"But the connection is always very difficult!"

"Do you have any solution?"

In this regard, William spoke out about his situation very frankly.

Now his problem is that it's okay to switch to a weapon of similar length.

But for example, when the spear is switched to a sword or a knife, he will immediately fall into a short-term discomfort.

This is because the range of the attack suddenly changes.

"Why do you want to practice this trick?"

Fan Xinglu didn't answer William immediately, but curiously asked William why.

Because in her opinion, this kind of trick would have no meaning at all if it wasn't for someone like her who has mastered the ability to fold space.

After all, no one can carry a whole bunch of different weapons.

"I have a weapon that can change form!"

William said concisely, and Fan Xinglu immediately wore an innocent smile on his face.

"You are really interesting!"

"There are quite a lot of strange things."

Fan Xinglu just sighed like this, and didn't ask William to take it out for her to see.

"And boy, you seem to be very interested in the life pulse that I used just now!"

Fan Xinglu changed the topic so quickly that William couldn't keep up.

Obviously, he was still discussing his group discussion technique last second.

As a result, nothing was discussed yet, and the topic changed to this in the next second.

However, William nodded sincerely.

He is indeed very interested in this kind of technique. It is better to say that the technology that can predict the future is heresy if someone is not interested!

"Then I'm sorry!"

"I can't teach you this trick directly, because you need to understand it yourself."


William forcibly choked back the words that were almost on his lips.

Silently thinking, this is his benefactor!

Can't be angry!

Can't be angry!

At this moment, Fan Xinglu seemed to be teasing a three-year-old old man, seeing William's state of daring to be angry but not daring to speak, showing a very happy expression.

"All right!"

"Although my old lady has no way to teach you this trick!"

"But I have already prepared the process for you to learn this trick. As for whether you can learn it, it depends on your comprehension ability."

Fan Xinglu supported her left cheek with one hand, her big round eyes narrowed into a slit.

"And your so-called group discussion technique, there is a high probability that it can be perfected!"

This is the method Fan Xinglu provided him last night.

Compete with masters of various genres and make it your own.

It would be great if you could comprehend the flow of life, but it doesn't matter if you don't.

At least his group discussion skills can definitely make great progress.

Now he came to a genre called the sword and rattan style.

This is a well-known genre both at home and abroad. Even in Asterisk, there are not a few students who use the sword and rattan style.

Sendai is the headquarters of Toto-ryu.

There are several tea ceremony-style buildings standing on the vast land, and there are also several buildings that look like gymnasiums.It is enough to make people mistakenly think that they have come to a daimyo mansion in the Edo period.


The huge iron bird shuttled across the upper layer of the white clouds at a fast speed.

There were no extra passengers in the entire plane, only a virgin sitting on a sofa made of leather, watching the same scenery outside the window.

Beside her is a person with a soft and correct appearance and beautiful long hair. At first glance, it seems that this is a very cute girl.

But in fact, this is indeed an out-and-out man.

He is the third disciple of "Wanyou Tianluo", a martial arts master ranked fifth in Jielong.

"Sky Martial Burial" - Zhao Hufeng.

"Master, you seem to be in a good mood!"

Zhao Hufeng had been traveling outside for Fan Xinglu all day, so he had no idea what happened yesterday.

It wasn't until he saw Fan Xinglu this morning that he realized that something was wrong with her.

He hadn't seen his master's face for a long time with that expression of pressure released.

The last time he saw Fan Xinglu like this, he still remembered it was when he was just getting started.

I happened to see such an expression after seeing my master fight against the captain of the guard, Helga Lindovall.

"Hufeng! It seems that I have to work hard after a long time!"

"Otherwise, I might not be able to enjoy the fun of fighting!"

"What do you mean! Master?"


"Is it that you want to experience the swordsmanship of the sword and vine?"

The person who spoke was a short, white-haired old man with wrinkled tattoos on his face and wearing a rather expensive silk.

But regardless of her advanced age, her sitting posture with a straight waist is like a treasured sword that has not been released for a long time.

"That's right, sorry to trouble you!"

Frankly speaking, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

Go directly to the gate of their headquarters, and then say that I want to see the swordsmanship of the strongest swordsman in your school.

According to the normal process, if people don't say that they just throw him out, they will definitely not give him any good looks.

Because of his behavior, it is a veritable kicking behavior from a normal point of view.

Besides, they are still such a famous school.

But to his surprise, after knowing his purpose of coming, the guard in charge led him directly to the dojo of this gymnasium.

He didn't wait too long, and this old woman who seemed to be the person in charge came before him.

"My name is my wife, Shiro Shino. Although I married into the branch family, I am still serving as the representative of the head family of the Toto-ryu."

After Dai Shino spoke coldly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You seem to be curious, why do I have such a good attitude?"

William also nodded frankly, and then said in a slightly joking tone.

"According to normal, it's normal to just throw me out or ignore me!"

"Heh! It seems that you are quite self-aware!"

After listening to William's confession, my wife Dai Shino also chuckled, obviously very satisfied with William's words.

"If it weren't for someone saying hello last night, today there is a child who wants to see the knife and vine style."

"Based on what you said when you came in today, you were going to challenge the chief clan's statement. Those disciples of my family have already brought up their swords to chop you."

When my wife Shiro Shino said this, he knew exactly what was going on.

Absolutely Fan Xinglu used her abilities to say hello to some high-ranking local officials last night.

Then those high-ranking officials found my wife Dai Shino, and there was no conflict today.

〖The favor owed is getting bigger and bigger! 〗

William secretly sighed in his heart, he also knew why Fan Xinglu treated him so well.

She simply wanted to find a tool man who was on call and could help her vent her desire to fight.

Whether it is helping him formulate a route to improve his strength, or helping him establish a good relationship in advance.

These are all to make him owe a debt of favor that is not easy to repay.

"Then when can we start!"

Now that he has already said hello, William doesn't want to waste time anymore.

One must know that the list Fan Xinglu gave him last night was quite a lot.

And he will finish running these people in a year.

He only knew that he might only be able to spend this year on the plane.

"Are you in a hurry?"

My wife Dai Shino raised her eyebrows, put the black tea in her hand on the table, and said unhurriedly.

"Hmm! I'd like to do it quickly, if I can."

"Also challenge other dojos?"


My wife, Shiro Shino, felt relieved all of a sudden, just challenging their sword and vine style, and they are also suspected of kicking the gym.

But if everyone is challenged together, that person is just honing his craft.

There are several such people in every era.

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