What more could a 12-year-old girl wish for!

The answer can be imagined!

The two of them just stayed there quietly, talking about some unimportant things, among which his big hand never let go.

Qi Lin was also very happy and agreed to William's invitation to invite her to participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

At this time, the two people who had just left also returned to the tea room.

My wife Dai Shino sat back on her cushion, and Daoteng Qinye patted her daughter's shoulder lightly.

"Qirin, go out with me to prepare some snacks!"

Qi Lin nodded, left the cushion and followed her mother.

It's just that William didn't understand what Daotengqinye's gesture meant before he left.

Let him cheer?

What can he do!


"So, is there anything you want to tell me?"

The corner of William's mouth twitched, and he looked at my wife Daishino who bowed at ninety degrees across the way and said.

My wife Shiro Shino has something to say to him, and he has already seen it.

It's quite obvious to deliberately distract Qi Lin and create a situation of two people.

But it was a bit unbearable for him to perform such a big gift all of a sudden.

You know, the more this is the case, the more troublesome things will be!

After the salute, my wife Daishino did not speak directly, but first filled William's empty teacup, and then sat upright.

"What I want to talk about is about Kirin's wish!"

"It's Kirin's father!"

William's sudden intervention surprised my wife, Daishina, and then she spoke in this somewhat unexpected tone.

"I didn't expect Qi Lin to tell you this?"

"No, this is just my guess!"

William shook his head, denying what my wife Daishino said!

"Mr. William is really smart!"

Maybe it's time to get down to business!My wife Dai Shino resumed her serious and prestige expression, first complimented William and then said.

"That's right, Kirin's wish is to win the Xingwu Festival!"

"Then save her father who committed a crime and was imprisoned for protecting her."

"Of course, this is also the wish of our family!"

William didn't show any surprise, but just gestured to my wife Daishino to continue talking.

My wife Shiro Shino also understood what William wanted her to say, so her topic also went straight to the point.

"Four years ago, Kirin went outside to play with his father!"

"In the end, I ran into a group of robbers, and Qi Lin's father accidentally killed the robber in order to save Qi Lin who was taken hostage."

When my wife Dai Shino spoke, the hatred was quite obvious, and William could even hear the sound of her clenching her teeth.

"Isn't the opponent the Xingmai generation?"

William frowned!

Qi Lin's father must be from Xingmai's generation, he knew it without asking.

Because Qi Lin's mother is an ordinary person, the chances of her parents being ordinary people are too low to give birth to such an outstanding Xingmai generation as Qi Lin.

The problem is that if Qi Lin's father killed a Xingmai generation because of this situation, at most he would lose money, and he would not go to jail for criminal issues.

Unless Kirin's father killed an ordinary human being.

Only in this way, there is the possibility of being convicted of manslaughter and taken into custody!

After all, the Xingmai generation is weak in any past position, and human rights have even been restricted long ago.

Once the Xingmai Generation hurts ordinary people, this situation is even more obvious. Not only can it not be declared as a legitimate defense, but it is often regarded as excessive defense.

If the other party dies, even if the other party is the perpetrator, he will be severely punished by law.

The Star Pulse generation prefers to live in Asterisk, and this is one of the reasons.

But if it is an ordinary person, even if Qi Lin is only eight years old, there should be no problem in wanting to protect herself!

The physical fitness of Xingmai Generation is far beyond that of an ordinary person!

"This is also the reason why Qi Lin has always blamed herself very much!"

"She kept saying that if she hadn't been so frightened that she didn't dare to move! There was no need for my father to save her. My father wouldn't kill someone and go to jail!"

My wife Daishino said with a sigh.


William immediately fell into silence!

That's right, so what if Qi Lin is from the Xingmai generation!

Four years ago, she was only an eight-year-old child. No matter how strong her body was, it was a normal reaction for a child not to move when she was afraid.

"I came to temporarily take over as suzerain also when Qi Lin's father was imprisoned!"

"Qirin has practiced swordsmanship more and more hard in the past few years, in order to realize her wish and rescue her father who still needs to serve decades in prison."

"Although Qi Lin worked so hard, I am also very happy, which means that I can relieve the burden of the suzerain sooner."

"But she is so anxious to go to Asterisk to participate in the Star Martial Arts Festival. If she loses again, I'm afraid the child will collapse!"

ps: Thanks to Lingmo aipayer Yuanyuan Sun for the reward

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Chapter 150 4000rd Chapter Kirin will leave it to you "[-] words for subscription"

It's no wonder that Kirin's situation is the same as Ais's revenge for the hatred in her heart.

Hatred and desire are the driving forces that drive them forward.

It is only for this reason that a 12-year-old girl can possess such advanced sword skills at such a young age.

Therefore, Qi Lin's current achievements are by no means overshadowed by just a word of talent, which also includes the sweat she has shed diligently over the years.

"But why do you ask me to take care of you?"

"Isn't it good for you to bring Kirin in Asterisk! Besides, in my opinion, even though Kirin is a bit shy, it's not like she can't live on her own!"

William put his arms on the table, crossed the fingers of both hands, and rested his chin gently on it, quietly waiting for my wife Shiro Shino's explanation.

After all, this matter can be said to be very abnormal. Even if you want to ask others, if you don't have time, Asterisk should have many disciples of sword and vine style.

Why do you need to ask a stranger who has only met for less than two days!


"Okay, mom, shall we go back?"

On Kirin's arm was a small hand-woven basket, on which were neatly stacked various Japanese snacks.

These are freshly baked by Daoteng's chefs every day. Usually, they are placed on the dinner table as snacks for everyone.

Dao Teng Qin Ye is also like Qi Lin, carrying a small basket full of snacks.

"Don't worry, your aunt has something to tell Mr. William."

"It's just right, Mom also has something to ask Qi Lin, let's sit here for a while!"

Dao Tengqin Ye smiled, took the woven basket from his arm and put it on the table, and at the same time pulled over two chairs and put them side by side.

Although Qi Lin still doesn't understand the situation, as a good baby, she still obeys her mother's words very much.

Obediently imitating her mother, she put the basket on her arm on the table, and sat obediently beside Daoteng Qinye.

"Qirin, have you really decided to go to the Xingwu Festival?"

Daoteng Qinye's sudden question made Qi Lin tremble all over, and then a helpless smile appeared on her tender face.

"Mom, you don't have to persuade me anymore!"

"I must save Dad."

She thought her mother had something important to do!If she knew what her mother was talking about, she would just find an excuse and leave.

Because of the same thing, Daotengqinye had told her many times.

However, even though she knew very well, this was Daoteng Qinye's love for her.

But on the matter of rescuing her father, she has already made up her mind, and she must realize her wish no matter what.

"I know, I know my daughter's temperament best!"

"So if I persuade you to give up, I have already decided not to say it!"

"Qirin must work hard! Save Dad!"

Dao Teng Qinye took Qi Lin's soft and tender little hand, and touched it lovingly a few times.

Qi Lin looked up at Dao Teng Qin Ye in surprise, then leaned on her mother's shoulder with a blushing face.

Don't look at what she said so firmly, but in fact she has no foundation in her heart.

Because she is very clear about herself, she has nothing but swordsmanship.

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