"Miss Daoteng, how about the last sword!"

Satisfied with getting what he wanted, William's affection for the girl in front of him can be said to be soaring upwards!

The girl gritted her teeth and supported herself so hard that she would not let this stranger down!

In addition, this girl has not exposed his embarrassing incident last night.

"I see!"

Daoteng Qilin began to slowly and steadily breathe, and responded softly!

In fact, the sword and vine style is not suitable for this kind of one-sword decisive method. What they are better at is to find a momentary flaw while perfectly suppressing the opponent, and break it in one fell swoop!

But it's a pity that Toto Kirin's physical strength is no longer enough to support her to continue "Lianhe".

That's why William proposed the option of the last sword, and Qi Lin also knew her current state, so she agreed directly.

The light of the star power burned like a flame in Kirin's eyes, and the "Senhagiri" in her hand was also placed in a bed posture. "Although I don't understand what bed structure means, it is mentioned many times in the original book"

"'Rice Wife'!"

At the same time, a flash of sword light suddenly swept across William's side, slashing at William's waist at a speed that blurred the naked eye's observation.


While William was speaking, the movements of his hands were not slow at all!

The footsteps turned lightly on the ground, facing the flashing sword light, the "Orion" in his hand fell directly towards his side.


The mournful sound of the sword resounded at an unprecedented volume, like an ancient bell being struck with a mallet, echoing in the center of the dojo.

Daoteng Qinye, the only ordinary person in the field, kept covering her ears.

Qi Lin, who directly took the blow, only felt the power fed back from the sword, transmitted to her arm along her tiger's mouth.


That's the special sound of iron hitting a block of wood!

Kirin's hands were still trembling uncontrollably, she wanted to pick up "Senbagiri" on the ground, but at this moment her hands seemed to have lost all strength.

Although the brain has sent numerous signals, her income has not been reflected in any way.

The tall figure enveloped Qi Lin's petite body, followed by the friction sound when the knife and the sheath were closed.

Qi Lin's petite face was suddenly stained with another layer of blush, because the masculine breath that she had never had before had enveloped her!

She was a very shy child, and her father went to prison because of her when she was very young.

Although I can meet a lot of men in the dojo, but which men have never had such close contact with her.

"All right!"

The sudden increase in weight on the shoulders brought the shy little girl back to her senses, and by the time she realized it, the strong masculine aura no longer enveloped her.


Accompanied by the crisp applause, my wife Dai Shino and Dao Teng Qinye also came together.

"Mr. Sphengel, you use swordsmanship from the ancient martial arts school, right?"

After my wife Dai Shino came to the two of them, the first sentence she asked was this question, and her tone can also be said to be quite firm.


People who don't have a deep understanding of swordsmanship may think that William is able to carry out such a perfect defense only by relying on his own speed.

But in fact, there are moves in William's sword style, but the range of use is extremely small, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see.

"It really should be the ancient martial arts genre! But it also incorporates the swordsmanship of a friend of mine!"

The Koburyu referred to by William here refers to the swordsmanship of the Jiudao family, and the swordsmanship of his friend is observed during each duel with Aisi.

Although Ai Si didn't teach him deliberately, but relying on his strong learning ability.

Even if it can't be reproduced perfectly one-to-one, if it's only about eighty or ninety in shape, it's not difficult for him.

"Then your friend must be very powerful! I really want to have a chance to meet him!"

Qi Lin's face once again showed a trace of fighting spirit, but this is also normal.

If there is an advanced swordsman standing opposite him and he does not want to experience his sword skills, then he is not a qualified swordsman.

"It's so powerful!"

"However, in my opinion, she is not as good as you in terms of pure swordsmanship!"

William smiled, and at the same time, he put his hand on Qi Lin's head unconsciously and rubbed it lightly.

"Also, the two of us should be about the same age!"

"You don't need to call me yours if you call me. If you don't mind, just call me by my name."

As William spoke, the movements of his hands gradually slowed down.

The girl beside him lowered her head shyly, my wife Dai Shino looked at him with weird eyes, and Dao Tengqinye covered her mouth like a smirk.

"Sorry, it's just a matter of time!"

What can I say!To touch the girl's head for so long!

The long-lasting tranquility in the air made William almost die of embarrassment.


"It's okay, Qi Lin is much younger than you, it's normal to use honorific titles for you!"

"Then it's fine if you pet her head, the most important thing is that Qi Lin doesn't object either!"

Dao Tengqin Ye coughed lightly and broke the silence, and what she said next caused William to fall into a momentary daze.

"You said Miss Daoteng is much younger than me?"

The current William is almost slapping Dao Tengqinye's face on the question of are you kidding me.

The deep surprise on his face aroused Daoteng Qinye's interest even more!

"Mr. Sphengel, if there is nothing particularly anxious, would you like to have a cup of tea first?"


This is a traditional Japanese style tea room.

The floor of the entire room is made up of nine tatami mats.

On the south side is the sliding door when they entered.

On the west side is a glass window that can see far outside.

On the east and north sides are hand-crafted display cabinets, on which are mostly antique tea sets of various styles. Just by looking at the dazzling appearance, you can know that it is of great value.

There is a low table made of red sandalwood in the center of the tea room, and four cushions are placed on the four sides of the low table.

Since what happened last night has been turned over by Dao Tengqin Ye Qiaoran, there is no need for William to leave in a hurry.

Besides, although his schedule is tight, it's not that he has no spare time.

After leaving Daotengliu, he only needs to go to a place called Tianwuchenmingliu to experience their ancient martial arts.

Because in the information provided to him by Fan Xinglu, there are many types of weapons in this genre.

There are corresponding moves in the genre of spear, sword, bow, and cudgel.

Then next, he will go to places like Europe to see.

As for Chinese martial arts, Fan Xinglu had nothing to offer at all.

In her words, my mother is a master of Chinese martial arts, and Jielong also has various schools of Chinese martial arts, so it is enough to go back to Jielong to experience Chinese martial arts.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is really interested in Kirin Toto's real age.

Dao Teng Qin Ye also acted like if you don't drink tea with me, I don't want to tell you.

He had no choice but to follow along obediently.

"Let's continue the conversation!"

"Mr. William, how old do you think my Qi Lin is!"

After the maid filled the teacups in front of the four of them with tea, Daoteng Qinye looked at William and smiled.

"14 years old?"

William said tentatively!

Although Dao Teng Qinye said that Qi Lin is much younger than him, forgive him for not being able to continue to guess.

Because that's really too disobedient!

"No! Kirin is only 12 years old this year!"

William's sudden staring gaze made the shy girl put her hands on her chest and blushed, her eyes flustered.

〖This world is really too cruel! 〗

〖The existence of this girl is a fatal blow to some people! 〗

However, these are not very important things!

"Does that mean Miss Dao Teng is still in elementary school now?"

"Just call me Kirin, Senior William!"

"I am indeed in elementary school!"

Qi Lin weakly corrected William's address.

As for why it is now called Senior William, it is purely because William asked her to call her by his name directly, and she felt that it was not good to call an older person like that, so she added the word senior.

What an overly shy and overly serious girl!

William silently sexualized the girl in his heart!

But at the same time, what shocked him the most now was not Kirin's figure that didn't match her age at all.

What is even more shocking is that this girl's swordsmanship talent has surpassed everyone he has seen.

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