william sfengel

Level: lv4

Strength: H (115)

Durability: H (103)

Dexterity: H (198)

Agility: G (208)

Magic: S (903)

Development ability: "Mystery H", "Harmony H", "Magic I", "Magic I"

Magic: omit three

Skill: "Magic Adaptive Growth"

No need for exercise, it will run to the limit of your body's tolerance.

"The Beloved of Thunder Element"

When using thunder attribute magic, the magic power is automatically increased by 30%.

"Ability Assimilation"

Able to unify the learned techniques and abilities into one system.

"Single Enemy"

The more enemies you face, the faster your full stats will recover.

"Blessing of the Moon Goddess"

Able to mobilize the power of moonlight.

Fighting while bathed in moonlight, the normal ability is tripled, and the recovery speed is tripled.

Practice while bathing in the moonlight, and the usual progress will be tripled.

This is William's current ability panel!

After breaking up with Artemis, he immediately returned to his magic workshop and updated his ability with potions.

As for why he didn't go to Loki to update it, it's purely because he didn't want Loki to be stared at and asked endlessly.

But after he finished updating his ability value, he fell silent.

First of all, there is nothing to say about physical fitness. After he came out of "Big Tree Sea", he never went to the dungeon to fight again.

The growth of these ability values ​​still depends on his own skill "Magical Power Adaptive Growth" and the artifact "Orion's Arrow" stored in his body at the moment.

What was it that made him really fall silent!

Of course Artemis bestowed upon him the blessing.

Is it very capable?

Frankly speaking, very strong!

Not to mention anything else, just that his current magic power growth rate has tripled, which is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

The same is true for triple the combat ability!

If his current ability value is tripled, even if an adventurer of lv3 comes, he will not be his opponent.

As for what the power of moonlight is, he hasn't fully figured it out yet.

But that's all right.

Now he can stand under the moon and shout, I am the overlord of the night.

Then why is he silent!

This is the point in the moonlight!

Doesn't this mean that he has to practice outside under the moonlight every night!

Is he still sleeping or not?

Didn't this turn his life upside down completely!

The most important thing is, isn't this seriously affecting his nightlife!

So in the last two days, he also completely let go of his cultivation.

Fulfill the agreement during the day and go to the Shenyue Festival with Alicia and Aisi for a date.

In the evening, he and Chun Ji were messing around crazily, and even because of his madness, Chun Ji had a bit of a problem walking by herself in the morning.

If it weren't for Chun Ji being an adventurer, her natural race would be an orc with a relatively strong physique.

If it were an ordinary human being, he would have died suddenly at the peak of bliss.


So today is the last day he is scheduled to stay in Olalie!

He quietly got off the bed, just like usual without waking up the woman lying beside him.

First, I went to the family's public bathroom to take a shower, and then put on my clothes.

As for the luggage, he still didn't carry too much in his backpack.

Four gold bricks plus two bottles of mental potion and two bottles of panacea.

As for weapons, he is also empty-handed now, with only two short knives in his arms.

The fact that he didn't carry the "Marduk" he had just created was purely because he had better weapons.

And the "Arrow of Orion" is much easier to carry, when he needs to use it, he only needs to mobilize the power.

The deep, dark, and twisted door opened silently, and William didn't hesitate at all to step into this extremely dangerous door for anyone.

That is, when William's figure completely disappeared into the dark doorway, everything in the world seemed to be frozen at this moment.

The original gorgeous colors were now stained with a uniform gray, and Chun Ji, who was still lying in the bed, seemed to have lost her breath and fell into an eternal sleep.


At this moment, William is already in the gap between the worlds.

Looking around here, there is no color, only the darkness that cannot be seen at a glance.

It was this kind of scenery that was the reason why he didn't want to come here, which made him directly open the door to the earth fault world after he came out of the evil world.

A book that didn't have any patterns on it, but seemed to exude a mysterious atmosphere also suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Alright, which world are we going to go to this time!"

The book hovering in front of William was flipping page by page automatically without wind.

At this moment, William's brain also began to work rapidly, constantly intercepting information that might be useful to him from those cumbersome materials.

Then quickly make a comparison to plan the possibility of growth.

At this moment, the operation speed of his brain has reached the extreme, even a super computer is definitely not as good as him.

After a short time.

The book stays in a world he prefers.

"Strike the blood"

The concentration of mystery in this world is also very high, and there are also many alien races in it.

The True Ancestor in the vampire is the highest combat power in the world, and each True Ancestor has the strength to wipe out a country by himself.

The main thing is that the True Ancestor also has the ability to be immortal.

And the human beings who can barely compete with it are not so weak.

A witch who signed a contract with the devil and gained power while paying the price.

A psychic born with super high qualifications.

These are the strengths that people can barely contend against the Immortal True Ancestors.

Frankly speaking, this world is very attractive to him!

It's not just the magic that makes him covetous, although he can say that he is involved in a lot of magic now.

But there are several kinds of magic that he has no clue about until now.

Space magic and time magic are the two magics that he has always wanted to study, but he has no clue at all.

But in this world, although the time magic is still only used by strings, the space magic seems to have very advanced users.

These are all good!

What attracts him the most is the magic that is suspected to be recorded in the book and can change the laws of the world - Holy Annihilation.

Therefore, according to the normal theory, it would be fine for him to go directly.

Why hesitate!

At this time, the book of the world flipped again following William's wishes.

"School Battle City Asterisk"

This is a near-future world somewhat similar to the world of "Irregular Students at Magic High School".

This world itself is a world with a very low concentration of mystery. Although there are humans who can practice "magic power = star power", they are very rare.

There may not be more than a hundred humans in the entire world who can possess this qualification.

Coupled with the need for special practice methods, there are even more people who have no qualifications and cannot practice.

But all this was changed by a sudden disaster.

It was a disaster called "Falling Star Shower".

All over the world, without any warning, meteorite rain fell for three days and three nights.

The catastrophe resulted in the destruction of many cities and a dramatic decline in the state's local control.

Then it was ridiculously replaced by a commercial economy called "Integrated Corporate Chaebol".

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