It can only be said that it is noon again, and it is the familiar student council room again.

There was no change in the people present, five beautiful girls with different backgrounds, a handsome young man, um, and a guy with ordinary looks who looked like passers-by somewhere.

"Tatsuya-kun, you are really happy! Did you eat your sister's handmade bento today?"

Mitsunobu Kushima looked at the two identical bento boxes on the opposite side, which contained two fried shrimp, boiled cauliflower, beef steak, and egg rolls.

Looking at the bento prepared by Shiba Miyuki, he has considered the issue of balanced nutrition. Of course, the taste also looks good. Even if it is already cold, he can smell the fragrance from a table away.

"Well, after seeing the bento that Watanabe-senpai brought last time, Miyuki thought it would be nice to bring a bento to school."

Shiba Tatsuya also said calmly, but Shiba Miyuki had already fallen into a shy state because of the words "Tatsuya-kun, you are so happy".

"But you brought your own bento today! Did you make it yourself?"

Shiba Tatsu also looked at the bento box in front of Mitsunobu Kushima's desk and said.

"Hey, hey. Can Mitsunobu-kun know how to cook himself?" Mayumi Nanakusa, who was sitting next to Hironobu Kushima, snatched the bento box in front of her when he was not paying attention.

"Come on, come on, let me see how you are doing?"

The size is about 20cm square, and it has two upper and lower layers, which looks very heavy at first glance.

open the lid.

All kinds of dishes exude attractive luster. The first floor is neatly arranged dishes, and the second floor is nigiri sushi in various styles.


I don't know if it's a hallucination or an illusion, Mitsunobu Kushima seemed to hear someone swallowing his saliva.

"Guangxuan-jun, is your cooking level so high?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Mitsunobu Kushima with surprise on her face. Even if she often eats all the star-rated restaurants, she would have the urge to eat the dishes in front of her.

How many surprises does this boy want to give her!

"These dishes are very troublesome to make! What time do you get up?"

Watanabe Mori didn't know when she stood up, walked to Nanakusa Mayumi and said.

"Well, I slept better yesterday, and I got up early today."

"If you don't mind, let's all try it! If you don't pay attention, you can make more, and I can't eat so much."

Jiu Dao Guangxuan generously invited everyone to taste it. It might be better to say that he originally meant this, and he was just pushing the boat along the way.

"Really, then I'm not going to be polite!"

Watanabe Moli's eyes lit up, and then he went back to his seat to get his own chopsticks, picked up an egg roll and put it in his mouth.

"Oh! It's delicious."

After Watanabe Moli ate, his eyes narrowed slightly, and an intoxicated expression appeared on his face.

Seeing that Watanabe Moli had already moved his chopsticks, everyone present couldn't help the temptation of delicious food and started to fight one after another, even the Sibo brothers and sisters were no exception.

"good to eat!"



A series of characters came from the mouths of these usually dignified and polite ladies. After all, people will enjoy food, no matter what they usually look like, they will show happy expressions when enjoying food.

"Thanks for the hospitality!"

Nanakusa Mayumi took out her handkerchief and wiped the remaining sauce from the corner of her mouth.

The bento box that was originally full was only about half left after repeated bombing by the crowd.

"Sorry! I seem to be getting carried away for a while. Guangxuan-jun, do you still have enough food left? Would you like to share some of mine with you?"

"no, I'm fine."

Mitsunobu Kushima shook his head, and put the bento box in front of him again.

"My appetite is usually not very large, so much is enough."

"However, your cooking level is really beyond imagination!"

Watanabe Mori tried his best to chew the sushi in his mouth a few more times, and said after taking a sip of the canned green tea he bought from the vending machine.

"Because I still prefer the process of cooking. After all, I don't think the dishes made by automatic meal machines are very delicious."

Mitsunobu Jiudao also clasped his hands together and prepared to start. After all, the lunch break is not so plentiful, and he still wants to use the equipment of the student union to make some adjustments to CAD after dinner!

The setting was completely completed last night, and the magical programming has been written into the CAD, and now he only needs to make some fine adjustments.

"Why, Mayumi, can't you eat it?"

Watanabe Mori looked at Mayumi Nanakusa poking the plate in front of her with her chopsticks. The food on the plate was almost untouched.

"Yeah, it's obviously the same meal as before, but after eating Guangxuan-jun's lunch, eating this becomes boring!"

Nanakusa Mayumi muttered, her eyes wandering to Mitsunobu Kushima's lunch box from time to time.

"It's true!"

Ichihara Suzune, who had been silent all this time, said, even she would have such a strong sense of gap.

The Shiba brothers and sisters didn't have any special reactions. Originally, it was impossible to expect Shiba Tatsuya, a sister-in-law who only had feelings for his younger sister, to be unnatural for the sake of delicious food.

And it is estimated that in Tatsuya Shiba's heart, the dishes made by Mitsunobu Kushima are simply not as good as the bento his sister made for him.

Shiba Miyuki was surprised by Kushima Mitsunobu's bento dishes, but she was not the kind of woman who would be curious about men other than her brother.

After all, she only knows how to cook a little bit, and she can't compare with her flawless brother Tatsuya at all.

Nanakusa Mayumi and Nakajo Azusa nodded frequently, seeming to agree with Ichihara Suzune's opinion.

"That's it! Then, Mitsunobu-kun, do you want to bring a copy for Mayumi when you make bento again?"

As soon as Watanabe Mori changed the subject, he immediately teased Nanakusa Mayumi and Kushima Mitsunobu.

Recently, she has become more and more keen on teasing things between these two people. Mitsunobu Kushima, not to mention Nanakusa Mayumi's reaction every time, is simply never tired of watching for her.

"Molly! What are you talking about!" Nanakusa Mayumi immediately blushed, and bursts of blush appeared on her clean face.

Asking Mitsunobu Kushima to bring her a lunch or something, isn't it just like two people are dating?And even if the two of them dated, they should be the ones who brought lunch for Mitsuxuan Jiudao himself!

No, no, why did she think of this? Isn't it just as if she was imagining a relationship between two people!

Nanakusa Mayumi's face was getting redder and redder, and the temperature on her face was constantly rising like a steam engine that was smoking.

"I don't mind! After all, it's not a troublesome thing to cook an extra meal for senior sister."

@嘉雪@@书客56245726141 @六角琴魔商连清@原初阳光@神重死魔

Thank you guys for your rewards, the work has been successfully signed,

Thank you very much to everyone who sent me recommended monthly tickets.

Finally ask for votes for attention

The next chapter is still at 8 o'clock

Chapter 20 I'll say it's not like that

After lunch, everyone was busy with their own affairs in the limited time, after all, the student union is not a place to eat and fight.

Everyone has their own tasks, Shiba Miyuki is following Azusa Nakajo to learn what accounting needs to do.

Ichihara Suzune and Nanakusa Mayumi are also working on their own work.

As for Si Boda, he was also fiddling with his CAD in the student union room because he didn't have any tasks from the Disciplinary Committee at noon.

"Tatsuya-kun, yours is 【Silver Cluster】! I didn't expect you to be able to buy such a rare CAD!"

"I heard that there were very few sales at that time."

Si Boda also wiped [Silver Cluster]'s hand and gave a pause, "Of course it's considered lucky! I managed to get it just by making an appointment."

"Yeah, but your [silver cluster] seems to be different from what I know."

Mitsunobu Kushima continued to add that he went back yesterday to investigate the CAD used by Shiba Tatsuya, but the appearance and structure of Siba Tatsuya's CAD is different from what he saw on the official website.

"Sibo-kun's is a customized version of [Silver cluster]. Unlike the standard silver family, this one will be improved to a certain extent according to the user's feel and suitability."

Azusa Nakajo happened to have finished teaching Shiba Miyuki, so she leaned over to Shiba Tatsuya's side and said.

"Siba-kun, can you lend me the 【Silver Cluster】?"

Shiba Tatsu also readily handed over the two [Silver Clusters] in his hands to Azusa Nakajo.

After taking the gun, Azusa Nakajo looked at it with a look of intoxication, as if she was with a lover she hadn't seen for many years.

"Besides, I heard that there were only ten people for the custom-made [Silver Cluster], but I made an appointment very early and it didn't work."

"So that's the case, Tatsuya-kun, you are really lucky!"

"However, Senior Sister Zhongtiao, you really understand the [Silver Clan] thing!"

Obviously, he himself is also a person who specializes in CAD research, but he only buys some models with better sales in the market, and then reads some newly published papers on CAD and so on.

After all, not all of these limited-edition models can be bought even with his family's influence, and of course there is no need for that.

But Azusa Nakajo knows too much about this CAD!

"After all, it was made by my most important trust, Lord Silver."



"Whoa! It seems that I saw an interesting reaction!"

Mitsunobu Kushima glanced at Miyuki Shiba who had suddenly lost his mind and knocked his head on the keyboard.

"Hey! Hey! What kind of person does Sibo-kun think Thomas Silver should be?"

"Really! I think it might be a Japanese youth about our age!"

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