Some people will successfully challenge the schools of the world, and finally achieve their own path and become a generation of masters.

As for the other kind of people, they died on the road of challenge.

He overestimated his own ability and finally died under the sword of others.

Of course, in today's society, there will be no such thing as killing people on the surface.

However, after the failure of the challenge, it is inevitable that the spirit and spirit will suffer certain blows and setbacks.

"But this is a bit troublesome!"

"The people in our family who have inherited the sword and vine style are now going to school."

"It is impossible to start a duel right now."

My wife Shiro Shino shook her head and continued.

"Otherwise, the old man can also practice with you, but the old man's skills are not as good as that child's."

"It seems that the one who inherited the sword and vine style is still a young genius!"

William nodded without any surprise, after all, he had seen many such examples.

Just like Ace!

Since she was awarded the title of "Sword Fairy" by the gods of Orario, her sword skills can be imagined.

You know she is only 16 years old.

"Qirin is indeed a young genius."

What William said unconsciously to himself, reached my wife Daishino's ears and naturally became words of praise.

She immediately responded to William's words with joy, and her wrinkled face seemed to be straightened out by her smile.

〖I didn't expect it to be a girl! 〗

〖It's more like Ais, the young genius female swordsman! 〗

"May I ask you one more question?"


"Does the Ms. Daoteng you speak of have fully mastered all the combo skills of the Daoteng style?"

"That's right, my family's Kirin has indeed mastered the skills of the sword and vine style, and has already integrated all the skills."

My wife Dai Shino said proudly, it seems that Kirin Totō is indeed proud in her heart.

Ever since Kirin Toto was mentioned, her mood has never been better.

"Then when will Miss Toto be free?"

"Qirin will probably be back at night, if we fight, can we wait until tomorrow!"

"How about staying in our house today."

Perhaps it was William's unconscious praise of Kirin Toto!My wife, Dai Shino, seems to be becoming more and more gentle towards him.

"I see, then tomorrow, please let me see the reputation of the sword and vine style "Like a folding crane". "

Since there are talents who can fully inherit the memory of Toto-ryu, it is worth waiting an extra day for him.

This knife and vine style was also praised when Fan Xinglu gave him the information.

Fan Xinglu even bluntly said that it would be very interesting if there were people who could fully acquire the skills in the sword and vine style.

Mark the key points here.

What Fan Xinglu said was interesting was not because it looked interesting, and what she wanted to do was interesting.

"That's it, then! I'll ask someone to take you to your room first."


After the words were closed, my wife Shiro Shino clapped her hands with a crisp sound.

The sliding door was pushed open immediately, and a woman in a Japanese kimono came in immediately, and then knelt down beside my wife Daishino.

Led by the maid, William walked along the long corridor, passing through countless empty rooms along the way.

From the garden facing the corridor to the small flat garden between the buildings, they are all neatly trimmed.

Occasionally, people dressed like maids who lead him to the room can be seen cleaning.

There are also many swordsmen wearing kendo uniforms standing on the lawn practicing swinging swords.

The number of apprentices he saw alone exceeded fifty.

It is indeed a well-deserved avenue, William thought secretly in his heart.

Walking through the turning, the maid led him to stop in front of a row of long houses.

And took out a key from his arms!Handed over to William.

"This is the house where the disciples of the high-ranking Sword and Vine School usually live when they come to the headquarters for further training."

"I invite you to stay here tonight!"

At the same time, she took out another note with her communication number recorded on it.

"This is my phone number, if you have any questions, please call me directly."

"I'll let you know at dinner time."

ps: Thanks to @直*墨大哥 for sending me a silver treasure box blade and spicy strips

Thanks to the lost lolicon for the salted fish stab

Thanks to Shuke 41340578397 Qianyu Shengmingjing Unit [-] for the tip from the original Sun God Jingdumo

And I want to say, I'm really tired

Big brother or big sister who stares at me every day to report, please let me go

If you really don’t like me, wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to pay to subscribe and report me?

Wouldn't it be better to just delete the book from your bookshelf

The chapters and chapters of my book are being reviewed now. It is not a problem for others, and I have to re-edit it.

please let me go

Chapter 140 IX So Embarrassing "4000 Characters Seeking Subscription"

When eating dinner at Sword Fuji's house at night, William even had a feeling of returning to the "Rocky Familia" for dinner.

There are four or five long tables, and everyone sits around the table.

In the afternoon, the acting suzerain of the sword and wisteria style that William had just met—my wife Daishino was sitting in front of a round main table.

William was also invited by her to have dinner with her at the main table.

Walk on the immaculately aged wooden floors with a dull sheen.

At this time, it was around 11 o'clock in the evening. He happened to be practicing under the moonlight for a while, and he was about to experience the public bath that my wife Shino Dai recommended to him during dinner.

And according to my wife Shiro Shino, the baths use natural hot springs drawn from the mountains.

Walking from the terraced house to the main house, we passed through a long corridor, and a room with a sign similar to a bathhouse appeared at the end of the corridor.

Pushing open the traditional Japanese-style sliding door, the interior space is as wide as other rooms.

The first thing that catches the eye is a dressing room of about [-] to [-] square meters. On both sides of the dressing room are clothes storage compartments made of solid wood, and a bath towel is neatly placed in each storage compartment.

"This is really no different from the big bath outside!"

There are about forty or fifty clothes storage compartments on both sides. Judging from this aspect alone, the size of the bathroom inside can already be imagined.

He took off the clothes he was wearing, and wrapped the bath towel in the cabinet around his waist.

The door leading to the bathroom was pushed open, and the misty mist instantly covered William's entire vision.

The power of the stars was driven silently, and a gentle breeze blew from behind William, and the thick fog was blown away in an instant.

The whole picture of the bathroom was also displayed in front of William at this moment.

The first is the bathing place with two rows of showers. No matter in Japan or China, when in a public bath, it is proper etiquette to wash your body first and then enter the pool to take a bath.

All the floors under the feet are made of planks, and the materials should all be made of cypress.

Showing the bathing speed that a man should have, William quickly rinsed it in just 1 minute.

Continue to move forward, and you will arrive at your final destination today.

Outdoor hot spring!

As for the convenience of taking a bath in winter, he directly ignored the indoor bath.

The open-air hot spring here is imitated by wild springs in the wild. The surroundings of the hot spring are all sealed with large rocks, and there is this huge stone standing in the middle of the hot spring.

The hot springs didn't have that sulfurous smell that William hated!

Putting his body directly in the pool, the warm and soft touch instantly enveloped William's whole body. He had just started soaking, but William seemed to have wiped away the fatigue accumulated in yesterday's battle.

One must know that he had been fighting with Fan Xinglu until night yesterday, and he discussed many things with Fan Xinglu after returning home.

After returning to his room, he simply used cleaning magic and fell into a deep sleep.

Even the work and rest time of night practice that has persisted for several days has been broken.

However, according to the schedule Fan Xinglu gave him.

He estimated that in the next year, he would not have much time to practice at night.

After all, the time to come to ask for advice can only be during the day, there is no way to catch up on sleep!

Of course, he didn't choose to take a bath in the open-air hot spring purely for enjoyment.

Swimming a few steps forward, William leaned against the huge rock, sat cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes.

The pitch-black night was not covered by a cloud, and the stars in the sky formed a bright embellishment on the black curtain, and the bright moon like a silver plate was also surrounded by the stars in the sky.

I don't know when the rising mist enveloped the entire bathing place again, and the faintly colored light on William's body was faintly visible in the hazy white mist.

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