He has a bad mind, is stupid and timid, and can't do all the housework.

This kind of her can only have the power to help others when holding a sword.

The mother who had always opposed her behavior suddenly gave her affirmation and support, which also made her feel a little more at ease.

"But mom, do you need to say something like this now?"

"It took us so long to get refreshments, it would be disrespectful to Senior William if we don't go back!"

Qi Lin leaned on Daoteng Qinye's shoulder, the blush on her face had not completely subsided, she spoke hesitantly.

"Qirin, how do you feel about Mr. William?"


Qi Lin was taken aback for a moment, and her soft body stiffened suddenly.

Dao Tengqinye's hands holding her daughter's waist felt her daughter's sudden body changes, and the smile on her face instantly became playful.

"Well, tell mom about it!"

"Not allowed to answer! This is very important!"

Dao Teng Qinye, who knows that her daughter is like an ostrich in some respects, these words directly stopped Qi Lin's careful thinking of pretending not to hear.

"Should~~ be a strong~~very powerful senior, and a bit gentle~~soft senior!"

When Qi Lin spoke intermittently, the rosiness on her face was also a bit more rosy than before.

Daotengqinye nodded when she saw Qilin behave like this!

Of course, Kirin's state does not mean that she has any special feelings for William.

If someone who has just met once or twice can have any special emotions, that is a huge difference.

Her current performance is purely due to the mixing of various factors.

First of all, it was the first time I met someone who could suppress her "Lianhe".

Secondly, this person is still very gentle, and when he touches his head, he feels the same as his father!

In the end, this person is still very handsome, and Qi Lin has never seen such a handsome person in his short 12-year career.

Such elements that were assembled by accident in just a few hours made this 12-year-old girl feel a little bit springy.

But that's the end of it. If there is something deeper, it's overthinking.

"Then if I want to let Mr. William take care of you during your time in Asterisk, what do you think!"

That should be the same starting speed as if springs were installed on the chair!

Dao Tengqinye sighed again, the physical fitness of Xingmai generations is really different from that of ordinary people, but in an instant, the big daughter in his arms disappeared!

His eyes turned to the direction where Qi Lin landed!

My daughter's silver-like hair was all blown up at this moment, her plump thighs wrapped in black silk were trembling uncontrollably, and her smooth and fair skin had now been completely replaced by pink and tender red.

The steam constantly emitting from the head seemed to have real heat, which made the temperature in the room rise by a few degrees.

"Mom~ Mom~ Mom, what are you talking about~ what are you talking about~!"

〖Allah!Allah!This child is already too shy! 〗

At this moment, Dao Teng Qin Ye is like looking at an interesting toy, and has completely fallen into the fun of teasing her daughter.

But this is also impossible!

In the final analysis, what is to blame is that Qi Lin's reaction at the moment is too cute!

That's right, it's to blame Qi Lin!

"This is very important! How does Kirin feel, tell me with your true feelings!"

When Dao Teng Qinye said it, he felt that his words were nonsense. Anyone who saw Qi Lin's reaction at the moment could tell that Qi Lin did not dislike William.

"What, what! How can I bother Senior William so much!"

〖Just don't trouble others, didn't you say you don't like it! 〗

Dao Tengqinye directly caught Qi Lin's language problem that she hadn't even noticed.

However, she is not an overly malicious mother, since her daughter has unconsciously expressed her attitude.

Then she pretended not to know, and teased her shy daughter, it seemed too bad.

"Trouble is not trouble, your aunt will solve it!"

"As long as you don't object to this matter, just wait obediently!"

"This way, we can feel a little more at ease!"

The gentleness in the mother's strong words also made Qi Lin's heart, which was already a little bit bursting with shame at the moment, slowly calm down!

He sat quietly beside his mother, and then silently took Daoteng Qinye's arm.

"If Senior William disagrees, Mom, you don't have to worry about me, I can do it myself."

What Qi Lin said was equivalent to agreeing to Daoteng Qinye's arrangement.

But it's just that she doesn't have much confidence in Dao Tengqinye's suggestion. After all, in her opinion, a senior who is as powerful as William, there is no need to take care of such an oil bottle like her.

Of course, she doesn't care whether William agrees or not!

She just didn't want to disappoint her mother, who had been supporting the family strongly after her father went to prison.

"Speaking of which, I don't know if your aunt and Mr. William have finished talking!"


Qi Lin nodded slightly, she also knew that her eldest aunt should be promising some kind of conditions to Senior William.

"Then let's talk about something else, mother and daughter!"

Smelling the fresh fragrance of her daughter's hair, Daoteng Qinye's lips suddenly curved gracefully.

"What are you talking about? Mom?"

Out of the corner of Qi Lin's eyes, she saw Dao Teng Qin Ye's smile, and a bad premonition suddenly flashed in her heart.

"Then let's talk about it, did Kirin meet Mr. William in the bathroom last night?"


The girl's shy and angry shouts resounded through the small room.


"I'm not very clear, but I think Mr. William, you should know someone with a high status in Asterisk!"

"Although the suspension of school you said is very relaxed, but there are still a lot of disciples in our family who study in Asterisk."

"This kind of thing can't be easily done with a single sentence!"

My wife Dai Shino asked straight to the point, which made William quite satisfied, and nodded slightly!

My wife Shiroshino, who received William's affirmative answer, also breathed a sigh of relief. The answer was just like her guess, so the topic could continue.

"So can I just ask, which academy did you attend in Asterisk?"

My wife Shiro Shino used honorifics without realizing it!

This is also the normal state in society, and someone who can have a backstage in Asterisk is already worthy of being treated with such an attitude by her, the acting suzerain of the knife and vine style.

"There's nothing I can't say. A few days ago, I was dragged into the "Jielong" forcefully by "Wanyou Tianluo". She also made up my training plan."

William answered my wife Daishino's topic straightforwardly, and at the same time, his words directly revealed the background behind him.

"It turns out that you are the newly recruited apprentice of "Wan You Tian Luo"!"

Of course my wife Shiro Shino understands what the name "Wanyoutianluo" represents!

It can be said that the disciples of their sword and vine school, who are studying in Asterisk, almost always regard Jielong as their first choice.

Because there are many schools of kendo in it, it is the best place for them to hone themselves.

My wife Shiro Shino also said from the disciples who came to visit the main family during the New Year, how difficult it is to worship under the sect of "Wanyou Tianluo".

From it, I also learned how terrifying the control of "Wanyou Tianluo" over "Jielong" is.

For my wife Shiro Shino's guess, William just raised his brow lightly, and did not directly object to my wife Dai Shino's guess.

Although he didn't form the name of mentor and apprentice with Fan Xinglu, Fan Xinglu's help to him was not small.

So it doesn't matter to him to recognize the name of another apprentice at this moment.

The most important thing is that there is still room for explanation.

"You also have a good understanding of Qi Lin's character, although living alone is just like what you said, it's not a problem!"

"But if you want to win the Xingwu Festival, it's not that simple!"

"Wanglong Xingwu Festival, which emphasizes personal strength, with Kirin's strength, it is simply impossible to win now."

"In addition, there is the "Lone Poison Witch" who debuted a few years ago and whose strength is unfathomable."

"To be honest, even after Qi Lin grows up, I don't have any confidence in Qi Lin's ability to defeat that witch."

"Although the uncertainty of the 'Griffon Star Martial Arts Festival' is very high, it has been dominated by the 'Saint Galedo Vas Academy' for the past few years, and the possibility of winning is also very low."

"Besides, this at least requires a relatively balanced team. It's too difficult for the shy Kirin to get all the players together."

"So you put your target on me. As long as I team up with Kirin, there is still a great possibility of winning in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" where there is no strong opponent, right?"

William's fingers tapped on the wooden tabletop, and the crisp sound was like the sound of rainwater hitting the ground.

"That's right, and Kirin also seems to have a good impression of you!"

"If you say it, Qi Lin won't be disgusted either!"

"In addition, "Kailong" is also a very suitable school for swordsmen like Kirin."

"That's why I chose you to take care of Qi Lin."

"What about the reward!"

William put away his fingers tapping the table, took a sip of warm tea, and waited for my wife Daishino's bid.

In fact, my wife Dai Shino didn't mention any conditions at all, except for participating in the "Phoenix Star Warrior Festival" with Kirin.

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