

With the same reaction again, Mitsunobu Kushima felt that he could confirm his guess just now.

Nanakusa Mayumi, who had been listening to the conversation silently, looked at Mitsunobu Kushima with puzzled eyes.

But she quickly threw this idea out of her mind. After all, if Mitsunobu Kushima is Trust Silver, there is no need to start a new company.

Moreover, it was impossible for Trust Silver's hermitism to reveal his true face yesterday.

"It seems that this matter still needs to be investigated by grandpa. It is still too reluctant to rely solely on my own sources of information."

Mitsunobu Kushima thought for a while, then wrote the specific situation of the Shiba brothers and sisters and his current guess into his terminal, and sent it to his grandfather Retsu Kushima.

According to the relationship between the Jiudao family in the government and the army, it is estimated that by the time he returns home at night, the Sibo brothers and sisters' information should already be lying in his mailbox.

"Guangxuan-jun, your mental state doesn't seem to be very good?"

Nanakusa Mayumi finished her work today, took a cup of coffee from the coffee machine and put it on Kushima Mitsunobu's table.

But Mitsunobu Kushima slightly rubbed his stinging eye sockets, took a sip of Nanakusa Mayumi's coffee.

It should be a psychological effect!After drinking the coffee, he really felt that his mental state had improved a lot.

"Thank you, senpai!"

"Just use the free time to finish the work that was not done last night."

"Is this about the adjustment of CAD?"

Nanakusa Mayumi also directly pulled away the chair next to Mitsunobu Kushima and sat down.

"No, remember the magic I used yesterday? I went home last night and perfected it, and now I'm just doing some finishing work."

After typing the last character, Mitsunobu Kushima heaved a sigh of relief, and then stretched his waist.

"Is it done?"

"Well, it's done."

"What will it look like when it's finished?"

Nanakusa Mayumi asked very interestedly, after all, when Mitsunobu Kushima used that magic yesterday, he said it was just a simplified version.

From her point of view, after the magic is completed, it should be a very powerful magic.

"It's still very difficult to describe it with just my mouth. Next time I have a chance, I will demonstrate it to my senior."

"It's really bad-hearted! I know that people are so curious."

Nanakusa Mayumi stretched out her finger and poked Kushima Mitsunobu's muscular arm, pouted and said.

"Speaking of which, senior, you were in a hurry to go back last night. How did the matter go?"

"Because I was afraid of disturbing you, I didn't send a message to ask afterward."

Mitsunobu Kushima turned off the computer, turned around and faced Mayumi Nanakusa.

"Things were handled quite smoothly, but that kid Kasumi was really rude to you yesterday." Nanakusa Mayumi still felt a little embarrassed when she thought about it.

After all, she was the one who asked Jiu Dao Guangxuan for help yesterday. Although there were a little bit of her own selfishness in it, her sister's attitude was so bad.

"I've said that I don't care about that matter anymore, and it seems that Sister Kasumi usually likes Senior Sister very much!" Mitsunobu Kushima shook his head and said.

"Well, that kid Kasumi has admired me since she was a child, so she always looks like that when there are men around me."

Nanakusa Mayumi frowned slightly, she also felt very helpless in this matter, in the past they were all people she was not interested in, and instead of being angry when Kasumi did this, she was very happy.

But now that the target is Mitsunobu Kushima, that would be a bit bad!

"These two people are really getting more and more undisguised!"

Watanabe Mori, who was on the side, watched the two slap Ichihara Suzune next to him.

"Isn't that good too!"

Ichihara Suzune replied without raising her head.

"Molly, let me just say that's not the case!" Nanakusa Mayumi naturally heard the undisguised discussion between the two, and got up from the chair directly to seal Watanabe Molly's mouth.

Originally signed the contract today, I wanted to shamelessly offer a wave of rewards to see if I could get a better result, although I already pounced

As a result, when I saw my codeword speed, I silently shed tears.

Still thank you all for your support

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humble author begging online

Chapter 21 looks so perfect

Jiu Dao Guangxuan returned home very early today, because he received a summons from Jiu Dao Lie just after school.

However, it wasn't directly the Sibo brothers and sisters' information that was sent to Hikaru Jiudao, but a request for video communication after school.

"Good evening, Guangxuan."

"Grandpa, it's great that you are in good health."

There are not so many useless rules between the grandpa and grandson, just a normal greeting.

It's just that this time the video communication is different from the previous ones. It's not just the grandpa and grandson. Jiuguijian, who has worked in Jiudao's family for many years, also entered the country.

Jiu Guijian followed his grandfather when he was young, and he has been working as a housekeeper by his grandfather's side without returning to his original home when he was old.

It can be said that all the younger generations of the Jiu Dao family grew up under the eyes of Jiu Guijian, so the Jiu Dao family respects Jiu Guijian very much.

The Nine Ghosts and the Nine Heads Family are both one of the Eighteen Shibu Families. Unlike the other Shibu Eighteen Families, they did not keep an eye on the seats of the Ten Shi Clans.

On the contrary, he respected Jiu Dao Lie very much and voluntarily became the branch of Jiu Dao's family.

This is why Ken Kushima has been able to follow Retsu Kushima.

"Grandpa Nine Ghosts, it's been a long time since I greeted you."

"Hello, Master!"

After Jiu Guijian said hello, he operated the tablet in his hand and uploaded a file on the big screen.

"This is based on the information sent by Master Guangxuan at noon, the real information about the Sibo brothers and sisters we investigated."

"Let me see!"

Mitsunobu Kushima directly clicked on the file and began to read it carefully.

Kudao Retsu and Kuki Ken also waited silently. Originally, they thought it was just Kudao Mitsunobu's own curiosity, so they just satisfied it. Who knew that the results of the investigation were so shocking.


After reading it, Mitsunobu Kushima also let out a long breath, and then smiled wryly.

"To be honest, Grandpa, I thought the two of them were the perfect adjusters made by some family from the Ten Master Clan."

"But who knew they belonged to the Yotsuba family."

Kushima Retsu also put his hands on his knees, "That's right! But Mitsunobu, why do you think Shiba Miyuki is the adjuster?"



Kuki Ken couldn't help asking, what does this mean? How can you say that Shiba Miyuki is the adjuster when you judge his appearance!

"Of course, apart from me, have the two grandfathers ever seen such a perfect human being?"

"If it's just beautiful, it's fine, but the facial features are completely symmetrical, and the proportions of the body can be so perfect."

"I can't think of any other reason than that she's an adjuster."

Jiu Guijian and Jiu Dao Lie accepted this reason very directly, after all, their grandson is a living example.

If it wasn't for his grandson, Jiu Dao Lie would not be able to believe that there is such a perfect human being in the world.

"But the Yotsuba family is really troublesome!"

"However, the two of them seem to be related to Yotsuba's leader by blood."

No way, no wonder Mitsunobu Kushima said so.Let's not mention Shiba Tatsuya, but Shiba Miyuki looks too much like Lord Yotsuba.

"The Siba brothers and sisters should be Maya's children! Especially Shiba Miyuki and Maya were carved out of the same shape when they were young."

Jiudao Lie said affirmatively.

"how is this possible!"

"The two of them should be the direct descendants of Yotsuba's family. If it's the child of Yotsuba Maya, how could they be doing magic genetic adjustments!"

Jiu Dao Guangxuan immediately retorted that he knew that his grandfather had three disciples before him.

One is the current head of the Nanakusa family, Nanakusa Koichi.

The other two are the geniuses of the Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Maya and Yotsuba Midnight.

After all, the current adjusters will have certain problems in their lifespan. It is basically difficult to live past the age of 40. If they have experienced fierce battles, their lifespan will be shortened sharply, so the current adjusters are basically the children of the previous generation of adjusters. .

Moreover, it is impossible for a child born with Yotsuba Maya's magical talent to be too low in magical aptitude, let alone how his own flesh and blood could accept this adjustment.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that Mitsunobu Kushima's argument that Miyuki Siba is the adjuster is wrong!

"Maybe they have some plans! After all, it's that Yotsuba!" Kushima Retsu also sighed.

four leaves, seven grasses

Today, the two most powerful forces of the Ten Master Clan can be called the double walls of the Japanese magic world.

Fortunately, the Seven Grass family, their strength is due to the fact that they have many magicians and the current head of the family is good at planning, so even if they are strong, they will not be too fearful.

Clover is completely different, their family is completely respected by magicians with their own terrifying strength.

Originally, Yotsuba was not so scary 30 years ago, but something happened at that time.

The YD sect in the Asia-Pacific Union did not know how to snatch Yotsuba Midnight from the Yotsuba family, but when the ten masters tried their best to get Yotsuba Midnight from the hands of the YD sect.

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