The country can be taken away by a group of businessmen. This kind of ridiculous thing has indeed happened in this world.

But none of this matters.

What caught William's attention was the mysterious power that followed the meteorite - Wanyingsu.

It is also under the influence of this mysterious power that a new breed of human beings - the Xingmai Generation was born.

The physical ability of the Xingmai generation far exceeds that of ordinary humans, and they also possess the aura of "star power".

Among them, there are even supernatural beings who can connect with all elements in the air with their bodies.

Women are called "witches"

Men are called "magicians"

Just to mention more, the Xingmai generation here is also the same as the magicians in the evil world. Because of their innate superiority over ordinary people, they are feared by ordinary people.

"Integrated corporate chaebol" and countries around the world will naturally also study this mysterious substance that has changed the ecology of the earth.

Of course, the progress of these studies is not recorded in detail in the book.

But the source of Wanyingsu is rarely recorded clearly in the Book of the World.

That is the existence substance originating from another world, which flowed into this world when the two worlds accidentally opened up.

After that, the channel connecting the two worlds has never been closed, and even the channel is still expanding year by year.

This is how the endless stream of Wanyingsu enters this world like this.

But this leads to another problem, since Wan Yingsu entered this world in this way.

So what kind of star power or magic power did those supernatural beings rely on to cultivate?

The answer lies in the moon!

There is a very large rough stone on the moon.

The previous supernatural beings practiced by relying on the weak energy emanating from that rough stone across such a long distance.

It was this rough stone that successfully seduced William's greatest interest.

After acquiring the skill "Moon God's Blessing", he has an unusual sense of intimacy with the moon.

And when he saw this rough stone, he vaguely felt that this rough stone might have a great effect on him.

Besides, he had never seen such a world with such complete information recorded in the Book of the World.

It seemed that the Book of the World was deliberately leading him to this world.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look!"

"If it doesn't work, wait half a year at worst, and then go directly to the world of "Blood Devouring Strike"."

William is not a person who likes to hesitate, anyway, it's only half a year, and he can't afford to waste this time.

Once you've made up your mind, don't delay your actions!

Directly communicated the coordinate position in the world of "School Battle City Asterisk" recorded in the book.

The door full of twisting power was also opened in this way.

Then, something happened that surprised William the most.

The book of the world is no longer the same as before. After providing him with options, it stays in the gap between the worlds.

Instead, it turned into bits of streamer and penetrated into his body, lying in his body like "Orion's Arrow".

William raised his eyebrows, he didn't care about the fact that there was another thing lying in his body.

But the question is if you want to follow, why didn't you follow before.

Why do you suddenly have to go with him now?

"It seems that this world may really change me!


It was the familiar feeling of dizziness again, William resisted the discomfort in his stomach, and quickly stepped out of the portal.

The cloudless blue sky, the shade of lush trees and grass, and the turbulent clear stream.

If one ignores the young man who is coughing and vomiting by the stream, this scene is really a beautiful one.


"Why, the reaction this time is bigger than the previous one!"

William's grief came from his heart, and the truth is that the world-traveling gate is an application of space magic.

But every time he uses the world-transmitting gate, he looks so uncomfortable. Will he really be able to learn the space magic that he most yearns for in the future!

After a while, William took out the handkerchief Chun Ji embroidered for him, and wiped off the dirt left on the corner of his mouth.

After tidying up his disorganized posture, William sat cross-legged on the floor regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not.

The magic power started to work quietly.

William concentrated his attention on his surroundings, trying hard to feel the all elements scattered in the air.

Time just passed by like this.

The chirping sparrows even landed on William, who was completely absent-minded, sometimes pecking his face and sometimes his hair.

Knowing a certain moment, William suddenly opened his eyes, and there were faint black lights flickering in the golden eyes.

After immersing himself in consciousness, he finally sensed the existence of Wanyingsu.

They were in the air he breathed.

They exist in flowing streams.

They exist in the green grass.

They exist in the ground he treads on.

They are everywhere.

William carefully pulled the all-encompassing elements in the air, and introduced them from his skin into the source of magic power in his body.

The change begins here!

The magic source normally hidden in William's body began to run at a high speed, and even formed a vortex of star power in his body.

The surrounding Wanyingsu also seemed to be attracted by some kind of gravitational force. Without William's need to continue the traction work, he kept going through William's skin and rushed into William's body one after another.

It can be said that William finally felt relieved at this moment.

All the conjectures he came here are based on the fact that the magic power he uses now is star power, or that his magic power can produce a chemical reaction with star power.

Only in this way can his guess about the original stone of omniscience on the moon be correct.

Not far away!

A girl who was sitting on a chair suddenly woke up from her seat.

Of course, it is more appropriate to say that she is a virgin than a girl.

She has a very cute appearance, her black hair is tied into a circle like a butterfly's wings, and she rubbed her sleepy eyes with two slightly immature hands.

"What a strange flow of all elements!"

ps: Thanks to the original sun for the reward

School Battle City Asterisk

Chapter 140 Five Loli piercing the chest "4000 words big chapter"

Wanyingsu is a substance that is ubiquitous in this world. Normally, there is no star pulse generation that can pull Wanyingsu into the body like this.

The Wanyingsu used by Xingmai Generations usually relies on the body's instinct to absorb the Wanyingsu in the air, and it will slowly recover automatically after it is exhausted.

Even if it is a special case of mutation in the star pulse generation, the "witch" and "magician" are nothing more than communicating with the universal elements in the air and using them.

Then Wanyingsu at this moment was like a naturally formed tornado, rushing toward the young man sitting cross-legged in the eye of the storm.

After a long time, the young man's eyes slowly opened.

A gleam of light disappeared from the golden pupils.

"The container has reached its limit!"

The container here refers to the upper limit of magic power that can be contained in his body.

At this moment, the source of magic power in his body has more than doubled, and even other parts of his body are now flowing with energy called Wanyingsu.

He stood up slowly, and the faint blue halo began to flicker with his movements.

By the time he had completely straightened his back, the creases on his clothes and the dirt on his trousers had all been cleaned up.

"My friend who has been peeping since just now, can you come out now!"

The young man turned his body around like this, looked at a big tree with a full century of years and said abruptly.

Slowly, the majesty and wind blew gently, and the green leaves made a rustling sound with the flow of the wind.


Crisp applause came from where the young man was staring, breaking the silence, and the person who appeared immediately made the young man's pupils constrict.

"Hey, I didn't expect the old man to hide his aura with all his strength, but you still discovered it!"

Although the voice of the person who came out was indeed as immature and ethereal as her appearance.

But what she said was completely out of her age.

The most important thing is that this cute-looking girl stared at him with eyes that saw the delicacies.

It looked like he was going to swallow him up at any time.

But the young man did not mean to underestimate this girl at all, let alone the girl's elusive latent technique, just looking at the huge power hidden in her small body, it is already impossible to underestimate.

"Well! I'm pretty good at eliminating my own breath!"

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