abnormal state in William's direction, they will secretly send a signal to William, telling him to change direction.

"But, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Cordoli, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly questioned Letesa.

When they didn't have a thorough understanding of William's situation, they also believed that William was a rare and good match.

But after it became clear that William had so many relationships that were constantly cut and messed up.

There was some hesitation in their hearts, after all, such a playful person was a complete scum in the eyes of Artemis.

Moreover, it is easy to make Master Artemis completely disappointed in love.

At that time, they will have no future at all.

ps: Thank you Huangtianshang fate type Yueyuan Chuyang for your reward

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Chapter 140 The third chapter is no longer like this "2 in 1 for subscription"

William doesn't know what Letesa and the others are talking about!

Of course, he has no interest in paying attention.

After all, it is his most important job today to accompany this enthusiastic goddess right now.

The two of them played like this from noon until nearly ten o'clock in the evening. It can be said that they visited the entire Olali stall.

It's also fortunate that Artemis often runs around in the wild. Even if she loses her divine power, her physical fitness is still good. If it were another goddess, she would probably be exhausted.

Now, the two are squatting on the edge of a small artificially dug river inside Olalie, performing the last activity of the day.

The bright moonlight reflected on Artemis's pink and tender face, and her long aqua blue hair was casually scattered around her waist.

She was holding a black marker, and she was writing something on the sail of an exquisitely crafted boat.

William, who was walking with her, did the same thing as her.

Gently pushed by the little hand, the boat wandered forward with the ripples on the water surface, and the little fire light on the hull illuminated the boat's way.

"Lord Artemis, what did you write on it!"

William, who had already got up, stretched out his big hand to Artemis who was still squatting on the ground.

Artemis also held William's hand back, and stood up with William's help.

"It won't work if you say it!"

Artemis, who stood up straight, also tidied up the corners of her skirt that were a little messy due to sitting for a long time.

"...Isn't the god they made a wish to be you!"

The corner of William's mouth twitched!

In his eyes, it was already a strange thing for Artemis to take him to release the water boat with great interest.

As a result, what kind of operation is it that the goddess is still making a wish to herself with a pious face.

"Oh! This is the mind, the mind!"

"It doesn't matter who you wish to!"

Artemis pouted, obviously very dissatisfied with William's behavior of destroying the atmosphere.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Having gotten along with women a lot, he now understands a truth.

That is to stroke along the hair, you can save a lot of worry.

If you stroke against the hair, it will only become more and more troublesome!

So he ended the topic directly.

"Then what is your wish?"

Looking at the slightly depressed William, Artemis gave a grin.

He put a few strands of long hair that had inadvertently fallen on her forehead behind her ears, and asked with an interested tone.

"Didn't you say before that the wish you made won't work?"

William was startled when he was about to turn around and leave, and then asked him in an inconceivable tone.

"Of course it's different! I'm a god, and it's me who made your wish!"

"So I am obliged to know your wish!"

"After knowing your wish, I can bless you!"

William was stunned here, who is this inconsistent goddess in front of him?

It's completely different from the heroic goddess when I met two days ago!

Could it be that he was taken away by his own Rocky!

Did I unknowingly turn on some special switch for Artemis?

"Speak quickly!"

Although she was satisfied with William's stunned look, she was a little ashamed that she hadn't answered her words for a long time!

The small jade feet stomped the ground lightly, and the delicate and savage appearance made this goddess, who was usually cold and deceptive, even more charming.

"It's nothing! It's just that the person I love is in good health and can continue to grow stronger!"

William said indifferently, after all, it is not a shameful wish!

He didn't believe in such things, so it didn't matter if he said it.

"I said, do you not believe that I can make your wishes come true!"

Although it felt good to get the answer, William's indifferent attitude still caused her a little dissatisfaction!

What does this mean, do you not believe that she has the ability to fulfill her wish?

In this regard, William gave Artemis a vague look, then clapped his hands, turned and walked towards the street.

Artemis also trotted two steps to follow William!

"I didn't say I don't believe you can't realize our wish, but you've already descended!"

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't do anything if you can't use your divine power!"

William explained in a low voice to Artemis who was following up.

When Artemis was lost in thought.

He muttered again at a volume only he could hear.

"Besides, even if your divine power is still there, I don't believe that you can fulfill their wishes!"

"What are you talking about?"

Although Artemis was lost in thought, her hearing was still sharp, although she couldn't hear what William was saying clearly.

But she could still vaguely hear William talking!



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