Perhaps it is no longer appropriate to call it Lei Guang.

After a large amount of infusion of star power, the expression form of "collapse" is no longer the irregular expression form similar to thunder and lightning.

As I said before, "Collapse" is the essence of the magic "Thunder Chasing Fang".

The thunder and lightning in "Thunder Chasing Tooth" is actually just an accessory product.

It exists only to bear the berserk energy of "Collapse", so that William can use it without damaging himself.

But as William's strength continues to improve, he has long been able to use this magic at a deeper level.

The second one is delivered

Chapter 140 Seven Do You Want To Keep Me! "4000 words for subscription"

When fighting "Andaris", the off-body attack used is one of them.

Now turning into armor is another application of it.

This armor can be called an absolute defense against magic.

At the same time, his physical ability will also get a greater boost than "Thunder Chasing Fang" in this armored state.

But the only shortcoming is that he is not able to maintain this state all the time.

Because its consumption of star power is also very astonishing.


"Boy, don't die!"

The little hand pushed gently, and the distance of [-] meters was crossed by the fireball in an instant.

The dazzling white light also bloomed at this moment!

Fan Xinglu immediately summoned several kinds of body protection charms, and activated them with all her strength.

At this moment, the power of the Dugu pestle was also released to the maximum by her, fully resisting the aftermath of the energy explosion.

The burst of energy even distorted the space.

Take the location of William as the center point!

The finely crushed sand and gravel are swallowed up!

The scorched wood after the lightning strike turned into nothingness!

From a distance, it looks like a black hole that devours all matter has appeared on the top of the mountain.

The torrent of white energy continuously spreads its range, and everything it passes is turned into nothingness.

At this time, Fan Xinglu was already far away from the center of the explosion under the protection of the spell and the Dugu pestle.

Fan Xinglu's eyes fixed on the center of the explosion, with a sense of relief and regret on his face.

"It's a pity, I don't know when the next time I can satisfy my old lady!"

"I said, can you stop judging that I've died so quickly!"

The silver-gray spear tip pierced through the barrier of the body shield, piercing through the vajra talisman for protection and defense.

The land shrinking method was activated again, and the space was distorted in an instant, and the young Lori disappeared before William's eyes again.

"I didn't expect you to be able to survive!"

Standing on the raised gravel, Fan Xinglu cried out in surprise as she watched William slowly fall from the sky.

When fighting, she will not show mercy!

Because that will only affect the joy of fighting, it feels as uncomfortable as eating a meal that has been swished away.

But after the battle is over, it would be even better if this kind of opponent who can fight her can survive.

Because in this way, when she is itching next time, she won't have to wait hard for her opponent to appear.

"Could it be that you thought I would die because of this!"

"Tch, you really dare to say it! Boy."

Seeing William's embarrassed look, Fan Xinglu burst out laughing.

The left sleeve of the black coat had completely disappeared, there were cracks all over his body from scratches from gravel, and there was a big hole above the knee of his trousers.

This appearance, no matter from which angle it is viewed, can only give its owner a dilapidated evaluation!

"It's just a bit of a mess!"

"But I didn't get hurt!"

William immediately refuted Fan Xinglu's words, and at the same time, he also activated the star power that had just recovered a little bit, and cleaned his whole body.

"At this time, I still waste the power of the stars doing cleaning."

"You kid shouldn't have a serious cleanliness fetish!"

Fan Xinglu looked at William in front of her, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Generally speaking, normal people should give priority to restoring their own strength!

Who cares about those useless looks!

"Nothing! The consumption of this star power is nothing."

William smiled lightly and shook his head. At this time, although the night had not completely fallen.

But a bright moon has been quietly hanging high in the sky.

The emitted moonlight had already shone on William who was standing high on the boulder.

"The second round of melee combat, let's begin!"

Feeling the full strength of his limbs, William smiled indulgently at Fan Xinglu who was in a daze.

This is the moment he has been waiting for, rather than being defeated unexpectedly in close combat.

It would be better to try to delay time with magic, and when the moon rises, it will be his victory.

Before Fan Xing could respond, William's figure had already arrived in front of her.

That's extreme speed!

The speed is so fast that it exceeds the cognitive level of the human brain.

The swift and violent palm hit was outrageous, hitting the girl's delicate abdomen directly.

But this speed, which has surpassed common sense, was predicted by Fan Xinglu in advance.

She made the gesture of four or two strokes in Tai Chi ahead of time, defusing William's heavy blow.

William, whose attack was deflected, only frowned slightly, but his attack would not end there.

With the left foot on the ground as the center point, a powerful whip kick kicked again to Fan Xinglu who had crossed his hands to protect his chest in advance.

Fan Xinglu also immediately bullied him without hesitation, made a half-circle in the air, and kicked William's head violently, reciprocating.

However, at this moment, William's speed was three times as usual.

Facing this kind of attack, he was no longer a player whose body couldn't keep up with the processing speed of his brain.

After raising his left arm to block the rounding kick, his free right hand directly grabbed Fan Xinglu's arm who was forming a seal.

Then with a sudden throw, Fan Xinglu's petite figure flew upside down like a deflated balloon, hitting the rock behind her.

The hard rock was even smashed into a hole that could fit Fan Xinglu's figure perfectly.


A girl's cough sounded from within the raised dust.

"What's the matter with you?"

Fan Xinglu pulled herself out of the rock, and wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth due to the damaged internal organs.

So weird!

She felt that the surprise she saw in William today was completely beyond her understanding.

"It's okay to tell you, but you also have to tell me why you can predict my attack position in advance."

"Okay, then let me talk first!"

Fan Xinglu nodded, and at the same time, she was speeding up her healing speed.

"The one I use is called the life pulse technique."

"Life pulse?"

William can be said to have responded quite cooperatively.

"That's right, this is a skill that can only be seen with the help of the power of the stars, and can only be comprehended when the skill reaches the extreme."

"With this ability, we can predict the trend and future of the battle for a short time."

"However, only the masters of various schools can use this trick now."

"The rest are basically not able to comprehend this skill."

"It's because it's more of a mental expression of the skill."

"So those who know this skill don't necessarily have to be in the Xingmai era! Even ordinary people can still comprehend it after many years of practice."

Fan Xinglu immediately finished all the words, and then urged William with her eyes, beckoning him to explain quickly.

"To put it simply, all my abilities will double when the moonlight shines."

Fan Xinglu couldn't remember how many years she hadn't shown such a surprised expression.

She even wondered if she was old and had symptoms of auditory hallucinations.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I have lived for thousands of years, but I have never heard of a werewolf."

Fan Xinglu usually watched some movies when she was bored and couldn't get rid of it.

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