"Boy, what exactly is your "magician" ability?"

Whether it is a "magician" or a "witch", there is only one ability that they can use.

The ability to manipulate sound waves communicates with all elements to unleash sonic attacks.

The ability to manipulate flames communicates with all elements to unleash flame attacks.

The ability to manipulate poisonous gas communicates with all elements to create a variety of toxins.

But William has clearly used an ability to dissolve all elements just now.

At the very beginning, he also used his own body to hard-press his own lightning strike, and he was unscathed.

At first, she thought that William had quietly used his ability to defuse her lightning strike.

But after she saw the white thunder released from her fingertips, she knew that her guess should be wrong.

"Are you curious?"

"Well! That's it, can you explain it to us!"

Fan Xinglu nodded heartily.

She is not only longing for a battle with equal strength, but also longing for the improvement of strength.

He didn't use the same technique as her own star fairy technique, she was pretty sure.

"It's okay to talk about it! This is probably not what you expected."

William shrugged, after all, the next battle would also expose him.

In the sky that had already been dyed red by the setting sun, a pitch-black cloud quietly appeared above the two of them.

However, the speed at which the dark cloud multiplied surpassed any time he had released this move before.

Just in an instant!

The dark clouds covering the sky covered the entire mountain like this, and no sunlight could penetrate the thick clouds.

The entire forest immediately fell into the silence of the night.


"This is really spectacular!"

"Did you do all this?"

Fan Xinglu put away her playful expression before, and her eyes exuded a solemn look that had never been seen in a century.

Needless to say more!

You don't even need to feel how much energy is contained in that dark cloud.

Just look at the ones that ordinary people can see clearly, the ones that are constantly jumping, all of them are like anacondas and blue lightnings shuttle among the clouds.

She has no doubts, as long as the energy in the dark cloud is completely released.

It is by no means difficult to smooth out the hilltop they are standing on in an instant.

"My magic!"

"Hmm! It should be considered omnipotent!"

William just stood opposite Fan Xinglu, the jacket he was wearing was rattling by the howling wind.

"However, I am more suitable for the magic of the thunder attribute!"

The last sentence of his voice was like the signal of thunder falling.

Fan Xinglu stayed where there was a big crater about two meters deep, as if he was talking about the power of the lightning strike just now.

"Teleportation is really a good thing!"

This is not the first time William has lamented.

As long as I don't have a way to break the teleportation, I can't hurt Fan Xinglu at all.

"If you beat me, I will teach you!"

Fan Xinglu who was stranded in the air muttered a few words.

At the same time, the fingers formed a seal.

Immediately behind her, countless flaming fireballs appeared, and the flames of the flames illuminated the darkness that was concealed by the dark clouds.

The fierce collision of flames and thunder has begun!

Lightning strikes kept falling from the top of Fan Xinglu's head, and the celestial tool that she took back just now - the Yelian Pestle hovered above her head again.

The Dugu pestle also opened the thick barrier, even though the falling lightning strikes had already tightly connected into silk threads.

But the barrier was still intact and protected Fan Xinglu.

"It seems that your two abilities cannot be used together!"

The small palm waved violently, and the condensed fireball fell towards William like a torrential rain of flames.

William also didn't move his body to avoid it.

It's just that the black streamer that had been flickering on his body suddenly won, like a black giant egg, wrapping William in it.

The fireball that followed also disappeared the moment it touched the "collapse".

Only the attack to cover William's escape position fell on the ground normally, smashing deep pits one after another.

The attacks continued unceasingly!

The fireballs continued to condense!

The lightning strikes continued to strike!

Both of them seemed to have completely abandoned the idea of ​​continuing close combat.

Constantly bombarding the opponent's defense means with his own magic.

They know each other well.

William's "Collapse" needed the power of the stars as a support.

Fan Xinglu's single cobalt pestle also needs constant input of star power.

Now this battle has completely fallen into a battle of attrition between the two sides for the power of the stars.

"Boy, it seems that you are very confident in your stock of star power!"

At this moment, Fan Xinglu had landed on the ground.

Even if she wants to sit in the hovering air for a long time, it is impossible.

In addition, she now has to concentrate all her star power to break William's magic.

There is no extra star power wasted on useless things.

"Well! Ever since I was a child, this is the one I have the most confidence in. This is indeed the truth."

The star power in William's body now is like a hole has been opened at the bottom of a container that has been filled with water.

The power of the stars is also passing away at a rapid speed.

But this is also something that can't be helped, and it is still a small matter for him to maintain this thunderstorm.

But maintaining "Collapse" for a long time is indeed a big burden for him.

The terrifying energy attacks continued to fall, and the originally lush forest had long since lost its previous appearance.

The rock was also shattered by the aftermath of the attack, turning into countless rubble and scattering around.

"How about it! Do you want to continue the close combat!"

"Your magic power has weakened!"

Fan Xinglu, who was pinching the seal with her hands, suddenly spoke.

After speaking, she seemed to be verifying her own thoughts.

The five cobalt pestle flew directly from the barrier of the single cobalt pestle, and merged with the flaming fireball that Fan Xinglu was condensing.

It looked like a bright sun that covered the sky and the sun was rising.

Even with a distance of nearly a hundred meters, William could still feel the tingling burning sensation through his skin.

"This temperature!"

The flame that has been incorporated into the so-called five-cobalt pestle is not of the same order of magnitude as the previous flame.

Looking at the flame that has gradually changed from yellow to white, one can already judge it.

The fireball's outer flame alone has exceeded 1000 degrees.

"However, if I continue to fight in close quarters, I will definitely have no chance of winning!"

William cast a blank glance at the virgin who was advising him.

"So you've already seen it!"

Fan Xinglu looked at William in a little surprise, but she thought this kid didn't see the difference!

"Does it even need to be said!"

"It's fine if you see through my phantom, but when I don't use the phantom, the blade can stay one step ahead of my approach."

"The strength of close combat is not as good as yours, why should I recklessly fight close combat?"

That's why William didn't choose to continue using "Collapse" to fight Fan Xinglu.

During close combat, Fan Xinglu had already found gaps for him several times, and he was bullied into areas that he couldn't reach with his long spear.

If it wasn't for his speed surpassing that of Fan Xinglu, then this battle would have ended in that close combat.

"But if we continue to fight in close quarters, the old man can rarely enjoy the fun of fighting against powerful enemies."

Fan Xinglu held the huge fireball that had completely transformed into a white flame with both hands.

"bring it on!"

At this moment, the lightning strikes falling on Fan Xinglu had all stopped, and all the star power was poured into his own "collapse" by him.

The jet-black thunder light is also in an unprecedented solid state.

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