"And when I absorbed Wanyingsu just now, my perception ability was also maximized."

"So I can still perceive your movements hidden behind the tree."

The young man looked at the girl and didn't intend to make a move immediately, and temporarily canceled his guard posture, but his eyes still didn't dare to leave the girl for a moment.

"So this is ah!"

"My name is Fan Xinglu, what about you? Boy!"

The girl named Fan Xinglu squinted her eyes, licked the corner of her mouth with her pink tongue, and then walked towards the young man.

"William Sfengel."

The palms were clasped, and a faint golden light gathered and formed in William's hands.

The "Arrow of Orion" was just held in William's hand, and the tip of the spear was pointed at the girl who kept shortening the distance to him.

"Sorry, I still think we should keep a distance, 'All things heaven'"

That's right, William knew the girl in front of him.

Because the girl's information is the first few information about the characters appearing on the Book of the World.

He is also one of the very few people in this world who can threaten William's life.

The third generation of "Universal Heaven" - Fan Xinglu.

Fan Xinglu also stopped on the spot obediently, and the space suddenly began to distort following the giggling girl.

Suddenly, three kinds of vajras with a sense of holiness appeared out of thin air, and they were slowly rotating around Fan Xinglu like satellites.

"I didn't expect you to know the old man!"

"Unfortunately, I really don't have much impression of you!"

"But it's not bad, let's start fighting directly!"

An excited smile appeared on the corner of Fan Xinglu's mouth, and the fighting spirit that had long been unbearable exploded at this moment.

A sense of oppression followed directly on William's shoulders.

"Sure enough, as recorded in the information, he has a combative personality, and he is extremely eager to fight against an opponent."

This is why William immediately summoned the "Orion's Arrow" after learning the girl's true identity.

Fan Xinglu's movements didn't need to be slowed down much by the time she spoke, and the three-cobalt pestle hovering above her head was aimed at William.

A blue lightning bolt as thick as a bucket shot straight at William.

William, who was about to say something, raised his eyebrows when he saw the lightning, and silently swallowed the words that had come to his lips.

The lightning was getting closer and closer to William's position, and William stood there in a daze, as if he was completely frightened by the attack.

The lightning strike just disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. The moment it touched William, it was as if it had been wiped out of thin air, and it disappeared immediately.

"Interesting, are you a special bloodline ability user?"

Fan Xinglu showed a look of interest, the scene just now couldn't hide from her eyes.

That kid definitely didn't rely on mobilizing the star power in his body to strengthen his defense like the normal Xingmai generation.

"Just treat it like this!"

"However, compared to this, I have two conditions! Listen to me first, or I won't fight you."

"You know, if I want to leave after winning, there is no way for you to stop me."

William's words directly caused Fan Xinglu to fall into silence, and she stopped energizing the five cobalt pestle that was already ready to go.

Indeed, in her heart, William is an existence that can threaten her and arouse her fighting spirit.

If such an existence wanted to leave, she would have no way to force William to stay with her to fight.

"Okay, boy!"

"Tell me!"

What she pursues is a qualified battle. For the joy in her heart, she even continues to dig out talents by herself and teach them to grow, so that one day these apprentices can bring her a hearty battle.

But her long-awaited battle may be just around the corner.

Not to mention two conditions, even if she has ten conditions at this moment, don't want to disturb her desire to fight.

"First, please solve my identity problem for me."

This question is a very serious one. Although the Book of the World can solve the world-traveling gate for him, the identity issue after arriving in the world must be resolved by himself.

When he went to the devil's world, he directly chose to become a baby, so he didn't have to worry about his identity.

When I went to the wrong world, there were no rules for counting population and recording identity files in that era, so naturally no one pursued his provenance.

But in this world, he naturally takes this matter as his main task.

That's why he didn't run away when he saw Fan Xinglu.

In all honesty, he had no interest in this kind of meaningless duel.

But it would be very useful to have a virgin who can be said to be quite powerful in this world. If it was her, wouldn't it be easy to arrange an identity for herself!

"So that's it, you should be the disciple of those old fellows!"

Hearing what William said, Fan Xinglu immediately thought of a way out for William.

In fact, there are still a few people like her who have broken through the boundary between life and death and stayed in the world.

It's just that those people are not as obsessed with martial arts as she is, and the others have found their own secluded places, far away from the world.

"It's very simple, I agree!"

"What is the second condition?"

Fan Xinglu nodded and immediately agreed, and then asked in an impatient tone.

"The second is to give me your space-distorting technology."

Although William has never really experienced space magic, he has a slight sensitivity to space after using the portal several times.

So just now when Fan Xinglu manifested those Buddhist instruments out of thin air, he had already noticed that what Fan Xinglu was using was the application of space magic that he had been pursuing for a long time.


"Yes, as long as you can bring exciting battles to the old man."

"Then I can teach you all the skills of the old man!"

This condition is even more so for Fan Xinglu. You must know that she usually has no reservations when teaching students.

So far no one has learned her land shrinking technique, it is purely due to lack of aptitude.

"Then I can start now!"

As Fan Xinglu's voice fell, the oppressive feeling that had already been experienced once again hit William, and the karmic pestle on top of his head also accelerated the rotation speed.

The star power in Fan Xinglu's body was poured into it as if she didn't need money.

William didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

The black thunder light also directly covered his whole body. Against an opponent like Fan Xinglu, if he still hides it, then the old birthday star hangs himself and thinks he will die too long.


In the blink of an eye, the petite girl disappeared before William's eyes!There was even only an afterimage of her left in the original position.

William didn't panic either. With the flip of his wrist, the barrel of the silver-gray spear was turned upside down by him.

The tip of the gun, which was shining with a gloomy cold light, directly pierced the position of his back.

At this moment, the place was empty.

Fan Xinglu just appeared out of thin air, and with the whistling sound of piercing through the air, the tip of the gun mercilessly stabbed at the thousand-year-old loli hovering in mid-air.

Shout out!

A few sparks swayed on the ground from the collision between the tip of the gun and the yellow barrier.

"Well, this is the ability of the old man's Dugu pestle."

Fan Xinglu hid behind Duguchu, smiling heartily.

"Really! Then you have to keep your eyes wide open!"

A smile also flickered across the corner of William's mouth, and the black thunder light on his body climbed up the barrel of the gun at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, extending to the tip of the gun.


It was like the sound of a broken mirror!

The current scene is also the same, Fan Xinglu's pupils shrank suddenly, the barrier made of the single cobalt pestle that was originally in a stalemate with William's "Orion's Arrow", is spreading spider webs around William's spear point as the center point Same texture.

The muscles on William's arm bulged slightly, pushing the gun forward, piercing through the yellow barrier.

Just when the tragic tragedy of an eight-year-old little loli piercing her chest is about to happen!

Fan Xinglu's figure shook and disappeared like a heat wave.


Afterwards, five Fan Xinglu appeared out of thin air and surrounded William, and launched attacks from their respective positions.

She also took back the Yelian pestle on top of her head, and replaced it with a short knife about one third of her height.

This is another rather extraordinary weapon!

Five short knives slashed to William's five positions respectively!




left arm!

right thigh!

White talisman papers were pasted on the silver blades, and the strong fluctuations of all elements on them made William realize a little bit.


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