There is no one, male or female, who is more talented than the girl in front of me.

If Qi Lin was the same age as him now, he wouldn't be so shocked.

Because at his age, reaching the realm of a master, although it is as difficult as heaven, it is not impossible.

The problem is, she is only 12 years old now!

This level of swordsmanship talent is simply beyond his cognition.

ps: Thanks to Weixing for the five blades

Thanks to Lingmo Qianyu Shengming for the reward from the original sun

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Chapter 150 Touching my head "4000 words for subscription"

Even though Ai Si has the reputation of "Sword Princess" in Olali, she is definitely not comparable to Qi Lin in front of her in terms of swordsmanship.

"Although it's a bit sudden to ask, I heard from my aunt that Senior William is challenging all schools of Taoism!"

Qi Lin asked in a low voice that seemed shy and nervous.

Dao Teng Qinye and my wife Dai Shino were drinking tea silently at the side, as if they wanted to let their juniors communicate more.

"That's right, at the suggestion of an old monster, because she said it would perfect my skills!"

William nodded, and took a small sip of the tea in his cup.

"That's great! If it's possible, I want it too!"

There was a look of envy in Qi Lin's eyes, challenging various dojos like William, and seeing the world's genres, was exactly what she had always wanted to do.

"If Qi Lin wants to, just wait until you grow up a bit!"

Just looking at the wealth of Daotengliu, money is not the reason to restrict Kirin at all.

In ancient times, the phrase "poor in culture and rich in martial arts" is not just talking. Practicing martial arts is really a matter of considerable money.

Practicing martial arts from an early age requires medicinal baths to maintain the body, to build a good weapon, and even the travel expenses required to walk through the world of martial arts are not a small sum.

But for the daughter of a patriarch like Qi Lin, the family members are just worried about her age!

"That's not the reason! It's because I'm going to Asterisk after entering junior high school."

"Are you unhappy at school?"

For Qi Lin's explanation, William was not surprised at all.

In this world, although the Xingmai generation can get along well with most ordinary people, there are still some people who are afraid of the Xingmai generation.

In the world of adults, everyone may have some scruples and don't show it on the bright side.

But among children, isolation often occurs for this reason!

So most of the Xingmai generation will almost choose to spend their student life in Asterisk.

After all, in the environment where they are all of the same kind, there will be no such superficial barriers.

Even the Xingmai generation who have basically graduated from Asterisk will stay in Asterisk to work and live.

"no no!"

Qi Lin's little head was shaking in a panic, such a large movement, even a certain part of her body trembled.

"I get on well with my friends!"

"So you want to participate in the Xingwu Festival?"

"With Qi Lin's talent, it should be very hopeful to win the championship in a few years."

William immediately thought of another possibility.

Indeed, what attracts the Star Pulse generation in Asterisk is that they are all of the same kind in a large area.

The second is a large-scale martial arts tournament held by the six integrated corporate chaebols, which claims to be able to realize any wish of the winner.

The Xingwu Festival is a three-year cycle, and a competition is held every year.

In the summer of the first year, the "Phoenix Star Warrior Festival" was held by a pair of partners. The rule was to defeat all the opponents or destroy the school badges of the opponents.

In the autumn of the second year, the group battle "Griffon Star Warrior Festival" was held in a team of five. The rule was to defeat all the opponents or destroy the team leader's school badge.

In the winter of the third year, the most popular individual battle "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" was held, because this competition can most intuitively reflect the students' strength.

So everyone is more enthusiastic about the students of that college getting good grades in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".


"Because I have a wish that I want to fulfill."

Qi Lin said in a low voice, as if only she could hear this volume.

〖Somewhat depressed! 〗

William glanced at Qi Lin secretly, but didn't say much!

He and Daoteng Qilin have not known each other for a long time, so it is naturally impossible to inquire about their private affairs.

"That's really just right! Will Kirin go to Asterisk this winter and cheer me on!"

He wanted to change the subject without leaving a trace, but when his words fell, all three people on the scene looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Did I say something wrong?"

William twisted his butt back naturally, because the gazes of those three people made him a little uncomfortable!

"Mr. William, so you are a student of Asterisk!"

My wife Dai Shino put down the cup in her hand, and the opened paper fan was also put back into the bundle and put back on the table.

"That's right, what's wrong?"

He really didn't know what was so surprising about him being a student of Asterisk.

"What's the matter! Isn't it just the time for students to go to school?"

"Isn't Asterisk very strict about the management of students? I heard that you will be expelled from school if you are absent from class for a long time."

Dao Tengqinye answered William, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, that she had never been to Asterisk before, and everyone knew about it, but William, a student, didn't know about it.

"Then I don't know very well. Since she didn't tell me about these problems, it's probably not a problem!"

Fan Xinglu was quite confident in William's influence in this world. A mountain was wiped out by the aftermath of the battle between the two of them, and it was resolved directly with a phone call.

A mere absenteeism should not be a problem for Fan Xinglu.

"Senior, do you have any wishes that you want to realize?"

Qi Lin's slender eyelashes fluttered, and she looked at William with eyes full of curiosity.

"I can't say that I have a wish or something! Besides, they may not be able to fulfill my wish for me."

Seeing the girl's cute look, William put his hand on Qi Lin's head again by mistake, and rubbed it gently.

Then when Qi Lin's face was about to turn red again, she immediately let go of her hand and returned to her position.

"how could be----"

Qi Lin murmured even softer this time, except for the first few words, William couldn't hear anything clearly.

At this moment, my wife Shiro Shino's expression suddenly changed, from surprise to deep thought, and then stood up suddenly as if thinking of something.

"Qin Ye, tell me to come here first!"

"Qirin, talk to Mr. William more!"

Although Daoteng Qinye was a little confused, she still went out with my wife Dai Shino.

Only William and Qi Lin were left in the room looking at each other, neither of them understood why it suddenly became like this.

"Qirin, are you nervous?"

The silence in the room was broken by William. This situation was nothing to him, but from his point of view, the muscles of this talented swordsman girl were so tense!

"Wei, Senior William, I'm sorry! This is the first time I've been alone in a room like this with a man other than my family!"

〖The ambiguity of this sentence is so great! 〗

A few faint black lines floated over William's head, but he looked at the girl's movements like a frightened little animal!

He felt like he couldn't control his hands again!

The swordsman's eyes were definitely sharp, and William's movements of raising and lowering his hands naturally couldn't block the girl's eyes.

"Well, William~~ Senior likes to touch~~ my head?"

Qi Lin's hesitant voice made it seem that what she said was intermittent.

"Sorry, did it cause you dissatisfaction?"

He thought that his actions like teasing a child made a girl unhappy.

After all, children have a grown-up heart, and they don't like adults treating them the way they treat children.

"No, my father often touches my head like this!"

Qi Lin shook her head slowly, when she mentioned her father, her voice seemed to be a little happy and a little sad.

William touched Qi Lin's head very gently!

He didn't ask Kirin why she was sad.

Because he has already guessed the appearance of seventy or eighty.

After all, there are still many clues that can be connected together. When I first came in, my wife Dai Shino said that she was the suzerain!

If the suzerain is still in Daoteng's family, he will not have the position of acting suzerain.

If this is the case, there is also the option of the suzerain not leaving the headquarters due to business trips.

But after talking about his father's sad expression in combination with Kirin, and saying that he has a wish to come true.

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