Time just passed by bit by bit, and William has always maintained a state of cultivation.


William, who opened his eyes again, let out a breath of foul breath slowly.

"It's really comfortable! You should consider building an open-air bath in your own residence."

William, who temporarily ended his practice today, looked at the starry sky and talked to himself.

Asterisk is an artificial island, and it is definitely impossible to build a natural hot spring in it.

But if you can't build a hot spring, you can still build an open-air bath.

Moreover, the location where Asterisk is built is still in the tropics, where there is no winter all year round, and the temperature throughout the year is considered relatively suitable.

"Let's discuss it with Fan Xinglu when we go to Jielong!"

After Fan Xinglu greeted him in advance, he no longer has any psychological burden to bother Fan Xinglu.

Anyway, when a certain amount of favor is owed, it is just like money, just a number.

The so-called not worrying about having too much debt and not itching when having too many lice is such a state.

After all, it's just being a sandbag, and as you progress, it's not certain who will be whose sandbag in the future!

"Okay, let's go out!"

Although he doesn't know what time it is now, he is not ready to continue soaking anymore.

He is not going to continue to practice tonight, so he will go back and have a good rest. After learning the sword and vine style tomorrow, he will go to the next destination.

The moment he stepped out of the bath, the hot spring water on his body splashed back into the pool.

Just after he wrapped his bath towel around his waist again, the sound of the sliding door being pushed also sounded.

At the other end of the line of sight is——

The snow-white delicate body captured all of William's eyes in an instant, and her beautiful short silver hair was spread over her shoulders.

In the big watery eyes, a little water has already appeared indistinctly, and the fruitful fruits of that month ago have been accompanied by waves of the girl's slightly trembling body.


The girl's voice wasn't too loud, at least the volume wouldn't spread outside.

It's just that her expression at this moment, as if a young animal was injured and licked her own wound, made people feel affectionate.

"Sorry, I didn't know this was a women's bathroom!"

At this embarrassing moment, William immediately exploded all his muscle strength, and the magic of self-acceleration was also activated at the same time.

After throwing away this sentence of apology, he directly dodged past the girl who had already made a sound.


William, who returned to the room, was lying on the quilt that had been laid since he entered the room in the afternoon, and his eyes seemed to be blankly staring at the ceiling of the roof.

"so awkward!"

The thought came to William's mind again.

"It's so embarrassing!"

He didn't expect that the plot of entering the wrong bathroom, which only exists in anime for welfare, would be engraved on him.

As for the option that the girl went into the wrong bathroom, he never considered it at all.

The girl must be a resident of Daoteng's family. It is estimated that there is a high probability that she is an apprentice of Daotengliu. How could she go wrong!

"I don't know if she saw my face clearly!"

He was lying on the bed and recalling carefully!

According to the normal situation, the girl should not have seen his face clearly.

After all, the concentration of fog in the open-air hot spring was still very high at that time, and it was not easy to see his face clearly.

He could see the girl's appearance clearly only because she was standing right opposite the door and was not covered by the fog.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you really see your face clearly."

"Anyway, tomorrow's match against Ms. Toto Kirin is not an open match."

"No one will be watching!"

"I won't eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I'll just withdraw after the game!"

It can be said that William has shown his ostrich's mind in a rare way now, and he wants to avoid all places with large crowds.

Activities like eating breakfast together must be avoided as much as possible. If he happened to be recognized by yesterday's girl while eating, wouldn't his reputation be completely ruined!

It's just that what he didn't expect at all at the moment was that in the embarrassing stare at each other tomorrow, this kind of ostrich mentality can be said to be useless at all.


A ray of sunlight in the morning hits the slightly messy bedding through the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

But the person inside the quilt has long since disappeared.

At this moment, the blond young man was sitting back on the rocking chair, using the smart terminal Fan Xinglu gave him to understand the detailed information of this world.

This is also an essential element for every traveler.

When they arrive in a new world, if they cannot grasp the information of the world in time, most of those people are mentally retarded with only muscles in their heads.

As for why William got up so early!

The reason wasn't that he couldn't sleep, but that he was too embarrassed to sleep until noon in other people's homes!

When the maid called him to have breakfast in the morning, he naturally refused according to his thoughts last night.

And he also directly told the maid that he had to adjust his state now and notify him when the duel started.


There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"I see, I'm going out now!"

William put down the black tea in his hand, and held it in the void with his wide palm, and the brilliance of the moonlight gathered in his hand.

A straight knife about 80 centimeters in length suddenly appeared in William's hands. The knife was made of one material from the handle to the blade to the tip.

The entire knife is silver-gray, and the obscure and difficult-to-understand scriptures flashing on the knife reminds people of the scriptures on William's "Orion's Arrow".

That's right, this sword was indeed transformed through "Orion's Arrow".

After receiving the "Blessing of the Goddess of the Moon", of course his ability improvement is not limited to the one on the panel.

The divinity required to change "Orion's Arrow" also has the same improvement.

But this trick can't be used in actual combat. One is that there is still a certain distance to perfection in his current "group discussion technique".

The second is that the speed of changing weapons is too slow now, and it is no different from switching weapons manually by himself.Using such an immature technology can easily expose a large gap to the enemy.

As for why it changed to a straight sword, it is purely because the style of the straight sword is very similar to the samurai sword used in the sword and rattan style.

The straight knife is a weapon from the ZG Three Kingdoms period. This kind of weapon was very popular at that time, and all the officials at that time wore this kind of straight knife.

Of course, this straight knife also had a profound impact on the countries surrounding ZG at that time.

The most affected is the neighboring country RB, but after it was introduced to Japan, after time passed, they developed the Japanese samurai sword with a curved blade.

When William was learning ancient fluid art at Jiudao's house, he had the best results in learning guns.

Then there are daggers and short knives, which are very practical in assassination.

Ranking No.3 is ZG's ancient straight knife.

In the beginning, Retsu Kushima also taught him how to use the samurai sword, but when he saw that he was more comfortable using the straight sword, he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​letting William continue to learn the samurai sword.

Because from a normal point of view, there is no significant difference between these two kinds of knives. The only difference is that the straight knives are basically about 40 cm shorter than the samurai katana.

William didn't condense out the scabbard, but just held the handle in his hand.

It's just unnecessary not to condense the scabbard, it's not that it can't be condensed.

Although in many genres, the scabbard is as important as the knife, because many moves need to be used with the scabbard.

But the scabbard has no effect on him.

"Mr. Sphengel, I will take you directly to the dojo next."

Although the maid was surprised for a moment when she first saw the straight knife in William's hand, she quickly hid this look in her eyes.

She was just a maid. As for why William had an extra knife in his hand, that was not something she needed to consider.

The gymnasium is about [-] to [-] square meters. Although it cannot be said to be small, it is not comparable to the size of the gymnasium that my wife Dai Shino invited him to enter yesterday.

Yesterday's gymnasium of more than [-] square meters seemed to be a training ground for teaching disciples.

Today's place seems to be a training ground specially used by members of the Zong family.

There was no one else in the room, only William who had just stepped into the door.

Also, my wife Shiro Shino, whom I met yesterday, is with a couple who seem to be mother and daughter.

The mother was about a head taller than the daughter, and because the girl lowered her head, William couldn't see her face clearly.

The hair colors of the mother and daughter are different, and the mother's long black hair is caught by hairpins.

The daughter tied her silver hair into two bunches, lowered her head and hid behind her mother exuding a delicate aura.

As for why William judged the two as mother and daughter?

It is entirely because the characteristics of the two people's Yuexiong are too similar.

But ever since William saw the somewhat familiar silver hair, a bad feeling began to linger in his heart.

"Okay, Kirin, quickly raise your head!"

"This is very rude!"

The girl seemed to be terrified of my wife Daishino's majestic appearance.

Just a light reprimand made the girl's body tremble.

"Yes, big aunt!"

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