William denied it aloud, but Artemis doubted it!

It can't be said that it is a short distance from the small river to the street, and the walking speed of two people can't be regarded as fast!

So although the time is not long, there are still five or six minutes.

"and many more!"

Just when the two were about to enter the bustling street, Artemis, who had been lost in thought, suddenly called out to William.

William also pulled back the front legs he had stepped forward, and turned around to look at Artemis with a question mark on his face.

"What's wrong? Lord Artemis!"

how to say!

At this moment, Artemis's two small hands are constantly rubbing up and down, and her two slender thighs are also tightly sealed without leaving a gap!

The orange light illuminated her radiant face, and the pink glow covered her wild skin.

It's okay to be shy all of a sudden!

At this moment, question marks have grown all over his head like William's hair volume!

"You... close... close... your eyes first!"

Maybe it's too nervous!Lady Goddess can't even speak fluently!

The pure white teeth bit her bright red lips tightly, and when William closed her eyes, she closed them first because of nervousness.

The goddess is like this, and William also has a little prediction in his heart what the goddess is going to do, so he closes his eyes obediently.

At the same time, he also slightly bent his knees, maintaining the same height as the goddess.

Feeling that William was almost ready, Artemis quietly opened her eyes.

But when she saw William kneeling and squatting slightly, the blush on her face became even stronger in an instant.

But Artemis, who had made up his mind for the time being, couldn't tolerate her shrinking back because of shyness.

Taking a step forward, the distance between William and her was shortened.

He looked around and confirmed that there were no pedestrians around.

He let out a heavy sigh of relief, his heart skipped a beat, he closed his eyes, and put his two small hands around William's neck.

William, who closed his eyes obediently, felt his neck being hooked after waiting for a while.

The clear and pleasant fragrance penetrated into the tip of his nose in an instant, and then a touch of creamy softness directly touched his lips!

This familiar touch made William's eyes widen.

The four lips were tightly pressed together, and the beautiful and moving face of Artemis was right in front of his eyes.

If you use adjectives to describe William's mood.

Then there's only one word - ignorant!

The scene he expected should be that when he closed his eyes, Artemis secretly pecked his face directly, and then ran shyly back to the street and went home by himself!

But this sudden way of unfolding only made him fall into a short silence, but he also quickly reflected it, and immediately responded enthusiastically to the goddess.

He didn't know what Artemis was doing all of a sudden, but since the girl had already taken the initiative to him, it would be too unmanly for him to be coy.

If you don't make it at this time, wouldn't it be like a joke!

"Beasts are not as good as"

However, at this moment, Artemis' mind is completely blank!

This fierce way of expressing her love made her a little bit at a loss when she was still a fledgling bird, her body temperature continued to rise, and her slender eyelashes seemed a little wet with tears unconsciously.


After this fierce kiss, Artemis' breathing was already a little smooth. Knowing that she kept stomping the ground with her feet and her pink fists kept pounding William's chest, William looked disconcerted. He reluctantly let her go.

When Artemis, who was breathing heavily in William's arms, wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, she did not forget to wipe the corners of William who had tormented her so much just now.

Although he forgot the source, William seems to remember a sentence, which he now thinks makes sense.

That is!

When interacting with a woman, entering her body directly is the fastest way to enter her heart.

Although the meaning of that sentence is somewhat different, William does feel that the relationship between the two seems to be getting closer now.

"Master Artemis, what's the matter?"

Although he responded to Artemis so fieryly just now, no matter how he thought about it afterwards, it didn't fit the goddess' temperament!

"You still say!"

"I just want to imprint my blessing on you!"

"Who...who told you to...respond...to me!"

Artemis, who was still breathing steadily, was furious when she thought of what happened just now, and she stared fiercely at William with her beautiful eyes wide open.


"Yes! Blessings!"

Although already a little angry, Artemis decided to explain to William the meaning of what he did suddenly just now.

Otherwise, it would be quite shameful for William to misunderstand her as a god.

"This blessing is my unique blessing!"

"It's an exclusive skill that I learned naturally when the Orion myth appeared!"

"A blessing that can only be released to a person with a heart!"

"Didn't you make a wish and want to continue to become stronger! After thinking about it, this is the most suitable one!"

Artemis, whose breathing was gradually steady, also slipped out of William's arms. She was still leaning on William's body just now, because her legs were completely weak, and she couldn't walk at all.

At this moment, William didn't feel regretful about letting go of the nephrite in his arms. At this moment, he was completely attracted by the blessing Artemis said.

"Then what is the effect of this blessing?"

"This! You should be able to obtain one of my most important abilities!"

"Specifically, you will find out when you update your abilities."

Artemis smiled mysteriously, obviously not wanting to explain the function of blessing to him now.

"That's it!"

William nodded, then suddenly smiled sinisterly, stepped forward and took a long stride, and once again embraced the slender waist of the goddess.

Artemis was also taken aback by this sudden movement, just when she was about to open her mouth to say something!

William's face continued to expand in Artemis' field of vision until it filled her entire field of vision.

Long time, lip points!

"You actually sneaked up on me!"

Artemis' face was bright red, and the pink cheeks on both sides swelled up like a blown puffer fish.

This time she was able to maintain a normal state of breathing, all thanks to the previous experience.

So William let go of the goddess when Artemis was about to have difficulty breathing.

"Hey! I'm still afraid that Master Artemis didn't concentrate just now, and the blessing didn't take effect!"

"That's why I want to do it again, and ask Lord Artemis to bless me again!"

Artemis was stunned by William's rascal appearance, and finally he could only say something in a daze.

"I didn't expect you to be so shameless?"

"I don't think I'm shameless, I just can't help but want to pick the beautiful flowers when I see them."

The scene suddenly fell into an undisguised imminent state, and Artemis looked at William with a rather naked look of disdain.

"What you said is no different from shamelessness in my opinion."

"Look at me, there is a big difference of opinion between me and Lord Artemis! I think it is necessary for me to let Lord Artemis get acquainted a few times, so as to change this view."

William nodded, and directly took a big step forward, wanting to catch the person in front of him in his arms, and repeat the previous action.

Artemis had been prepared to dodge William's big hand, and then ran to the edge of the street in a flash.

Turning his head, after mouthing a few words to him, he went straight into the crowd.

William, who was still there, of course also saw clearly what Artemis said.

You ~ think ~ ~ beautiful!

Shaking his head with a smile, he also returned to the street.

He is also eager to return to the family now, because he wants to have two things that he wants to do urgently.

One is to find Loki to quickly update his ability to see what the goddess' blessing is.

The second is to quickly ask Chun Ji for help to relieve the heat in my heart.

Although being aroused by another woman and looking for another woman to solve it, it seems a bit scumbag.

But there is no way, he is now in a state where the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

If it weren't for the fear that the speed of progress would frighten the Goddess, then he would never let Artemis run away just now.

ps: This film has been modified, please join the group to watch the original version if you feel uncomfortable

Thanks to Shuke 461250227235 for the reward

Careful friends should have discovered that the new volume and sub-volume have been opened

Tomorrow the last chapter extradition chapter

The day after tomorrow, the main text opens, and the battle against Wanyou Tianluo

Chapter 140 The Overlord of the Night "4000 Characters Chapter"

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