So William responded with a completely frivolous attitude. After all, no matter how good the sword skill is, it is useless if the speed cannot keep up. As long as he is faster than the opponent, the opponent has no possibility of touching him.


Accompanied by a girl's coquettish shout!

With a sudden jump, Qi Lin quickly shortened the distance, and used a very tricky "Whirling Slash" at William with flashing speed.

The angle of the knife is really tricky, and the speed of chopping is really fast!

But this is not a difficult problem for William, who has raised his fighting spirit.

Take a step back with your right foot and turn around sharply with the power of your waist.

The silver-gray straight knife in his hand also slashed at the empty body along with the turning force.


The sound of air flow driven by the flying body stopped abruptly, and the petite body quickly changed the trajectory of the blade.

The transformation move of "Po Whirling Slash" "Ni Po Whirling" slashes from bottom to top, and the force transmitted when the blades intersect makes Qi Lin's knees go limp in an instant.

As the strength continued to increase, Kirin's body continued to sink more and more.

"Senior Sfengel, you are really amazing!"

Even though the girl has been severely suppressed at this moment, there is still no confusion in Qi Lin's eyes.

Some are just admiration for being able to block his attack on William.

She is the most outstanding genius in the sword and vine style for nearly a hundred years. Even though she has only studied swordsmanship for seven or eight years, her strength has already surpassed the old seniors who have been immersed in the sword and vine style for a lifetime.

Leaving aside the suzerain's father who was imprisoned early because of her, she didn't have any opponents in the current sword and vine style a year ago.

Maybe someone can block her first attack, but basically after the second attack, she will successfully let the opponent fall into her own rhythm.

"There, I just have the innate advantage of gender."

William smiled modestly, he really had nothing to be proud of.

He is not a blind person, just these few hands are enough to see the high level of the girl's sword skills.

His unrefined sword skills are simply not comparable to the girl in front of him.

If he had switched to using a long spear, he might still be able to barely compete with this girl who had stepped into the Grand Master's Hall at a young age.

But now he can still maintain the state of suppressing the girl, purely because all aspects of his physical fitness are better than the girl in front of him.

"But Miss Daoteng, if "Lianhe" doesn't start, you may be suppressed to the point of losing!"

While William was speaking, the pressure on his hands did not relax in the slightest.

After all, what he is using now is only pure body strength, and he has not used star power to strengthen it.

"I see, then please advise!"

Kirin Totten responded abruptly, and unknowingly added honorifics when addressing William.

At this moment, William's eyes were also covered with a touch of purple brilliance!

this moment!

His eyes seemed to penetrate Qi Lin's clothes, through the snowy skin, and directly to the veins all over Qi Lin's body.

The star power in Kirin Totten's body is rapidly reaching her limbs.

Qi Lin's legs, which had been trembling and struggling to support, gradually stabilized at this moment.


"Senhagiri" just kept this angle, but as Kirin's legs exerted strength again, a large number of sparks fell from the gap between the knives.

Dazzling white light quickly enveloped the entire battlefield!

There was a clanging sound from inside!

No gaps!

No, this can already be described as airtight.

Standing on the spot, William swung his knife at a speed slightly higher than that of Kirin, blocking the tricky attacks from Kirin from all angles.

After blocking every blow, the shock in his eyes will be a little more.

Otherwise, Fan Xinglu would recommend herself to Daotengliu for advice first, because their swordsmanship is similar to the one she wants to complete.

ps: Thanks @Titi? for sending me a soap

Thanks to Heart Dust·Star Dust for sending me the Salted Fish Spike and Blade

Thanks to Xing Chen Luan Wu @白*墨原初太阳 for the reward

ask for subscription, ask for ticket

Chapter 150 Kirin who is too cruel to other women "4000 words for subscription"

""Qinghai Wave""

""fly wing to wing""

"'Flower Tangerine'"

"'Sister Back Mountain'"

Kirin used "Senhagiri" to draw various graceful arcs in the air, and said the name of the move to herself.

"This is really the first time I've seen someone able to block Qi Lin's 'Lianhe'!"

Daoteng Qinye's beautiful eyes widened, she was not a star-maid generation nor a well-trained swordsman.

So she actually couldn't see the moment when the two collided. The only thing she could know was that someone actually blocked her daughter's continuous attacks.

"Is this man's physical fitness so much better than Qi Lin's!"

Unlike Daoteng Qinye, my wife Dai Shino can still clearly see the trajectory of the battle between the two.

There is no problem with Qi Lin's "Lianhe", and the connection between sword skills is also very smooth.

However, this man's physical fitness is higher than Kirin's.

Every time after Qi Lin finished using her sword skills, this man would come first.

"This man is really [experiencing] the sword and rattan style!"

My wife Dai Shino shook her head, she had already seen it after the five consecutive strikes.

Obviously, as long as William interrupted "Lianhe" forcefully with his speed superior to Kirin, then William would have been able to declare victory long ago.

The reason why Qi Lin can still maintain an offensive posture.

there is only one truth!

That is William is releasing the sea now!

"I believe Kirin who is in battle knows this best!"



The sound of swords colliding is still heard, and the combo pattern of the sword and vine style is being perfectly applied by her.

Not sticking to a fixed move shape, but flexible selection, application, and change in battle.

The girl's rosy lips have already been bitten by her teeth and started to turn white. Of course, she understood what my wife Shiro Shino said earlier.

Of course, the reason for her ugly face was not because she was suppressed by William.

She was actually dissatisfied with her own strength. Mr. Sfengel clearly came to see the sword-vine style "Lianhe", but because of her lack of strength, she couldn't give Mr. Sfengel a perfect demonstration.

William doesn't know what the girl in front of him is thinking now, he is completely addicted to the technique of perfectly linking various sword skills.

The profundity of the sword and rattan style is known as "like a folding crane".

The meaning of this sentence refers to the precise sequence like origami cranes, which directly push the enemy into a desperate situation.

The esoteric "Lianhe" of the sword and rattan style is known as the embodiment of this continuous attack.

"Crane", "Samba", "Hinagi", "Ding", "Yoseki", "Huaju"... The one that perfectly connects these 49 combo skills is the "Lianhe" of the sword and rattan style.

Fan Xinglu asked him to observe the knife and vine flow carefully, probably because he wanted him to observe the main points carefully!

Although the combo technique he wants to practice does not connect the moves of sword skills like the sword and vine style, but the switch and use of various weapons he pursues without flaws also has the same meaning.

No.30 sword, neck

No.30 A Sword, Chest

No.30 two swords, left arm

No.30 Three swords, right thigh

Qi Lin tirelessly continued her offensive posture. Although her face was still grim, she already understood that she was completely incapable of sparring against the man in front of her.

The only thing I can do is to perfectly show the secrets of the knife and vine style that I have comprehended to the other party under the deliberate concession of the other party.

The use of "Lianhe" is actually not an easy task. The party receiving the attack consumes physical strength at the same time.

The attacking side also consumes the same stamina.


Qi Lin took a step back, and a tired look appeared on her face.

In fact, normally speaking, it is simply impossible to reach the limit of her physical strength if she only fully demonstrates the sword skills of Chapter 49 of the Sword and Vine Style.

You know, although she is only 12 years old this year, she relies on the excellent physique of Xingmai generations!

The duration of her use of "Lianhe" has already been extended to about half an hour.

The reason why he was so tired was entirely because he was not reconciled.

In order to be able to keep up with William's speed, she continuously strengthened her body with star power, which caused her physical loss far exceeding the normal loss.

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