Another burst of sparks.

The short knife wrapped in white talisman paper just passed through the lightning of his bodyguard, and stopped two centimeters from William's neck.

The barrel of William's gun, which was turned upside down in an emergency, blocked the horizontal knife, preventing it from getting an inch.

The space was artificially distorted again. William did not interrupt the circulation of this energy, but felt it with his heart.

"What you hide, kid, is so real!"

"That black thunder light has the ability to dissolve Wanyingsu!"

Fan Xinglu's voice came from the front, and her little face was completely flushed at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, this is not caused by some ambiguous feelings.

It was at that moment just now that she felt the thrill of death for a long time, which made her a little bit overwhelmed now.


"However, as expected of "All Heavens", he found a way to deal with my "Collapse" so quickly."

William put his gaze on the small and exquisite blade, and Fan Xinglu was taking off the talisman paper with symbols on it.

"However, your ability called "Collapse" is really interesting!"

"The highest-level defensive spell refined by the old man can only last for such a short time."

After re-attaching the talisman paper to the blade, Fan Xinglu did not continue to rush to attack as before.

"Boy, were you hiding your clumsiness just now?"

Her voice was deep and somewhat silent, but also somewhat willed.

"Why do you say that?"

William was also taken aback by Fan Xinglu's sudden words.

In order to fight against Fan Xinglu, he used all the guys at the bottom of the box. Except for the concept that "Orion's Arrow" must hit, he had to say that he was shooting with all his strength.

"Because your star power is running very rough!"

"That looks like a child who has just awakened the power of the stars."

"If you were the disciples of my group of old friends, it would be impossible for you to operate the star force so rough."

Fan Xinglu shook his head and said very firmly.

Because these characters who can survive from ancient times, all rely on the development and use of star power to get rid of the shackles of life.

ps: Thanks to Shuke 461250227235 for the reward

The new chapter opens, and it will be sent directly to the third update

1 words, my hand is going to break

Chapter 140 4000 My Magic Is Almighty "[-]-Word Chapter"

Their control over the power of the stars is absolutely beyond common sense.

So William's rough way of operating the star power couldn't be the disciple of her old friends.

When Fan Xinglu said that, he really had nothing to say.

Although he successfully introduced the universal elements from the outside world into his body, and then converted the magic power in his body through assimilation.

But it is not a simple matter to suddenly use another energy that has not been controlled.

To be honest, he can still fight smoothly now, which can be said to be very powerful.

"However, this has nothing to do with us!"

Fan Xinglu suddenly changed the topic, his words contained a strong fighting intent.

"Boy, all I pursue is a good fight."

"I'm going to keep going!"


It was the sound of howling winds piercing through the sky.

The naked eye can only see the afterimages of the two people on the ground.

He didn't know what Fan Xinglu was doing at the moment.

But he has indeed pushed his speed to the extreme.


The black thunder is shining!

The runes on the talisman paper also exude a faint golden halo.


Amid the crisp clashing sounds, the silver-gray long spear and the short knife exuding a simple atmosphere kept colliding with each other.

The air pressure generated when the two people swung their weapons could even be said to turn into a series of wind blades, blasting away in all directions.

With such a fierce battle, William's "Collapse" eroded Fan Xinglu's ancient sword even faster.

There were only two or three collisions on average, and Fan Xinglu had to change the charm on her knife.

"'Wanyou Tianluo', how many spells do you have?"


The answer to William was the laughter with madness and surprise.

"There are still many old ladies with spells, but you should be careful."

As soon as the old Loli finished speaking, her free left hand was suddenly placed in front of her body, forming a seal.




From a few places visible to the naked eye, there were faintly flashing words similar to those on her spell.

The little hand wielding the dagger also accelerated sharply as the incantations on her body were burned.

William's eyes froze, and the spear in his hand turned sharply.

From the original straight stabbing, now it has changed to a horizontal slash.

"right here!"

Fan Xinglu's eyes froze, and he took out two strengthening symbols from the void and quickly pasted them on his arms.

The arm suddenly exerted force!

William's long spear was suddenly blocked by Fan Xinglu, and the figure holding the short knife mercilessly stabbed towards William's heart with the door wide open.

There is no familiar feeling of piercing into the flesh, this is Fan Xinglu's first impression when the tip of the knife touches William's flesh.

"You said that you are good at hiding your breath, you should know the assassination technique!"

Fan Xinglu passed through the phantom that William had left in place, and then said to herself to a place on her left.

"I really got a little taste of what it's like to play against myself."

Ripples that seemed to be distorted in time and space appeared on the empty land, and William's figure also appeared.

"Cosmetic ranks" can be said to be his great weapon in close combat.

Even his current melee combat style is almost entirely integrated with "cosmetic ranks".

When fighting with others before, no one has ever been able to find their true position without deciphering the "cosmetic ranks".

People with rich combat experience, such as Finn, just said that they blocked their own gunshots by intuition.

But in the battle with Fan Xinglu, he could be said to have been completely seen through.

No matter where she hides her figure, Fan Xinglu seems to have installed a radar on her body, and the next knife will strike right away.

"About this point, isn't the old man the same as you!"

"Don't you also accurately see the position of the old man every time!"

Fan Xinglu grinned, and she threw the dagger in her hand to the ground.


The sound of the blade shattering also sounded at this moment, and the blade that fell on the ground broke into two halves.

"It's a pity! Even if it is wrapped in a diamond talisman, it can only last so long!"

Regarding this situation, William's eyes lit up.

"Since your sword in "Wan You Tian Luo" has been broken, how about ending this battle in a draw?"

"No! No!"

Fan Xinglu's eyes were full of smiles, her small hands were held in emptiness, and an antique long sword appeared in her hands like this again.

"How could such an interesting battle end like this!"

The air seemed to stand still at this moment.

The small figure turned into an afterimage again and burst out towards the front.

William held the gun barrel horizontally with both hands, and raised it above his head to block the chopping from top to bottom.

The left hand holding the gun barrel suddenly raised one finger, and pale lightning burst out brazenly at such a short distance.

The white flashes shot into the orange sunset just like that.

Fan Xinglu also appeared in front of William again, although this time she still had that high-spirited look.

But this time she already had a hint of doubt.

"This trick is very good!"

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